Lin Nan said, one foot had already stepped out.


Shanks's voice came from behind again, and Lin Nan couldn't help but stop and asked puzzledly, "What do you want to do?"

"Forget it—let's go!"

Shanks swallowed a mouthful of saliva, listening to what Lin Nan said just now, he was a little moved, this transaction is sure to make a profit! The food here is so delicious, if you can eat it for free every day, it would be the best.

He just wanted to stop Lin Nan and talk to him, but when he thought that he had broken a hand, there was nothing else to teach him, in terms of swordsmanship-if he could learn Hawkeye Mihawk's skills, it would be very good! His swordsmanship and swordsmanship skills are similar to Mihawk, and the reason why he is more powerful than Hawkeye is because his comprehension is deeper and his domineering use is more pure!

That's why Hawkeye Mihawk has never been able to beat himself.

After thinking about it, Shanks felt that there was an eagle eye by Lin Nan's side, and he believed that it would not be long before Lin Nan would become a qualified swordsman.

In addition, whether he can become a powerful swordsman depends on his own talent, his personal comprehension and acquired efforts!

"Uhhh Lin Nan said, instructed Shanks, and then ran down quickly.

Karp is still waiting for himself below.

Karp stood in front of Lin Nan, he stood with his hands in his hands, and said lightly: "Come on, I'll find out your foundation first." "

"Hit me. "

Karp said lightly.

"Hit you?" Lin Nan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Well, hit me, punch me, punch me with what you think you're the best punch you have!"

Karp repeated.

That's too shameless to ask, isn't it? In that case, then I'll fulfill you.

As soon as his heart moved, Lin Nan clenched his fists, now Lin Nan didn't have any fruit ability in his body, he gritted his teeth, exerted force from his waist, and a very ordinary straight punch slammed out!


However, at the moment when Lin Nan's punch was blasted, his eyelids jumped suddenly, because he found that Karp had made a move at this time.

The moment he raised his fist, Lin Nan's face turned green.

Karp threw his punches so quickly that even if he was faster than him, he was able to come first and hit his fist right in the air.

Don't bring this!?

Didn't he keep telling himself to hit him? How could he strike!


While Lin Nan was secretly scolding in his heart, there was an unprecedented sharp pain in his hands, and his face turned green.

Lin Nan noticed that Karp's punch was also very ordinary, there was no sign of metallic black on his wrist, he didn't use the armed color, if he used domineering, he wouldn't have to be crippled by him?

The fists collided, Lin Nan suddenly withdrew his hand, kept blowing the red and swollen marks on his fist, and scolded unambiguously: "You foul!"

"What did I do? It's not a game! I told you to hit me, but I didn't say I couldn't fight back?" Karp grinned, revealing rows of neat, white teeth.

"Boy, you're already very good, I used thirty percent of my strength to collide with your fist, and you didn't have anything to do at all. Karp nodded in satisfaction.

"Sancheng?" the corners of Lin Nan's mouth twitched?

Karp only used 30% of that punch just now, and he didn't use domineering yet!

However, his hand was swollen to the point where it could not be seen.

This old monster!

Tekken Karp really lives up to his name!

"You don't have the ability to use the fruit, and your hands are only slightly red and swollen, which is already very good!" Karp nodded solemnly. Then, he said, "You don't usually train less, right?"

"That's nature. Lin Nan endured the pain in his hands and responded.

There is no shortage of training, and the food he usually eats also has the effect of enhancing strength and body function, although the effect is not particularly significant, but the results accumulated little by little are still a little obvious.

"Are you scared?"

A smile tugged at the corners of Karp's mouth.

"You're abusing! You're not teaching me!" Lin Nan opened his throat and yelled dissatisfiedly.

"Do you know what people call me out there?"

Karp chuckled.

"Stinky old man, or dead old man?" Lin Nan blinked and said.

"Get out!"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, Karp couldn't help but scold.

"They call me Iron Fist, since you want to learn boxing from me, I naturally won't hide it, just your thin-skinned hands, I'm afraid you won't be able to become an Iron Fist in your life, right?" Karp sneered: "Yes, if you don't want to learn, just go, I didn't force you to learn, you can't bear this hardship, what else do you want to learn?"


Karp's eyes flickered, and a punch slammed out.


As Karp spoke, Lin Nan, who was not to be outdone, clenched his fist that had been beaten red and swollen by Karp just now, and swung it at Karp violently.

The two fists collided again.

Whoosh –

Lin Nan's face was pale, and the redness and swelling on his hands showed signs of cracking.

He bit again, not to punch Karp.


Time passed minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, it was almost noon.

Karp was still standing where he was, smiling lightly as he looked at the young man standing five meters away from him.

The man's hair was covered with sweat, and when he looked down, he could see that the man's hands were as huge as if they were wearing red fists.

That's not the ability of Luffy's rubber fruit to swell - it's swollen -

"Hey, boy Lin Nan, are you hungry?"

Karp asked, touching his belly with an uncomfortable expression.

"Forget it, looking at you like this, you don't plan to have lunch, right? In this way, I'll give you one last chance, and I'll allow you to use the fruit ability - if you're domineering, just come!"

"The last punch, the fight is over, eat - I'm hungry!"

Karp swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said to Lin Nan, who was angry over there.

"The last punch?"

There was a sinister smile on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth, in the three hours just now, he was overwhelmed by Karp, and his two hands were almost useless.

Since Karp has spoken, he has to smash the field back!

Lin Nan took out a piece of red and green steamed bun from his body and swallowed it in one bite.

Suddenly, Lin Nan's skin appeared metallic red, and white steam was emitting from all over his body.

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