Hawkeye Mihawk didn't mention this matter, and the yellow ape almost forgot that Lin Nan was the boss.

Hawkeye Mihawk's character, he knows, Hawkeye Mihawk has a calm personality, he does his own thing, just because he is woken up from sleep, he will kill the pirate who woke him up, and although he occupies the strongest throne, he will never refuse the challenge of the challenger. But today, this fish ball soup was made by him, but he did not stop all the credit on himself, but said that this fish ball soup was taught to him by Lin Nan.

This made the yellow ape very surprised-

Hawkeye Mihawk's matter, he still knows a little bit, after all, he used to be the Seven Martial Seas! Now because of his collusion with the sea thief Lin Nan, his superiors have abolished his identity as the Seven Martial Seas, and the same Jinping title of the Seven Martial Seas has also been removed.

As a child, Mihawk had a stiff head and sharp eyes, and he had already honed his swordsmanship as a child – which is why he became the world's number one swordsman.

Young Hawkeye often fights with Redhead, and the battle between the two is described by Whitebeard as a wonderful battle "like yesterday". Later, the redhead lost an arm in the East China Sea, and Hawkeye didn't talk to the redhead anymore on the grounds that he was "not interested in fighting the person who lost his arm"-

After he didn't learn from the redhead, he actually chose to follow Lin Nan, which really makes people wonder why, but it was all Hawkeye's business, and the yellow ape didn't think about it, who knew what he was thinking when Hawkeye was willing to collude with Lin Nan?

"Not bad—" The yellow ape was surprised for a while, and then, he gave Lin Nan a thumbs up. This thumb is from the heart of the yellow ape.

It is already very rebellious to be able to cultivate the cooking skills of a generation of the world's No. 1 swordsmen like this.

"If that's good, then let's have another one, right?" a smile appeared on Lin Nan's face.

"No problem, then let's have another one, one is not enough at all!" the yellow ape smiled.

"General Yellow Ape, I have something I want to discuss with you. "

After hearing the words of the yellow ape wanting to have another copy, the few sailors at the tip of their ears came to their senses and said to the yellow ape busily.

The yellow ape raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

"I'd like another one—"

"I'm going to—"

"Me too—"

"And me—"



With one of the sailors taking the lead, the other sailors raised their hands one after another, like a group of students sitting in the classroom actively trying to answer questions, and the yellow ape was their teacher.


Yellow Ape didn't expect these guys to be so united, and he was suddenly speechless.

Lin Nan and Hawkeye Mihawk were secretly happy watching from the side, looking at the yellow ape's stupid speechless appearance, Lin Nan coughed lightly, and then fanned the flames on the side and said: "I heard that the yellow ape general is a person who loves talents and loves generals - he is usually very good to his subordinates!"

As soon as these words came out, the yellow ape's face changed drastically, it would not be a small amount if one person came again, but in the current situation, he couldn't shirk it-

This time, he didn't have much consumption fund to bring out, and it seems that he had to pay out of his own pocket and advance money!

Feeling Lin Nan's deliberate addition of oil and vinegar, the corners of the yellow ape's mouth twitched, and then said, "No problem-let's have another one for one person." "

"General Yellow Ape, you're so good!"

"It's really right to follow the Yellow Ape General-"

"Long live the Yellow Ape General!"

"General Yellow Ape, I love you!"

"General Yellow Ape, I want to give you life"


"Get out!" the yellow ape had bruises on his forehead.

Soon, Lin Nan and Hawkeye Mihawk went to the kitchen again to work-

I thought that the leftover betta meat in the kitchen would be enough to sell at night, but it was not yet dinner time, and almost all the betta meat was eaten by the guests who came here for lunch and half of the afternoon.

This is a good thing for restaurants.

Lin Nan didn't expect that on the first day he came to this Dressrosa, almost all the money he earned was from the navy.

That's pretty powerful—

After the Yellow Ape and the others were full, they paid the money and left satisfied.

Originally, the yellow ape was bent on arresting Lin Nan, after all, he had been haunted by this kid, after all, this was a matter of his admiral's face.

