You come down for me! The concubine wants to teach you a good lesson—

Hearing the words of the iceberg beauty below, Lin Nan couldn't help but have a stunned expression on her face, could this woman be caught in the door?

Just see yourself and want to clean yourself up?

This plot must have happened a little too fast, right?

Seeing that there were still slight water droplets on Hancock's Bozi, the water droplets flowed into a deep gouhe of Hancock very playfully.

Then he looked away, and saw that no one on the boat was as wet as if they had gone into the water.

Soon, Lin Nan reacted, could it be because the waves that splashed when he landed in his blind restaurant just now hit Hancock's boat?

After thinking about it, Lin Nan suddenly realized, no wonder Hancock was so angry.

"If you have something to say—"

Lin Nan sneered, rubbed his palms, and said embarrassedly.

"By the way, it's time for dinner now, are you interested in having a meal on the ship! This restaurant is near the Chambord Islands for the first time, and I will give you a discount, and an egg fried rice only costs five million baileys!"

Lin Nan grinned, revealing rows of white teeth, and greeted warmly.

"Five million Bailey?"

Hancock was just about to have a seizure, but then he heard this man say that his ship was a restaurant, and a serving of egg fried rice actually cost five million Baileys?

It's as if five million Baileys are nothing.

"Yes! Five million Baileys!"

Lin Nan said with a smile, and then, he looked at it in a daze, and then found that there was actually a man on Hancock's boat, and the smile on his face instantly converged, that man was-

At the same time, the pheasant, who has always liked to be alone on the Hancock ship, also noticed Lin Nan on the ship.

He held his chin in one hand, his expression suspicious.

And he also took out a newspaper from his pocket.

The moment Lin Nan recognized that guy as a pheasant, his face instantly collapsed, how could that guy be on Hancock's pirate ship?

That's weird, isn't it?

Seeing that he didn't seem to recognize his identity, he took out a newspaper from his body and looked at it carefully.

Lin Nan couldn't help but become nervous in his heart.

"Are you a fool to be a concubine? How can there be five million Bailey's egg fried rice in this world! You have committed a big lie in front of your concubine, damn it!"

Hancock frowned, and directly labeled Lin Nan a capital crime-

... Lin Nan was depressed in his heart, he finally rushed to the Chambord Islands from the Capital of Seven Waters in less than half a day, but now he encountered two troubles in a row!

The mission also requires you to win the favor of Hancock!

Do you still have a yarn?

That Hancock is also a psychopath, and he wants to kill people at every turn-

is still full of concubines, concubines are ghosts!

It doesn't matter if there's a Hancock, but there's an admiral on this ship!

"Wait. "

At this time, the pheasant who was reading the newspaper spoke, his eyes were shining, and he looked at Lin Nan's face tightly.

"Don't worry, Hancock, that guy is my prey. "

The pheasant waved his hand at Hancock and said with a smile on his face.

"Your prey?"

Hancock raised her eyebrows, she was now angry, she couldn't listen to Pheasant's words at all, she said desperately: "Pheasant, you want to go against the concubine, right? "

"Not necessarily, see for yourself. "

The pheasant froze the newspaper in his hand and threw it to Hancock: "But if you catch it, you won't see anything if it's broken." "

A strange look appeared in Hancock's eyes, she opened her mouth, and finally swallowed the words in her heart, and then reached out and steadily caught the frozen newspaper that the pheasant had thrown over.

After a few seconds passed, she raised her head suddenly, she looked at Lin Nan in the restaurant on the sea, and smiled, that smile was like a hundred flowers blooming, beautiful and incomprehensible-

Looking at the smile that suddenly appeared on Hancock's face, Lin Nan's heart throbbed slightly, it was really the empress, a smile was enough to charm all beings-

However, Lin Nan only admired Hancock this time, and was not completely fascinated by Hancock.

It was more of a curiosity about Hancock's smile.


Didn't she just now be so angry that she put the name of a capital crime on her head without her consent?

But why is she laughing now!

That's weird!

"Okay, this matter, the concubine body won't interfere, anyway, you're a dead end-"

Hancock smiled indifferently and strode away with his waist twisted.

"Sisters, prepare hot water for me, and the concubine is going to take a bath. "

Hancock pursed his thin lips lightly and ordered his subordinates.

"Yes, Sister-"

... As soon as Han Cook's words came out, Lin Nan understood why she was laughing just now, she should have seen her information from the newspaper, so she planned not to meddle in this matter and let the navy people deal with it. Save effort and trouble, why not?

Besides, there's another admiral here, and I'm afraid that guy won't be punished as he deserves?

"I heard you can defeat the yellow ape?"

Whoosh –

Suddenly, an arched ice bridge with the green pheasant as the starting point appeared in mid-air, and the end point of the bridge happened to be less than a meter in front of Lin Nan.

This is an icicle formed by the cold air that comes out of the pheasant's mouth.

Then one jumped onto the icicle and walked slowly towards Lin Nan.

The corners of Lin Nan's mouth twitched: "It's just luck." "

"This is not necessarily, the yellow ape is very troubled because of this matter, and insults the prestige of the admiral, every day he will call me to confide, let me help him find you, and then take you to meet him - I am not good friends with him, but since we are both in the navy, I will still do my best to help in official business." "

Layers of thin ice appeared on the pheasant's body, and the sky-high cold air made people's scalps numb.

This guy's ability is very terrifying, as long as he touches anything, he can freeze it.

Of course, it's not impossible to do it yourself.

A mere person with the ability to freeze fruits is still difficult for himself.

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