"I'm sorry, Aina!"

"I'm sorry, little sister—"

"I was wrong!"

"I'm not talking nonsense anymore—"

"Please forgive me—"


Hundreds of navy officers bowed to the petite and innocent Aina and apologized to Karp's coercion.

And a smile of relief appeared on Aina's face: "Actually, don't say that my father is a sea thief in the future, we can still be friends." "

The little girl's words are very simple and simple, but they go deep into everyone's hearts.

The girl's words made hundreds of navies ashamed, and all of them bowed their heads.

"So, Aina, have you forgiven them?" Karp said to Aina, wiping the beard off his chin.

"Well, I've forgiven them, but I want you to have two servings of Daddy's fish ball soup here. Aina put her hands on her chin and said.

"But why?" Karp asked curiously as he listened to Aina's words, a hint of puzzlement flashed on his old face.

"Then Daddy will be able to make more money!" Aina's eyes widened, and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"————" Karp.

"————" the Navy.

The people next to him admired Aina, sure enough, there is a father and a daughter, this little guy doesn't have to do anything, he can subdue this group of navies in a few words, and even this Karp has been fooled.

Soon, the white fish ball soup was brought out, and Hai had been hungry for a long time, smelling the rich fragrance of the fish ball soup, they couldn't stand the hunger in their stomachs anymore, so they picked up chopsticks and rolled them up.

There are 50 tables at the Restaurant on the Sea.

Accommodating a hundred or so people is completely redundant, and there is no need to worry about not being able to sit down.

When you eat fish balls, you will make noisy sounds, such as the sound of chopsticks colliding with bowls, the gurgling sound when drinking soup, and the chirping sound made by eating fish balls.

In short, there are all kinds of voices, mixed together, and a gorgeous chapter is played.

"Looks like Karp trusts you. "

While they were all eating, Hawkeye Mihawk, who was free, came to the side of the boat and said to Lin Nan.

"I'm also surprised by this, maybe Karp is different from the average navy, and has the ability to see through the truth, but don't you think this is a good thing for us? It's better to have more friends than more enemies, and Karp is clearly on our side. Lin Nan looked at the direction of Karp, who was drinking the soup seriously, as he spoke.

"Yes, it's better to have one more friend than one more enemy. Hawkeye Mihawk nodded thoughtfully.

"However, if Karp's collusion with us is known by the Navy Government, he will not be able to escape, and he will definitely be treated as a traitor to the Navy. "

Lin Nan frowned and said with great concern.

"That's not easy, isn't he our friend, and if our friend is in trouble, will we sit idly by?" just like you did in Chambord when you came to save me—"

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at Lin Nan with deep meaning as he spoke, and when he looked at him like this, Lin Nan was uncomfortable, and only felt a chill down his spine: "Damn, don't look at me like that, I don't want to get into the base!

"Hey, Lin Nan, stop for me, first explain what you say to me clearly before leaving! Don't leave if you don't make it clear!" A trace of doubt appeared in Hawkeye Mihawk's eyes, and at the same time, he was still a little unhappy in his heart, this Lin Nan always said some inexplicable words, which made people scratch their heads every time.

"You can realize for yourselves—"

Lin Nan rolled his eyes and said.

Lin Nan changed his position, and this position was very safe from the hawk-eyed Mihawk who seemed to have a base complex, but at this time, an old man's voice came from beside him: "What's the matter?


After Karp ate, while eating doughnuts, he said to Lin Nan.

"Well, blow the cold wind. Lin Nan nodded.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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