This stalk has always been indelible in his heart, maybe only when this kid is caught, the hurdle in his heart, he will step over.

Today he finally found the sea thief Lin Nan's ship, but soon he realized that this kid was powerful-

Moreover, he also listened to Lin Nan's words and ate a delicious fish ball soup on his boat, and his opinion of Lin Nan changed.

What happened in Rogue Town was really his own fault -

That time, I shot at others without asking, which is really wrong-

The reason why Lin Nan was forced to become a sea thief was himself, and that was the root part.

The hatred for Lin Nan before has now turned into guilt.

The yellow ape suddenly regretted it, regretting that he had ruined this young man's future-

This matter, the yellow ape has secretly written down, if he can help him in the future, he will definitely go all out.

Huang Ape couldn't help but despise himself fiercely in his heart, he might be a villain, he would reflect when he realized that others were strong and felt fear, he didn't analyze things so calmly at the beginning, he was only angry, only angry, and only thinking about revenge - of course, that was the idea he had when he thought Lin Nan was a small character.

In short, you have to be a good person in the future, and you can't just do it casually.

The yellow ape did not leave Dressrosa, and after listening to the information given by Lin Nan, he learned that Karp was also in Dressrosa and investigated some shady scenes in Dressrosa.

Since they're all here, let's support Karp here by the way, and it's never too late to finish this with him before leaving.

With this idea in mind, the yellow ape took his hundreds of subordinates and walked to the main city of Dressrosa. Look for Karp.

Lin Nan couldn't help but smile bitterly, it seemed that he had one less person to say, and that was Teng Hu smiled.

Vine Tiger, Karp, Yellow Ape –

These three people are all in Dressrosa, I wonder what will happen here?

Shaking his head, Lin Nan put away his thoughts, next, he had to fulfill the promise he made with his daughter, when he first arrived here, Aina said that he wanted to go to Dressrosa to play.

There is only one daughter, and the daughter can't be made to realize that this father is an incompetent father, and she must leave a good impression.

"Aina and I will go to the main city, buy something by the way, if you have anything you want, you can tell me, and I will buy it for you. "

Lin Nan picked up his daughter in a cute skirt and was about to set off, before leaving, he told the people on the boat what to do next, and asked them some personal matters.

Hearing Lin Nan's words, the old lady's eyes flowed, and then she said: "Lin Nan's junior brother 1, buy me some clothes, you should know the size of other people's clothes, and buy some underwear!"

A trace of cold sweat overflowed on Lin Nan's forehead, and then nodded: "No problem." "

"I don't want anything. Hawkeye Mihawk crossed his arms and said indifferently.

"I want a pair of shoes. Sanji said.

"I have a gem here—I want to trouble the boss and help me find a place to polish it, and I want a pendant—" The mermaid said shyly.

"Boss Lin Nan, can you help me buy a few more orange trees—" Nami said in a pleading tone.

After these people said what they wanted, the others did not speak, which means that they did not have what they wanted, after getting everyone's requests and requests, Lin Nan nodded, he wrote down all of them, and then took his daughter to the main city of Dressrosa.

After getting off the boat, Lin Nan found that walking like this was very slow, and in order to improve efficiency, he suddenly thought of an idea.

"Aina, do you want to fly over there directly?" Lin Nan squatted down, scraped the bridge of her daughter's little nose with her hand, and said affectionately.

"Well, of course I do! But Dad, how am I going to fly!"

Aina blinked her wide, jewel-like eyes in bewilderment.

"You will hold your father's hand for a while, and you won't be afraid to know whatever happens for a while?" Lin Nan said to her daughter.

"Well, Aina is not afraid. Aina nodded earnestly.

"That's good, take Daddy's hand. Lin Nan smiled softly at Aina, Aina's little hand as soft as a silk veil was on Lin Nan's hand, Lin Nan held her daughter's hand, and her heart was extremely comfortable.

He suddenly had unprecedented confidence at this moment-

All difficulties will not matter in front of you!

"Hold it, Dad is going to fly with Aina!"



Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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