According to Lin Nan's meaning, Hawkeye Mihawk was ready to attack.

The black knife was like a spirit in his hand, and it made a sword roar, and suddenly a strong wind rolled up on the bow of the ship, and he held the sword in both hands, and slashed at the dozen or so cannonballs that roared ahead, and the green slash that could tear through the void turned into a dozen branches, cutting all the cannonballs that came from the roar one by one.

The shells lost their momentum and fell into the sea.

Puff puff puff –

Sound after sound.

"Report! General Yellow Ape, all our shells have been sunk, do you want to continue firing?"

A sailor, running all the way, came to the side of the yellow ape and asked cautiously.

"No, firing cannons won't help, our goal has been achieved. The yellow ape looked at the ship that was getting closer and closer to the warship, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, finally found this guy!

Squeak –

The yellow ape clenched his fists, he must repay the humiliation he had suffered a hundredfold!

"Speed up!"

The yellow ape's eyes flickered, and then he let out a loud shout, and the warship accelerated its speed in the next moment.

Lin Nan's blind sea restaurant is docked on the shore, even if he wants to escape, there is no way, besides, Lin Nan has no idea of escaping from here.

"It's getting closer. Hawkeye Mihawk glanced at Lin Nan, and then reminded.

"I'll get off the boat first, their main target is me. Lin Nan smiled, and then strode down to the sea restaurant.

"Daddy, where are you going?"

Just when Lin Nan was about to get off the boat, Aina's lovely voice came, and when she heard this, Lin Nan grinned: "Dad is going to deal with the bad guys, Dad will come back in a while, and when you come back, Dad will take you to the main town of Dressrosa to play, you must listen to Uncle Hawkeye when you stay on the boat." "

"Well, Dad quickly defeat all the bad guys, and then come back and take me to play, I'll wait for Dad. Aina nodded vigorously, and then said to Lin Nan.

When he got off the boat, Lin Nan couldn't help but look at Aina a few more times.

He was very glad that all these days those who wanted to kill him and arrest him did not extend their evil hand to their daughter.

"What if—"

After getting off the boat, Lin Nan muttered to himself: "If-that, it will be equivalent to touching my bottom line." Lin Nan had a very cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

The reason why Lin Nan got off the boat, the first reason was that he didn't want the people in the restaurant to be implicated, and the second was that he didn't want the restaurant to be damaged, dealing with it was not just a cannonball, the most powerful character to deal with was the yellow ape, his flash ability could easily destroy the restaurant's defense and sink the ship.

Therefore, for the sake of safety and insurance, Lin Nan came to this land.

And he stood in a very good position, without any cover.

"Report, General Yellow Ape, find a suspicious person - the person on the coast is the sea thief Lin Nan!"

Soon, Lin Nan's figure was discovered by the army, and he hurriedly reported the situation to the yellow ape.


The yellow ape had already noticed the figure on the shore, and that was Lin Nan, but what was he standing on the shore for?

The yellow ape frowned, and then said to his subordinates: "Come to the shore!"


After a while, the Yellow Ape's warship stopped next to the restaurant on the sea.

"Some of them went to the boat to have a look, and the others stayed on the boat for me, and I went down alone. The yellow ape glanced at the restaurant next door, and then gave the order.




The hundreds of meters of navy straightened their postures, saluted a military salute, and shouted loudly.

The faces of the people in the restaurant on the sea were not shocked after seeing a group of navies on board.

Those sailors came up just to take an occasion, after all, they didn't dare to move anyone on the ship, the captain of the Fishman Pirates and the world's number one swordsman were on this ship, so they didn't dare to act rashly at all.

"130 million Bailey's Hawkeye Mihawk is here, right?"

Now that he had come up, the sailor at the head of the group went on his official duties, and after some questioning, his eyes fell on the man holding his arms and wearing a hat, and found that the man had no intention of speaking, his breath was stagnant, and a trace of red couldn't help but appear on his face, and he coughed lightly: "In addition, the Jinping with a bounty of 80 million Bailey is also there, right?"

Jinping rolled his eyes when he heard this, he was happy in his heart, he didn't expect that he would also become a bounty criminal?

is worth 80 million!

However, his joy did not last long, and he thought that there was another 130 million Bailey beside him! Not only that, but there was also a sea thief with 450 million Bailey standing on the outer shore!

These two big brothers, he can't compare!

As soon as he thought of this, Jinping's mood that had just become active suddenly disappeared again.

"That's right, we're all here, shouldn't you be here for that or something?" Such a big warship appeared and docked next to it, Jinping thought that there would be one or two big guys on this ship, but he didn't expect that the people who came were just a group of shrimp soldiers and shrimp generals playing soy sauce, and Jinping became more confident in speaking.

Listening to the 80 million pirates talking to themselves, the seamen's mouths turned purple and began to tremble. He couldn't help but be distressed, why did the Yellow Ape General arrange this task for himself, although the sea thief Lin Nan was not on this ship, but there were two powerful characters on this ship!

"That's right—we're here to plan—" The sailor was speechless.

"You're here to eat fish ball soup, right? That's no problem, fish ball soup is our special meal here today, it tastes great, and we still use betta fish meat, you can imagine how this meat texture will feel to Shejian! Since you're here to eat, why don't you sit down first, what about this fish ball soup, one is 100,000 Baileys, for the sake of many of you, how about I give you a 20% discount?"

Jinping said enthusiastically.

As soon as Jinping's words came out, the navy was stupid, they were confused-)


We're here to eat? I'm afraid we don't have any of that, right? How could we be here to eat?

Get rid of it, big brother, are you mistaken!'

Not only was this group of navy stunned, but even Hawkeye Mihawk couldn't help but have a headache, he held his forehead with one hand, and his face was helpless, he didn't even want to see Jinping's figure now.

This guy is so humiliating -

"Why? Since you're here, aren't you going to eat something before leaving? This fish ball soup is delicious, if you don't believe me, you can go to the kitchen and take a look—go and smell it, I'm sure you'll be satisfied." ——"

Like a hospitable boss, Jinping vigorously introduces fish ball soup to them.

As he spoke, his gaze fell on Hawkeye Mihawk again, and he shouted, "Deputy—go and get ready—"

Hawkeye Mihawk suddenly raised a pair of murderous eyes, and glared at Jinping fiercely: "I'm going to go by yourself! I don't have time to play with you! Besides, I want to ask you, have you figured out the current situation?"

"What's going on?"

Jinping asked puzzled.


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