The pheasant muttered to himself, and then, seeing that the ship in the sky was about to fall into the sea, he urged Hancock, "Can you women hurry up? "


Hancock snorted coldly and responded.



As soon as Hancock's words fell, the spaceship in the sky just happened to be at this time, smashed into the sea, and the huge hull landed, slamming into the sea, and the surroundings suddenly seemed to encounter a super large wave, and the surrounding waves were splashed with a height of fifty meters.

Hancock's ship managed to dodge the strange 'spaceship', but the hull shook violently.

Moreover, tons of seawater were all smashed on Hancock's ship.

No one on the deck of the ship dodged this unexpected blow, and everyone was covered with the smell of seawater.

"Oh, sister, you're shi—"

"Go get me a piece of clothing!"

Hancock shouted angrily.


The younger sister answered, twisted the water snake's waist, and ran quickly to Hancock's room.

"The concubine wants to see where the ship is sacred!"

An uncontrollable look of anger flashed in Hancock's eyes.

"Alas—it's all said, tell you to hurry up! Now it's okay, everyone's bodies are beaten. "

The pheasant took off his white suit, revealing a bronzed tendon muscle, twisting the seawater on his clothes with his hands, and complained to the angry Hancock.

And Hancock's sister also took out the clean clothes at this time, and neatly draped them over Hancock.

Hancock was already dressed very thinly, and the cheongsam-style clothing not only made her slender and flawless big tui perfectly set off, but also showed the infinite Youhuo of her upper body, and now she was made by the sea, and her posture was completely revealed as if she was not wearing clothes.

After Hancock put on his clothes, his face was still as cold as a thousand years of ice, and the whining voice of the pheasant was unheard of by her, and her attention was all on the big ship next to her.

After a while, several voices of different ages and genders came from the ship.

"Brother Lin Nan, can you notify people in advance when you land—this sudden drop has made people panic!"

"I almost threw up the noodles I ate in the morning--it's a shame, I've never been seasick-what's wrong with today--vomit-"

"Lin Nan, how did you do it? I almost smashed on someone's boat!"

"Okay, okay, since everyone is fine, stop blaming Lin Nan - after all, it's not his fault. "

On the boat, you said a word, and I said a word, Lin Nan was extremely embarrassed to hear it.

He scratched his head embarrassedly, and said to everyone: "I was going to land the ship next to the ship below, but halfway down, I realized that the direction was wrong—it took me a lot of effort to get the ship flying just now, so I was a little overwhelmed—this is the first time, and the next time, I guarantee that this will not happen." After all, there is a first time for everything - who does things, the first time will not make a mistake!haha!"

"In addition, let's eat after a while, eat pasta at noon today, and let me know what you want to eat. "

Lin Nan waved the sweat on his forehead, and soon saw his daughter holding the kettle and came to his side.

"Dad, you're tired, drink water!"

Aina's little face was filled with an innocent smile, seeing her daughter so sensible, Lin Nan felt that her heart was about to melt, and then he leaned down and gently touched her daughter's yellowish hair, and said, "Thank you, Aina." "

"No thanks—"

Lin Nan picked up the water poured by her daughter and drank it in a big gulp, and the water poured by her daughter was sweet!

"Do you want Uncle Hawkeye to drink?"

Xiao Aina's gaze shifted to Hawkeye's face, which was staring dryly on the side, and shouted crisply.

Hearing Xiao Aina's voice, Hawkeye Mihawk couldn't help but raise a smile on his face and said, "Yes, of course you have to drink." "

"Aina, you see that your Uncle Hawkeye is so energetic and powerful in his speech, he is not thirsty at all, and there is no need to pour water for him. "

Lin Nan commanded.

"Oh, Uncle Hawkeye, are you thirsty?" asked Aina, her big eyes, and then again.

Seeing Lin Nan getting involved in this matter on the side, Hawkeye Mihawk rolled his eyes at Lin Nan again and again-

Lin Nan smiled and took care of it, and then, he suddenly remembered that there was a pirate ship next to him, and the person he was looking for was also on it.

However, just as Lin Nan was about to jump on the bow of the boat to observe the situation, a voice with anger and as beautiful as the chirping of a yellow bird came: "Who is on the boat! Do you know that you have caused trouble?"

It was different from the voice in Lin Nan's memory, but Lin Nan was still able to identify who the owner of the voice was from the cold timbre.

That's Boya Hancock, who is only 19 years old now!

But what does it mean to get into trouble? It seems that you haven't been in trouble at all, right?

"Lin Nan, this is something you made up yourself-you can figure it out yourself!"

Jinping spread his hands, revealing a helpless look.

Hawkeye Mihawk also shook his head at Lin Nan, and the meaning in his eyes was obvious, as if to say, I can't help you with anything-

"It's not a big deal to go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, look at the way you two are cowardly!"

Lin Nan rolled his eyes, said to the two of them with contempt, and then jumped on the bow of the boat with a slight jump.

As far as the eye can see—

See the scene in front of you.

A look of astonishment appeared on Lin Nan's face, and he asked puzzledly, "Hey—why does your boat seem to have a flood?"

As soon as Lin Nan said this, everyone on the boat clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.

It's so shameless!

It's so hateful!

When I did it myself, I pretended not to know anything!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Hancock had a bad temper, but now when he heard the words of the man on the boat next door, he was even more angry that the murder weapon fluctuated, and he wanted to tear Lin Nan's underbeaten face to pieces!

"You come down for me! The concubine will teach you a good lesson!"

Hancock crossed his willow waist and raised his head high, this action was a contempt for everyone!

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