Shanks's voice came, Lin Nan raised his eyes, and at a glance saw the famous knife falling from the sky!


The slightly curved hilt of the famous sword sank deep into the sand.

"Boss Lin, at such an important moment, how can you miss your partner?"

Thinking back to Shanks throwing down his famous knife and saying the words, the corners of Lin Nan's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

"Is that my partner too?"

In the dark night, Lin Nan's gaze fell on the hilt of the knife beside him that emitted a slight light, and the sharp long knife was so sharp and noble that it could shine in the night.

"Just by using this sword, you don't want to think about defeating me. Hawkeye Mihawk raised the black knife in his hand, even if he knew that Lin Nan had made progress in these days, he was confident enough to fight against Lin Nan.

"Of course. "

With that, a light breeze rolled around Lin Nan.

At night, both of them will have a lower line of sight, which greatly increases the difficulty of the competition.

"Haha, let's get started!"

The black knife rotated in Hawkeye Mihawk's hand, and when the black knife was swung in the night, a faint shadow appeared.

Lin Nan looked at the famous knife beside him, he didn't take it with his hands, and soon he withdrew his gaze.

"It's coming!"

Hawkeye Mihawk shouted, made a decision immediately, and waved at Lin Nan casually.

This is just the beginning, and Hawkeye Mihawk is not afraid that Lin Nan will be injured, he clearly knows that Lin Nan can easily dodge this blow, even if he doesn't dodge, he won't be hit.

Whoosh –

Lin Nan's mind moved, and his body instantly became elemental.

The dark green slash, impartial, directly passed through Lin Nan's phantom.

"Wandering winds!"

The transparent, wind-colored dragon rushed towards Hawkeye Mihawk with a fierce momentum.

"This trick again, it's useless!"

Hawkeye Mihawk looked overwhelmed, stood up straight, and swung his sword vigorously at the rapidly attacking Phantom Dragon.


Merry was directly crushed by Hawkeye Mihawk's slash.

Whoosh –

However, at this moment, Hawkeye Mihawk's brow twitched slightly, and he caught the breath of the wind.

Suddenly, he reached for the cross pendant around his neck with his left hand, and drew a sword from it.

"Thorn Wind Break!"

The short sword, which didn't seem to have a trace of ability, easily broke through the wind fist that Lin Nan tried to sneak attack.

The moment Lin Nan used the Wandering Wind, he immediately floated to Hawkeye Mihawk's side, using seamless attacks to harass Mihawk. But Mihawk's appearance is naturally not vegetarian, and he can sense even the slightest sound.

Especially the breath of people!

The two jumped away together.


The moment Hawkeye Mihawk was beating, he didn't give Lin Nan a chance to be angry at all.

Whoosh –

Once again, Lin Nan's body is elementalized.

"Wind Edgeworth!"

In an instant, a little white light emanated from Lin Nan's body, and countless long swords formed by the wind stabbed at Hawkeye Mihawk.

This move, he is the trick of the yellow ape that he imitated, the eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade-

His flash fruit can use the beam of light to form a small attack like a rain sword falling down, and it is impermeable to the wind, naturally, Lin Nan can also use the wind flow to form a sky full of wind sword!

"Black Knife Slash Dance!"

In the face of Lin Nan's violent attack, Hawkeye Mihawk also used the latest research and development skills.

Chop Dance!

Gripping the Black Sword Night with both hands, he slashes at the Wind Edgeworth in one direction at a high speed.

Miraculously, Hawkeye Mihawk's high-speed slash did not cut a kilometer away, but stayed less than two meters in front of him.

Slash after slash!

Like a storm, it doesn't stop!

The green slashes he made with each slash stayed in front of him, and the more slashes he slashed, naturally formed one deep barrier after another!

And Lin Nan's countless swords formed by the wind slammed into the defensive layer of Hawkeye Mihawk's slashing with a brush, shooting indiscriminately!

An unprecedented smile appeared at the corner of Lin Nan's mouth, and then his eyes aimed at the famous knife that was still stuck in the ground not far from his side.

Whoosh –

He manipulated a wisp of his mind to gently hold up the famous knife, and then, Lin Nan rushed towards Hawkeye Mihawk first.


"Armor of the Wind God!"

This is a layer of defense that Hawkeye Mihawk's slash can't shake!

Able to resist Hawkeye Mihawk for a full twenty slashes!

The reason why Lin Nan is using this move now is not to be able to get close to Hawkeye Mihawk, but to feint!

Lin Nan's determination to defeat Hawkeye Mihawk is very resolute!

Victory is inevitable today!

"It's another trick!"

Hawkeye Mihawk has always been very calm, but now when he saw Lin Nan use this move, he gasped.

That Wind God's armor can't be broken at all!

But the matter has come to this, and Hawkeye Mihawk can only harden his head and Lin Nan!




In just half a second, Hawkeye Mihawk slashed three times, and the three green slashes mixed together, rain or shine, slammed into Lin Nan's Wind God Armor.


The slash was scattered, and the armor of the wind god was not damaged in the slightest, and Lin Nan's speed suddenly skyrocketed.

Wind Fist!

A scene, fleeting, Lin Nan came to Hawkeye Mihawk in the blink of an eye, and punched out!

Whoosh –

A trace of cold sweat overflowed from Hawkeye's forehead, this guy was even more powerful than he was a few months ago, and his speed was so fast that he didn't have time to deal with it!

However, he was able to dodge it easily.

However, in the next moment, Hawkeye Mihawk had no movement, the wind fist stagnated on Hawkeye Mihawk's face, and a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth.

And Hawkeye Mihawk had time to dodge Lin Nan's punch just now, and the reason why he gave up resistance was because he felt a trace of cool air coming from behind, so he gave up.

"What? Why don't you hide?"

Lin Nan's wind punch was just right, and it didn't hit Hawkeye Mihawk in the face.

"I didn't expect that in just a few months, your strength could reach such a point, I lost, I really lost this time. "

An unprecedented look of shame appeared on Hawkeye Mihawk's face, and his eyes stared at Lin Nan's slowly withdrawn fist without blinking.

Camera Rotation –

You'll find a famous knife behind Hawkeye Mihawk behind him!

No one is sure!, and the tip of the sword is pointed directly at Hawkeye Mihawk's back!

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