In the early morning, the warm sun shines on the body, and it feels warm.

Sitting on the wooden board next to the mast with the old lady, and chatting for a while, Lin Nan was afraid, this woman was crazy, and she was still worried that she would get pregnant.

How is this possible?

Haven't you taken safety measures every time you are with her?

"What if, one day, you go mad—" The old lady said to Lin Nan with great resentment.

"It's impossible to go off the rails – I'm steady. Ahem-" Lin Nan coughed dryly and said very embarrassedly.

"Lin Nan, I want to give you a child-I've lived so long and I've never had a baby, and Aina also told me that she wants to have a younger brother or sister-"

The old lady's beautiful eyes flowed, fixed on Lin Nan's side face, and said seriously.


Hearing this, Lin Nan's head shook like a tumbler that had fast-forwarded a hundredfold, this birth is not a trivial matter, but a big thing.

"Okay, don't say anything, I'll help you up, I've prepared pancakes for you, it's 243 with barbecue filling, eat more meat - make up for it, after all, you were tired last night. "

Lin Nan grabbed the old lady's hand and gently helped her up.

The old lady sighed and didn't say anything more, but Lin Nan's words hit her heart, at least this man would care about herself. Her heart was as sweet as honey.

When Lin Nan was helping the old lady to walk, he noticed that the old lady was not good at walking, and there seemed to be signs of bumps.

Lin Nan felt uncomfortable in his heart, he really didn't mean it last night.

It's hard for others to even walk—


Sins, sins, sins—

Helping her down from the high mast, Lin Nan asked with a complicated face, "Does it really hurt?"

"What do you say, of course it hurts!Who told you to use so much force-you think it's a hornet's nest!" The old lady glanced at Lin Nan and said angrily.

"Uh-okay, I'll try to be as light as possible in the future-" Lin Nan scratched her hair embarrassedly, and then carefully took the old lady's hand and walked to her room: "Don't help today, the things in the store, they are enough to have Eagle Eye, you have a good rest, I'll bring you some pancakes and soy milk in a while." "

The old lady sat on the chuang couch of the rou and nodded to Lin Nan.

"Lin Nan, you're so good to me—why don't you do it again?"

The old lady Mei smiled.

Hearing this, Lin Nan's face instantly darkened: "Don't say anything, you can rest——"

Lin Nan said, slammed the door and walked out-

This old goblin is also a little too scary, and it is swollen underneath, and I still think

Lin Nan naturally won't do what she wants, even if she wants, she won't allow it, after all, the old lady still has some weight in her heart.

Pure p-friend? That's not it.

Soon, Lin Nan was holding a pancake and a cup of soy milk on a wooden table in front of Huang's couch.

After that, he hurried out of the room, because there were guests outside.

Karp and Shanks.

They will all stay in the capital of the seven waters recently, and the renovation of the ship is still in progress.

Therefore, it is natural to eat at the seafood restaurant every day.

"Lin Nan boy, what did you eat today?"

Karp shook his cloak and sat casually down on an empty table.

"God-grade pancakes and freshly ground soy milk. "

Lin Nan smiled and introduced Karp.

"Get me one!" Karp nodded.

"I'll have a copy too. Shanks deliberately sat at Cap's table, facing him.

"Do you want to be ashamed, can you not sit at my table?" Karp frowned, and said disgruntled to Shanks at the same table.

"It's not your house, you can sit wherever I want, can you take care of it?" Shanks said angrily.

"Boring!" Karp crossed his arms and spun, not looking at Shanks' smiling face again.

Soon, Lin Nan came to Karp's table with two pancakes and two servings of soy milk, Karp and Shanks were not polite, they picked up the fragrant pancakes with their hands and ate them in a big gulp, and then took a sip of soy milk, the taste was beautiful, both of them closed their eyes in unison, silently enjoying the crispy fragrance of the pancakes-

"Old man Karp, after breakfast, let's fulfill the agreement and go down to teach me boxing techniques in a while. "

Lin Nan came to Karp's side and reminded in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I'll create a set of exercises that suit you based on your foundation!" Karp swallowed the pancake in his mouth, and then said, "Bring me another pancake." "

"No problem. "

Lin Nan nodded, and said to Jinping beside him, "Jinping will go to the kitchen to get a piece of pancake again." "

"Understood. Jinping understood, and immediately went back to the kitchen to get the pancakes.

"Hey, I said Karp, you want to teach him boxing?" Shanks ate the pancakes, slightly stunned, he was not a fool, he could naturally understand what Karp was talking about.

"What the hell is going on with you?"

Karp said coldly.

"It's none of my business, I'm just curious that you, as a Navy man, would want to teach a restaurant owner who is neither a Navy nor a pirate. "

Shanks sneered, "Did you have any improper deeds before?"

"Nothing!" Karp looked at him and quickly waved his hand.

"I think you must have a ghost in your heart!"

Shanks looked at Karp's old face with burning eyes.

Karp said no more to Shanks' words, and after eating another pancake from Shihei, he got up from his wooden table and strode down the boat.

Without looking back, he said, "Come on, boy, let me see the basics of your boxing skills." "

"Understood. Lin Nan nodded, and couldn't help but be excited.

Karp walked fast and got off the boat in a few clicks, and Lin Nan, who had taken off his apron, was about to go down, but found that his clothes were pulled by someone.

He turned to look at the person who was grabbing his clothes, and asked puzzledly, "I said, big brother, what are you doing here?"

"Tell me, what's the agreement between you and Karp?"

He couldn't get any information from Karp's mouth, so he could only retreat and try to get some news from Lin Nan's mouth.

"It's very simple, he taught me boxing, and I satisfied his stomach - no money. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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