Karp came to the front at this time, Lin Nan was a little surprised, and then he looked at Karp and asked, "Have you eaten?"

Karp ate the dessert donuts in his hand, and he nodded: "Eat well, I didn't expect to eat such delicious food every time I came to your restaurant." "

"It's delicious. Lin Nan looked into the distance, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"It would be nice if such a good cook were my personal chef, no need to talk about it, besides-you are wanted by us, you must also know, after all, you have poked such a big basket in the Chambord Islands, you are now a thorn in everyone's side, you have suffered a lot along the way, right?"

Karp tossed the last chunk of the doughnut into his mouth, then asked worriedly.

"Fortunately, the journey was relatively safe, and I didn't encounter any major difficulties, but, old man Karp, aren't you afraid that your cover-up of me will be revealed? A hint of complexity appeared on Lin Nan's face, and he looked at Karp in puzzlement.

"That's not a big deal, at most I'll just become a traitor to the navy and be arrested, it's not a big deal, besides, what you did in Rogue Town before, I can trust you, but the Chambord Islands, I can't believe you, Lin Nan, does Akainu's death really have nothing to do with you?" Karp frowned tightly and looked at Lin Nan seriously.

Karp mentioned this matter, Lin Nan suddenly fell silent, he said to be honest, he didn't know what the situation was at that time.

After the red dog stuck his venom on his body that day, he lay on the ground, and then Reilly appeared, and he left the scene, and he didn't know what happened later, that is to say, after Lin Nan left, the red dog was still good, but later the news of the death of the red dog came out, and at that time, Lin Nan was stupid.

However, his intuition told him that Akainu's death must have nothing to do with him-

At least, Lin Nan didn't see him die with his own eyes!

But it is not excluded that the venom is so deep that the Akainu was poisoned alive - this possibility will be very small.

After all, when he was leaving, he specially reminded them to send Akaiu to treatment as soon as possible, otherwise it would be too late-

But Akainu still died.

After he left, Lin Nan had no way of knowing what happened there.

Lin Nan told Karp everything he wanted to say, because in Lin Nan's opinion, Karp was a trustworthy person, and there was no risk at all in telling him these things.

After listening to Lin Nan's words, Karp showed a thoughtful expression on his old face, and he pondered for a moment and said, "But this matter doesn't seem to have nothing to do with you, right?"

"At that time, after he died, medical personnel found that his body was full of venom. After Karp finished speaking, he looked at Lin Nan's face seriously, as if he wanted to see some information from him: "I'm curious, where did the venom on his body come from?

"Did the result of the test be that the venom caused the death of the red dog?" Lin Nan raised his eyebrows, and his face changed drastically.

That seems a bit too much, right?

Could it be that his death really had something to do with him?

"That's right. Karp nodded: "Lin Nan, I Karp, this old man has few people in my life, you are a person I trust more, but if you are the murderer, I really can't accept it, I believe your words, but there is an exception to everything, will you admit that it was you who killed the red dog? If you deny it, I naturally won't say anything, but if you admit it, I also believe that you were forced to do it at that time, and I need you to give me a reply now." After all, the death of the admiral of the Navy Headquarters has been detained on your head, and you can't get rid of it if you want to, and now that I am in front of you, I hope you can confess to me. "

Lin Nan's face changed slightly, what does Karp mean by this?

Karp found that Lin Nan was silent, and he couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

Lin Nan took a deep breath, and then said: "I don't mean that, besides, I don't care if you believe it or not, what I said today is the truth, if the results of your navy test are not fake, then I have nothing to say, but I dare to guarantee that after that day, Akainu didn't die before I left - I've been thinking, maybe Akainu's death was really my doing." "

"So, you're admitting it, aren't you?"

The stone in Karp's heart finally fell, and he didn't misunderstand Lin Nan-

Dare to act - dare to admit!

But this has caused an uproar throughout the naval community, and it may be difficult for him to follow the road ahead.

Even if he, a vice admiral, doesn't arrest him, others will chase after Lin Nan like a mad dog.

"I'm sorry, old man Karp, please listen to what I said-whether this matter is my responsibility or not, I still have to pursue it, there are two people I have to find them, and then ask them to get to the bottom of it, because after I left, it was the two of them who left with Akainu, and if I want to admit it, I must first ask the two of them. "

Lin Nan's face was grim and said solemnly.

"Oh, are you suspecting that the two of them are doing something?" said Karp's eyes with a hint of surprise.

"That's right. Lin Nan nodded.

"So you came to Dressrosa to find Doflamingo?" Karp added.

"Well, isn't it?, is Doflamingo here?" Lin Nan hadn't reacted to the meaning of Karp's words at first, but now that he heard him talk about it, he immediately understood the meaning of it.

"Otherwise, where do you think he would be? You must think that Doflamingo went somewhere else after the last time he met you in the Chambord Islands? I received an informant saying that Doflamingo was doing something big in Dressrosa, so I came here, didn't you come here to find Doflamingo?" asked Karp, puzzled.

"This—but that guy is here in Dressrosa that would be great, I'm looking for him!"

Lin Nan secretly clenched his fists, the reason why he came to Dressrosa was just to see off Luo, and he didn't know that Doflamingo had returned here after the Chambord Islands incident.

"Haha, you kid is talking crazy! And his strength has skyrocketed, and he dares to single out the three of Akainu, Yellow Ape, and Doflamingo in the Chambord Islands! The terrible thing is that all three of them have beaten you up!"

Karp smiled, and then, a glimmer of light burst out of his eyes, and he punched Lin Nan in the midst of the electric light.

Seeing and hearing the domineering instantaneous, Lin Nan's eyes were over, and his right arm turned into a piece of black iron in an instant, and he also blasted towards Karp.


The two fists collided, and an invisible wave of qi swung violently.

"Good boy, the old man's iron fist of love has no effect on you! do you think the old man will be vulnerable in front of you?"

After a simple hand-to-hand fight, a faint smile appeared on Karp's face, and then he took a deep look at Lin Nan and scolded with a smile.

"Where, you are the master who taught me boxing, even if I can surpass you one day, I still remember your kindness to me. Lin Nan made a fist clenching gesture to Karp.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I still have to go and adjust the affairs of Doflamingo, I'll go first, besides, boy, you should be careful, after all, this is Doflamingo's territory, and the king of Riku has stepped down - now Doflamingo is the king here. Here's better if you're careful. After that, Jinping glanced at his subordinates who were still immersed in the infinite beauty brought by the fish ball soup.

All the Navy reluctantly got up from their stools, and then followed Karp, who had the cloak of justice.

Karp walked ahead, didn't take two steps, he stopped again, he glanced at Lin Nan, and then reminded: "By the way, maybe before you find Doflamingo, you will be approached by the yellow ape one step in advance, just in the sea area where I caught the pirates, I bumped into his warship over there, and the guy who flashed seemed to be very dissatisfied." "

"Thanks, old man Karp!"

The corners of Lin Nan's mouth rose slightly, a grateful smile appeared on his face, and he also waved at Karp.


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