As soon as Aina's voice sounded, both of her shoulders were grabbed by the invisible force of the wind, and soon her feet were off the ground.

The moment she saw her feet off the ground, her big eyes were full of surprise, and her little face flushed.

"Wow, Dad, I'm really flying!"

Aina exclaimed in surprise, and then she found that her father was gone, and the smile on her face suddenly disappeared, and she was extremely anxious: "Dad, where have you been?"


Just when Aina was anxious, Lin Nan's voice sounded behind Aina: "Dad is behind you, Aina, don't be afraid." "

"Great, I thought my dad was gone!"

A tear welled up in Aina's big eyes, and her face was full of smiles, but tears overflowed her eyes.

Lin Nan stepped on a powerful wind current, Lin Nan could freely manipulate this wind force, and the invisible claw hands on Aina's shoulders were Lin Nan's support for the flying geese.

When she came to Aina's side, Lin Nan found that Aina was actually crying, which made Lin Nan feel distressed for a while: "Silly child, didn't Dad just message for a few seconds, what are you crying about, Aina will grow up to be a peerless beauty, if she cries, it won't look good, listen to her father in the future, don't cry no matter what happens, you know?"

"Eun, Aina won't cry no matter what happens in the future. Aina wiped the tears from her face and said very stiffly.

"Okay, okay, Aina, look at the below—isn't it beautiful—Nan smiled, and as the height of the two people gradually increased, the line of sight became broader, and Lin Nan pointed to the scenery below and said to Aina.

Aina looked down and her eyes burst with intense surprise: "Wow!"

Lin Nan and Aina's current location, a large arena in Resrosa, Lin Nan knows this arena very well, here is usually a martial arts match of sword fighters, and occasionally a large game is held, because the content of the game is too bloody and violent, children are forbidden to watch, and there are toy soldiers called "Thunder Soldiers" outside the field.

It was owned by the Don Quixote family of Doflamingo, who enacted arbitrary laws that made it impossible for the navy and police to control even major crimes on the premises.

Players can choose the equipment they need in the battle preparation room, but if the equipment exceeds a certain weight, the management will persuade the players to remove the excess equipment until it meets the required standards. If a contestant violates the rules of the competition, such as a contestant fighting due to personal vendetta or making radical remarks before the start of the competition, he or she will be disqualified from the competition and forcibly removed from the arena.

The bronze statue with the inscription of the legendary swordsman "Cyrus" is placed here, and the pond near the arena is inhabited by schools of fierce betta fish, and if the players accidentally fall into the pool during the battle, they will be eliminated and will face the pursuit of the fighting fish.

And at that time, Doflamingo also took out the second captain of the late Whitebeard Pirates, the Fire Fist Ace Devil Fruit ability, "Burning Fruit", to attract all forces to participate in the competition, the number of participants was hundreds, and it was divided into four groups of ABCD, which was strange enough! Four of these four groups stood out to compete for the "Burning Fruit", and in the end, Sabo won the game by an overwhelming margin, dominated the arena to win the championship, and ate the "Burning Fruit"

His thoughts drifted a little farther away, and Lin Nan suddenly found that there was a very lively alley not far from the arena, and the first purpose of his visit was to take Aina to take a walk, and the other purpose was to buy things for everyone on the boat.

There should be many shops below, and as soon as his mind moved, Lin Nan flew down with Aina.


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