But I've changed my mind now.

Lin Nan's body erupted with a strong killing intent in vain.

A small wind flow appeared in his right hand, and then he threw the swirling wind element in his hand.

Caesar was a spirit, and at the moment he sensed this danger, he suddenly pulled away, and soon, after he dodged, he found that the thing thrown by the guy actually exploded on the spot, and the place that exploded immediately after that, like a device that generated wind power, the strong wind swept around it, and all the poisonous gases around it were blown away in an instant.

Such a scene happened too quickly, and after discovering that all the poisonous gases around him were gone, Caesar suddenly understood what this kid wanted to do just now!

He just wants to blow the gas away!

I see!


Caesar pondered, and released another poisonous gas, a blowing wind struck, and a metallic red fist hit the tip of his nose, looking at this sudden fist, Caesar's eyes turned into cross-eyed.




The fist hit Caesar in the face, and Lin Nan ate a red-green steamed bun before he did it just now, and his whole body was metallic red, to put it bluntly, this is actually the ability of the whole body to transform into an armed color.

You have to use this ability to fight a natural system like Caesar, because it is very convenient.


Caesar's body flew upside down like a cannonball, and then fell deep into the snow, as for how deep it sank, Lin Nan didn't know.

After completing all this, Lin Nan returned to Hawkeye Mihawk and Lin Nan's side.

"Hey, Lin Nan, I didn't say you, you really seem to be a mistake! That guy didn't make any mistakes just now, right? I felt very painful just looking at that punch just now, he shouldn't have been killed by you?"

Hawkeye Mihawk said with a pout.

"Why do you look like a woman's mother-in-law? Just now, the kid named Luo next to you was punched by me, and you are afraid of this, are you me, or am I me? Lin Nan glared at Hawkeye Mihawk.

"Alright, it's almost time now, it's time to go back. "

Lin Nan said, a person walked in front first, and Hawkeye Mihawk hurriedly followed, he asked as he walked, "Hey, what are you going to eat at noon today?"

"It's okay to eat at noon. Lin Nanfeng responded lightly.

"Then you eat, I won't eat. "

Hawkeye Mihawk had a chill, and after walking for a while, he said, "Hey, remember, my two million Baileys, you have to give them to me in time!"

"Don't worry, isn't it two million Baileys!

Lin Nan walked in front, and without taking two steps, he suddenly turned around again, looked at Luo who was silently following behind, and said, "You are on the way with us?"

Luo was asked about this, and a trace of panic appeared in his eyes: "En-by the way." "

"Don't you see that there is only one boat two thousand meters ahead, and you are on the way with us? Are you kidding? Boy, tell me honestly, do you want to go with us?" Luo is only a thirteen or fourteen-year-old little ghost now, and his thoughts and emotions can easily be displayed on his face, and he can be seen at once.

"I-I had a ship when I came here before, but I was attacked by the Sea Kings on the way, and my ship has sunk-" Luo said with a hint of ruddy on his face.

"I know what you're paying attention to, let's say, where are you going next?" In the anime, Lin Nan still likes the character of Luo, but the embarrassing thing is that he traveled to this world, but what he saw Luo was what he looked like when he was a teenager, and it was good to be able to do him a favor, so he should have accumulated a virtue.

"I—I want revenge. "

Luo clenched his fists and said hatefully.

"But what does it have to do with me if you want to take revenge, you haven't answered my question yet, where are you going? After you say it, I might give you a ride! I won't tell you that my ship is still a restaurant on the sea, as long as you get on my ship, let alone send you to the place you want to go, and eat food on the ship that you have never eaten before!"

Lin Nan said enthusiastically.

"Really?" Luo's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that this evil sea thief Lin Nan was actually a kind-hearted person!

"Well, of course it's true, but there is a charge!" Lin Nan had a straight face.

Luo: "————"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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