

At the restaurant, many people recognized the man walking on the ice bridge.

Hawkeye Mihawk clearly knows the strength of Pheasant Kuzan, and at the same time, Hawkeye Mihawk has a headache -

Secretly said, Lin Nan's luck has reached home, he just came to the Chambord Islands and met people from the navy, it doesn't matter if he meets people in the navy, the key is that this navy is still a big general!

Lin Nan couldn't escape now.

Last time, he defeated the yellow ape by luck.

This time - I'm afraid I'm out of luck, right?

"Hey, you two are here too?"

Soon, the pheasant jumped on top of the restaurant on the sea, and his eyes fell on even Hawkeye Mihawk.

"Passing by—"

"I've heard that the food in this restaurant tastes good - I came to see it. "

Hawkeye Mihawk and Jinping found an excuse to prevaricate very tacitly.

"Don't pretend, I've heard Karp say that the two of you are in the same group as this guy named Lin Nan, and the two of you are also on the wanted list, and the name of the Seven Martial Seas has been removed. "

The pheasant said lightly.

Even flat color 243 is difficult.

Hawkeye Mihawk's face was a little more normal, and the moment he decided to stay at the Blind Sea Restaurant, he guessed that something like this would happen.

No, to be precise, the moment Lin Nan became a 200 million bounty sea thief, he already knew that he would also be implicated.

"So, you're planning to wipe out the three of us today?"

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and asked softly.

"This-I'm going to think about it, if the three of you go together, it's not easy to deal with, this kind of thing that catches people, I've always disliked meddling, so I think it's better to leave. "

The pheasant scratched her hair, and then her eyes fell on a plaque on the ship, on which several large letters were clearly written: Blind Sea Restaurant.

Then, the pheasant came to Lin Nan with a full question, and he said, "You are Lin Nan's twin brother, right?

As soon as these words came out-

The faces of everyone on the ship changed.

Is Lin Nan your brother or your brother?

This pheasant is not a fool

Why would he ask such an idiotic question?

The corners of Lin Nan's mouth twitched, and he pointed to himself and said to the pheasant: "Do you think I am Lin Nan's brother or his brother?"

Lin Nan couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the pheasant's brain entered the sea water and had convulsions?

"I think you should be Lin Nan's younger brother" The pheasant thought for a while and said: "Your brother should be a sea thief with a bounty of 200 million, so it can be explained-I'm sorry, I misunderstood, Lin Nan's younger brother, I also know what you think in your heart, your two brothers should have a good relationship, so you want to take responsibility for that brother when you are a younger brother, right? But I still advise you not to meddle in your brother's affairs, otherwise both of you brothers will be arrested." "

When Lin Nan heard the pheasant's words, his face was extremely stunned. Be all abroad.

"What are you talking to yourself talking to yourself? Why do you think I'm not Lin Nan?"

"It's very simple, you're the owner of a restaurant, and you're not a pirate. The pheasant spread his hands and said as a matter of course: "Don't pretend, your brother Linnan's affairs, just put it aside, in addition, I'm also hungry, let's stay here to eat, what specialties do you have here?"

The pheasant was not polite, walked directly past Lin Nan, came directly to a table, and sat down in a puff.

"Why are you two stunned?" Then, the pheasant looked at Jinping and Mihawk who were standing on the side: "Although you are wanted, but now I don't want to arrest the two of you, if you two tell me where Lin Nan is now, maybe I can intercede for the two of you at the headquarters, after all, you have also helped the navy." "

No one on board responded to the pheasant.

Lin Nan was stunned in place, and finally figured out what was in the mind of the pheasant.

He said with a look of certainty that I am Lin Nan's twin brother - because his ship is not a pirate ship - but a restaurant!


Finally someone believes that they are not pirates!


Although he believes that he is not a pirate, he has mistaken his identity!

I also added a character casually!

Lin Nan's younger brother -

But it's okay to do this, the pheasant was misled by his own cleverness, and he didn't have to go to great lengths to compete with the pheasant-

However, Lin Nan believes that it will not be long before the pheasant will understand the mistake of his idea today.

Therefore, Lin Nan muttered in his heart - there will inevitably be a duel with the pheasant in the future.

"Well, I didn't expect that I couldn't hide it from you if I was so good at acting - but I still advise you, my brother Lin Nan is not so easy to deal with. He is even stronger now than when he defeated the Yellow Ape in Rogue Town before!"

Lin Nan will be wrong and say seriously.

The pheasant opened his eyes suddenly: "Did you just speak?"

Lin Nan rolled his eyes, he dared to say it in vain, this guy actually fell asleep just now?

Can you fall asleep while sitting?


"I said today's special meal is double pepper beef noodles!"

Lin Nan amplified his voice.

"Alright then—bring me this beef noodle with double peppers!"

The pheasant nodded, then closed its eyes and fell into a deep sleep once more.

Everyone on the boat looked at each other, and finally everyone moved their eyes to Lin Nan's face.

Lin Nan shook his head and motioned for everyone to keep quiet.

"Let's go prepare the noodles!"

Lin Nan said a word, and the white chef uniform on the ship strode into the kitchen.

Lin Nan had already made a plan in his heart, and the pheasant mistook himself for Lin Nan's younger brother, so he used this name to mix in the Chambord Islands!

Tomorrow's specialty, egg fried rice! One egg fried rice is 5 million Bailey!

Tianlong people's money is not earned, and it is not earned in vain!

At the same time, Lin Nan was thinking about Hancock in his mind, how could he win Hancock's favor!

That woman isn't that easy to get started with!

Shaking his head, Lin Nan began to cut the double pepper and beef. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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