As if he had a spirit, the famous knife secretly came behind Hawkeye Mihawk, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Hawkeye Mihawk's back, and the sharp, flashing sword light was less than three centimeters away from Hawkeye Mihawk's back.

If Hawkeye Mihawk had dodged Lin Nan's wind punch just now, he would probably have been injured as a result.

That's why he gave up resistance.

Seeing and hearing the domineering can be predicted!

But at that moment just now, Hawkeye Mihawk's attention was all on Lin Nan's Wind God Armor, so he didn't perceive the sword behind him-

Besides, the sword was originally a dead thing, without any breath—

Therefore, when I was paying full attention to Lin Nan, I couldn't feel the faint sound in my back.


Maybe it's not enough, it's Lin Nan's own strength and his combat experience that really reach an outstanding existence.

The famous knife fell directly to the ground without the support of the wind, and Lin Nan also dispersed the armor of the wind god around him, smiled, and took the initiative to stretch out his palm to Hawkeye Mihawk: "Thank you, Hawkeye Mihawk." "

Thank you –

Lin Nan had a trace of unprecedented sincerity in his eyes, these days, if it wasn't for Mihawk's company, how could he become so strong in a short period of time?

Without him, there would be no place for me today!

If one of the two people of equal strength improves.

When you compete, the winner will be known quickly.

A little gap should not be underestimated!

It's been almost a year, and Lin Nan finally defeated Hawkeye Mihawk, which is not easy for Lin Nan.

[Mission, defeat the strongest crew on the ship, the mission is completed, and you will gain 20,000 experience points. 】

[Current Level: Level 1 (50000/100000)]

[New quest released, win the favor of the empress!Quest reward: 30,000 experience points!]

Listening to the cold voice of the system in his mind, Lin Nan nodded secretly, the task of defeating Hawkeye Mihawk had dragged on for too long, and when he was sighing, another paragraph came to his mind, and when he heard the content of the new mission, Lin Nan's eyes widened.

"Thank me for what I do, it's all your personal effort. "

Hawkeye Mihawk shrugged his shoulders and shook Lin Nan's hand briefly, and then, his face changed, and he found that Lin Nan was actually stupidly lying in place.

A face full of surprise.

"What are you doing?"

The corners of Hawkeye's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but ask.

Could it be that he did everything he could to defeat himself just now, and he had sequelae?

Wouldn't it-

"Damn! aren't you playing with me?"

Hawkeye Mihawk quietly observed Lin Nan's face, however, Lin Nan came out coldly, which startled Mihawk.

Lin Nan didn't realize that Hawkeye Mihawk was still by his side when he burst into foul language, and when he reacted, he couldn't help but smile at Hawkeye Mihawk and said, "No-I didn't say you, cough cough, that brother, if it's okay, let's go back to the boat and rest first-"

"Lin Nan, are you okay?" asked Hawkeye Mihawk worriedly.

"Of course no problem - how could I have a problem. Do you think there's something wrong with my brain?" Lin Nan rolled his eyes.

"I'm just kindly asking you - who cares about you!"

Hawkeye Mihawk thrust the black knife in his hand into the scabbard, turned and strode away—

It didn't take long for Shanks's figure to also appear in Lin Nan's sight, the stubble on his chin was very eye-catching, he walked to less than two meters in front of Lin Nan, slowly squatted down, picked up the famous knife on the ground, and gently wiped the sand and stone on it: "I didn't expect your kid to be able to defeat Hawkeye Mihawk, it's not easy!"

"Where, where, thanks to your famous sword!"

Lin Nan nodded at Shanks and said with a smile.

"A famous knife is just a famous knife, he's just a weapon—"

Shanks looked at the famous knife in his hand, and said seriously: "I think it also reflects its value in you, Lin Nan, I will leave tomorrow, I hope that next time we can meet in the new world, will your restaurant open to the new world?"

Will your restaurant open to the New World?

With Shanks' words in mind, the corners of Lin Nan's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

"Absolutely. "

The language is clean and simple.

The sign of a restaurant on the sea will be famous throughout the world of pirates. This is Lin Nan's dream.

"That's good, I'll wait for you. "

Shanks said, put down the famous knife in his hand, and then turned and strode away.

Lin Nan watched the back of Shanks leaving, and a trace of water couldn't help but appear in his eyes.

Karp is gone—

Now Shanks is gone, too—

Everyone will meet in the restaurant every day, and Lin Nan also enjoys their daily quarrels very much, and now they are suddenly leaving one by one, to be honest, Lin Nan is still reluctant.

If you stay with a woman for a long time, you will inevitably have love-

If you stay with a man for a long time, friendship will inevitably arise -

Human beings are like this, it's not that Lin Nan is too emotional, but the true feelings of human nature-

Lin Nan never thought that one day it would come to this world and then meet so many people he once 'knew'!

Parting is inevitable, but I hope the time to meet again can be earlier-

Then everyone can get back together again.

Shaking his head, Lin Nan retracted his gaze, returned to the sea restaurant alone, bought a few bottles of beer from the system space, and sat on the bow of the boat to drink alone.

Lin Nan didn't expect that so soon, a new task would come again.

And it's a mission that's too—it's so weird!

Is it to win the favor of the empress?

Could it be that Hancock on Nine Snake Island?

This is a bit difficult, the capital of the seven waters is still a long way from the Nine Snake Island, and in Lin Nan's understanding, Han Cook is an iceberg beauty!

Ahem –


Now that the task has been issued, I have to follow the meaning of the system anyway.

Let's set off tomorrow and rush to Nine Snake Island at full speed, but it seems that on the way to Nine Snake Island, we will pass through the Chambord Islands, right?


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