Speaking of which, this arrogant and iceberg-like chilling goddess has a sad side to her.

But why did the empress stationed on Nine Snake Island appear near the Chambord Islands?

Hancock's pirate ship is less than a kilometer off the coast of the Chambord Islands, what is she here for?

On the boat, a tall woman in a red robe and about 1.9 meters tall had beautiful eyes full of anger.

"Didn't the concubine body tell you that the concubine body would not do anything to the Seven Martial Seas? Go back, there is a limit to the concubine body's patience. "

Hancock stood on the deck of the pirate ship and said to the man in front of him with great dissatisfaction.

There was a small stool in front of Hancock, and a man sat on it, with his legs crossed, a calm smile flashing across his evil face, and he held a coffee cup with a lot of black coffee in the cup.

The man was dressed in a white suit, which was very reminiscent of a navy man.

And also the top elite of the Navy.

But he didn't have a cloak with the word justice on his back.

"Hancock, I'm just acting on orders, last time that guy from the Red Inu came to you, it seems that he also had a closed door, and we don't have time to talk to you, there has been a supernova in this sea recently, and he is also a sea thief with a bounty of 200 million, and the headquarters is busy in order to find out the location of that guy, besides, the things that the headquarters talked about with you, you really don't plan to take over?"

The man asked with a smile as he took a sip of his coffee.

"The sea thief with a bounty of 200 million has nothing to do with me, that's your business, and the other matter of the Seven Martial Seas, I don't have any interest at all, please go back!"

Hancock held his head high, revealing her white neck.

"The iceberg beauty is the iceberg beauty, my pheasant is not a talkative person, if you are really reluctant, I have to do things according to the law, after all, I am a navy, and it is my duty to obey the orders of my superiors. "

The pheasant said, gently put down the coffee cup in his hand, and slowly stood up.

"You want to do it?"

Hancock raised an eyebrow, and she laughed angrily.

"It's hard to talk about doing it, but maybe the headquarters will take some unnecessary measures - although I don't agree with this kind of tactics on the part of the headquarters, I can't stop it. Do what you want, Hancock!"

The pheasant shook his head, turned and strode away.

The pheasant didn't come by boat, he always acted alone, and although he was a Devil Fruit power, he had the ability to walk on the sea.

With each step, layers of thick layers of ice appear on the sea level.

Walking on the sea level, like walking on the ground, leisurely.

However, just as he was about to jump, his eyes flickered.

"Ice blades!"

As he spoke, the pheasant spat out a breath of cold air from his mouth, and soon the cold air formed an ice blade.

Armed with an ice blade, the pheasant did not make any aggressive moves.

"What are you afraid of?"

Hancock smiled slightly, when the pheasant was about to leave just now, she released a faint overlord color domineering, so that the pheasant experienced this breath in the next second, so he subconsciously used the ice blade move, just when he turned around, he saw Hancock and her two sisters with animal abilities, looking at him with a smile.

The pheasant smiled lightly: "Don't be afraid of anything, Hancock I put forward the conditions for you, you had better think about it." "

"Do you not understand what you are saying, or are you deaf? How many times do you want to say it to you?"

Hancock said coldly.

"Don't forget—your Nine Snake Island!"


As the two spoke, a huge black figure appeared in the sky, and everyone on the ship couldn't help but look up at the sky.

"Sister, that's—"

"Is that a boat?"

Hancock's two younger sisters were the first to raise their doubts.

And Han's beautiful eyes flashed, looking at the black shadow in the sky, his brows couldn't help but wrinkle together: "Concubine, is this a dream? How could the ship fall from the sky?"

"What's the situation?"

The pheasant's face became extremely complicated, and he looked at the big ship that was slowly descending in the sky in the sky. This scene is too weird to make people wonder where this suddenly appeared 'spaceship' came from.

"Left full rudder!"

Hancock was stunned for a few seconds, and soon realized that something was wrong, and she found that the position where the ship was about to land seemed to be on top of her head, and if the ship fell, she would not have to smash her pirate ship to the ground.


"Zuo Manrudder! Sisters, give me a little bit of movement!"

"Sister, I suspect that the people on that ship have bad intentions - it should be deliberate!

The ship was moving rapidly, and Hancock's sister looked at the huge black shadow in the sky with an angry face, and said word by word.

"The Nine Snake Pirates have never had any enemies!Who is going to target our Nine Snake Pirates!?"

Han Cook said with beautiful eyes, staring closely at the big ship above, and gritted his teeth.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, the spaceship fell from the sky, this is interesting. "

The pheasant did not rush to jump off the Hancock boat, he crossed his arms and watched this magical scene with great interest.

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