It wasn't until he saw Karp leave that Lin Nan withdrew his gaze.

Karp's ship stopped next door to Lin Nan, and then, all of them went ashore, Lin Nan knew that their secret mission was to secretly reconcile Doflamingo's crimes, even if Doflamingo was the Seven Martial Seas, he couldn't commit crimes.

"Karp seems to have said a lot to you. Hawkeye Mihawk's voice came out cold.

"Yes, but I'm going to make it clear about the Akainu matter. Lin Nan secretly clenched his fists, and as soon as he thought of what Karp said before he left, the corners of Lin Nan's mouth rose uncontrollably, will the yellow ape come here?

"Daddy, Daddy, can we go down there today?"

Aina's soft voice came.

She had already noticed the appearance of Dressrosa on the ship, it was a large city, and the dense buildings gave it a sense of tallness, and Aina had been staring at it for a long time, and when she saw that her father was free, she asked in a low voice.

Her daughter's voice is very special, as long as her daughter speaks, Lin Nan will involuntarily ignore other voices.

He smiled and said, "Of course, after a while, Dad will take Aina to the main city of Dressrosa to play, and by the way, buy Aina a some beautiful clothes to make Aina look beautiful." "

"Well, thank you Dad, Dad remembered to buy me a dress!" Aina said with sparkling eyes and meticulousness.

"Aina's skirt is as many as she wants, Dad will buy it for you!" scratched the bridge of her daughter's little nose and said softly.

"Lin Nan, I'm afraid we won't be able to play. "

At this moment, Jinping's voice sounded with some trembling.

Everyone on the boat was stunned when they looked in the direction that Jinping was looking.

"Navy warship!" Tetsuo Redfoot was dumbfounded.

"How can there be so many warships coming and going in this place, and who is it this time?" said Jinping with a sad face.

"Lin Nan?" Hawkeye Mihawk looked at the situation over there with a solemn face, and then looked at Lin Nan, who was still tired of his daughter, and shouted.

"Isn't it the Navy? like none of you have ever seen it. Lin Nan rolled his eyes, then slowly stood up straight, and then listened to the eagle-eyed Miho beside him

"Eight, nine, ten. Lin Nan's eyes were firmly fixed on the naval warship that was speeding up approaching.

What Karp said to himself was almost not wrong, since the yellow ape was here, it was just right that he could talk to him about family life-Lin Nan had a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

On a Navy warship -

On the bow of the ship stood a bespectacled officer, he was wearing a plaid suit, if the elegant outfit showed the elegant taste of the whole person, but the eyes of this elegant man were full of anger.

"General Yellow Ape, that ship should be the ship of the sea thief Lin Nan, our guns have locked on that ship!"

A sailor came up to the yellow ape and saluted him.

"Then don't be stunned, shoot me. "

The yellow ape said indifferently, for him, it has no effect on whether Lin Nan's ship can be fired or not, and the reason why he ordered the cannon is just to give Lin Nan a dismount, and tell him in disguise that he can't run today!

This is from the resentment of the yellow ape.

"Yes! I'll give the order to fire. "

The sailor nodded, and ran back.

Lin Nan, who was in the restaurant on the sea, smiled: "The same way, can you change the opening routine?"

"They're going to open fire. Hawkeye Mihawk muttered in Lin Nan's ear.

"Then I'll leave it to you, by the way, and I'll trouble you to give them a dismount. "

Lin Nan patted Hawkeye Mihawk on the shoulder, took two steps back seriously, and said to him seriously.

"You-" Hawkeye Mihawk glared at Lin Nan fiercely when he heard this, but after seeing the hippie smiling face, Hawkeye Mihawk swallowed this breath again: "Forget it, I don't want to worry about you, don't blame me if something goes wrong in a while!"

"Well, I don't blame you!"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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