In the face of Lin Nan's contempt, Hawkeye Mihawk was very angry, he waved the black knife in his hand again, this time, his gestures couldn't help but form a wave of qi around him, Lin Nan watched from the side and was surprised. Immediately, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, he didn't expect that his casual words would stimulate Hawkeye Mihawk's bloodiness, and with a swing of the knife, the mountains and rivers were turbulent, and the green slash shot along the ground like a laser scraping the ground, shooting towards the already dilapidated research institute gate in front of him.


The green slash has a huge power, and the mountain of this institute has been slashed by Hawkeye Mihawk no less than ten times before, although the first ten times have not been able to completely cut this snow-capped mountain, but this last time is like a finale blow, the entire mountain has been split alive, the mountain is separated, and the surrounding snow rolls down from the mountain like a rolling torrent.

The pass was slashed open, the ground shook, the mountain slowly parted, and a huge research institute appeared in front of everyone's eyes, but at this moment, the research institute had been destroyed to the point that it could not be seen.

In the exposed part, a huge power plant can be seen leaking, the hot equipment sizzling under the snow water, and the cooling device losing its performance at a rapid rate.

The researchers inside all looked at the blue sky above them in a daze, their eyes full of horror.

Why is the ceiling suddenly gone!

Before they had time to find out the truth, a purple mist floated overhead, and the purple mist covered the sky, all the researchers, after discovering this situation, hurriedly picked up the oxygen cylinder next to them and installed it for themselves, where did they not know what this purple mist was, staying here for a long time, they were not less tortured like this, everyone knew that this was one of Caesar's abilities, as long as it was a place shrouded in purple mist, it would lose oxygen, if it lost oxygen, a person's strength would be greatly reduced in such a situation, and if it stayed for a long time, it would suffocate to death。

"Everyone, put on oxygen suits!" I don't know who reminded me, and everyone moved.

Caesar is already mad today, and his research results have finally reached the final step, but when it comes to the critical step, it has been destroyed again and again.

He made a blood oath in his heart that he would kill the wreaking havoc!

With the help of his own ability, Caesar flew into the air, and his eyes were suddenly fixed on the three people not far away, and when he saw these three people, Caesar secretly felt that only two of these three people were very familiar, and they seemed to have seen them somewhere.

At first, Caesar was still aggressive, and he wanted to do a big job if he didn't recognize the situation, but as soon as he flew in front of the three of them, he hesitated, and his eyes fell on Lin Nan: "Who are you?"

[Ding, destroy Caesar's research institute, the mission has been completed, 20,000 experience points have been obtained, and the current host level is level 2 (60,000/200,000)]

At the same time that Caesar was talking to Lin Nan, there was a cold broadcast sound in his mind, the corners of his mouth habitually rose slightly, and a happy smile appeared on his face, he didn't expect this task to be completed so easily, his eyes fell in the direction of the research institute over there, looking at the miserable scene, he couldn't help but nodded, and then gave a thumbs up to Hawkeye Mihawk.

"Brother Dei, don't you see it! This snow-capped mountain has been split by you, and you have cut other people's research institutes into kennels! Sure enough, it is worthy of being the world's largest sword——"

"Give me a little more time, and I'll probably cut this island in half. Listening to Lin Nan's praise, Hawkeye Mihawk's heart couldn't help but drift a little, after all, the world's No. 1 swordsman who is high above also has vanity, and he is not a big man who does not eat fireworks in the world, and other people's praise is the best stimulant.

"But, forget it, why are you doing this, you want to split it in half? Isn't that full of food and panic?" Lin Nan rolled his eyes and said.

Luo was completely unable to talk on the side, an unknown passer-by Jia Yi, in just a few minutes, a good mountain, suddenly turned into a ruin, Luo was shocked into a cold sweat, and Caesar was looking for trouble and found it in front of him, these two bigwigs actually directly ignored people and chatted by themselves.

Sure enough, it's a big guy!

Gao! Luo secretly gave them a thumbs up in his heart.

"Hey, are you listening to me, I ask who you are!" Caesar sundulled as he tried his best to control his violent emotions and yelled at Lin Nan and Hawkeye Mihawk.

"You go aside. "

Lin Nan held back a glance at Caesar, who was floating in the sky like a demon and a monster, in Lin Nan's opinion, it seemed that he felt that it was superfluous to say a word to Caesar, and this kind of small role could not enter Lin Nan's eyes.

The task was accomplished, and he was in a good mood, so he didn't bother to talk to Caesar.

"A-a-cae-a-ca The speaker didn't care about the listener, Lin Nan's words came to Caesar's ears, with a thick contempt and contempt in it, how could Caesar stand this breath, he stretched out his hands, and a thick smoke suddenly burst out from the two huge cuffs, and when the smoke dispersed, the air around him also disappeared rapidly.

Law and Hawkeye Mihawk jerk jerked away when they realized something was wrong.

"This is not good, Lin Nandon't keep standing there. Hawkeye Mihawk stepped back, one hand covering his nose, his face turning iron-blue.

Hawkeye Mihawk kindly reminded him, but Mo Chen still stood in the same place as if he hadn't heard it at all.

"Brother Lin Nan—"

Luo was a little slower than Hawkeye Mihawk in terms of speed, and he also jumped next to Hawkeye Mihawk, looking at Lin Nan, who was already shrouded in poisonous gas, he screamed worriedly.

Some people may think that even if a person can't breathe in a place where there is no trace of oxygen, it will not be so uncomfortable that he can't fight hard, right? In fact, this is not the case, in the absence of oxygen, the human brain will not get oxygen, and there will be cerebral congestion, brain blockage, and even loss of strength and panic - in that case, there is no way to fight at all, only to be slaughtered by others.

"Forget it, don't call him, he should have a way to get out. "

Hawkeye Mihawk was still very worried about Lin Nan at first, for fear that he would suffer, but after Hawkeye Mihawk's eagle-like sharp gaze saw the scene inside through the fog, he couldn't help crying and laughing.

He found that Lin Nan actually had an armor of the Wind God around him, and the strong wind current blocked his body, blocking all the poisonous gases around him.

"This guy! Hawkeye Mihawk said angrily.

In the mist, Caesar let out his characteristic laugh: "Aren't you afraid of death, boy?

After Caesar finished speaking, a pair of eyes widened wider than brass bells, and he suddenly looked at them in disbelief. There seems to be something around that kid that keeps the poisonous gas out!


Lin Nan slowly raised his eyelids, glanced at Caesar who was extremely surprised in the sky, and then said with a gloomy face: "I told you just now, it's none of your business, tell you to go aside, but you just don't listen, don't blame me for being rude now, say, how do you want to die?"

"Bastard, do you know who I am? I'm a close confidant of Doflamingo, and even the Four Emperors Kaido have to look at me!"

Caesar realized at this moment that the guy in front of him was powerful, and he panicked in his heart. He tried to tell a trace of deeds to intimidate and intimidate the man in front of him.

Kaido looked at him because Kaido was using Caesar's talent to squeeze his fruits from under his talent - artificial fruits!

If Caesar hadn't had this ability, Kaido might not have taken him seriously at all.

"I didn't want to kill you, but now I've changed my mind!" a sneer appeared on Lin Nan's face.

The cold made this cold Iceland drop a lot of temperature again-

Even Caesar, who has never been afraid of the cold, couldn't help but snort-


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