Big brother, you don't want to snatch the chicken leg from my hand, do you? But I'm hungry too! I won't give you this chicken leg!

Rebecca said, for fear that the chicken leg in her hand that she had finally obtained would be snatched away by the big brother in front of her, and her eyes flashed with tears, which was endearing.

Lin Nan couldn't help but smile, and said in her heart that Rebecca when she was a child turned out to be so cute.

"Don't worry, Rebecca, I won't ask for your drumsticks, you're safe now. "

Lin Nan waved his hand at Rebecca, and then he thought about it, took out a stack of money from his body, and handed it to Rebecca: "You can take this money, if you are hungry, you can use this money to buy food, you can steal other people's things in the future, you know?" Lin Nan said earnestly.

Rebecca's eyes flashed, she looked at Mo Chen and Bailey in his hand puzzled, she didn't hesitate for long, she shook her head very simply: "Uncle One-Footed told me that you can't accept other people's kindness casually - and big brother, how do you know my name?" Rebecca said with a wink, and at the same time she relaxed her vigilance, her intuition told her that the big brother in front of her was definitely not a bad person, but she instinctively had a hint of wariness against strangers.

"Uncle One-Legged?"

Lin Nan naturally knew who Rebecca's one-legged uncle was, he took two steps forward, trying to get close to Rebecca, and Rebecca saw that Lin Nan was about to get close to her, she subconsciously shrunk her neck, frightened.

"Well, Uncle One-Legged is very powerful!" Rebecca said to Lin Nan as she shrunk her neck.

"Who are you, what do you want to do to Rebecca?"

Suddenly, a neutral voice came, followed by a cold wind from the side, Lin Nan felt this movement, raised his eyebrows, rolled his eyes, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he stood motionless.


The cold wind hit, and a stick flew towards Lin Nan's head.

Bang Bang –

The stick passed through Lin Nan's virtual body and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

"Sneak attack?" Lin Nan shook his head: "This is not a skill!" After that, Lin Nan looked sideways at the toy man who had come to his side, the toy man only had one leg, and it had a very abstract beard on its face, and at the same time, a vigilant look was revealed on its abstract face.

"Devil Fruit Abilities?"

The one-legged toy man found himself missing, and a jumper jumped in front of Rebecca, spreading his arms in front of Rebecca. looks like he must protect Rebecca even to the death.

Even if the other party is a capable person, there is not the slightest timidity in the eyes of the one-legged toy man.

"That's right. Lin Nan smiled and nodded, this one-legged toy man is Rebecca's father Cyrus, but Rebecca doesn't have the memory of her father Cyrus.

"What do you want to do to my daughter—what do you want to do to Rebecca?" the one-legged toy man glared at Lin Nan.

"It's nothing, I just want to give her a little money so that she doesn't steal outside in the future, if I hadn't found out earlier, the kid behind you would probably have fallen into the hands of the wicked. But why don't you, as her father—oh no, as her guardian, keep an eye on her? If something happens, I'm afraid you'll never forgive yourself for the rest of your life, right?"

A moment of embarrassment appeared on Lin Nan's face, as soon as he stopped, he told the toy man that Rebecca's father was the thing, after finishing speaking, he also carefully looked at the toy man's face, and he didn't show a weird look, Lin Nan was a little relieved-

There are some things that I don't need to poke at myself, the historical trajectory of this world, because of his appearance, has undergone subtle changes, if this kind of thing has to be interfered with, it will be a bit excessive.

Listening to Lin Nan's words, the one-legged toy man twitched, and then, he turned to look at Rebecca, who was holding a chicken leg in his hand behind him, and asked with a stern expression: "Rebecca, is what he said true?"


Rebek nodded and said softly.

"Didn't I tell you not to run around, and not to steal from others! We are poor, but we must be ambitious! I know you, but didn't I tell you when I left that I would bring you food back in a moment?"

One-legged toys love his daughter Rebecca very much, and the more he loves, the more he cares, so in this kind of thing, his concern has turned into stern -

It's because I'm worried that I'm going to be stern -

"I'm sorry, Uncle One-Legged. Rebecca grabbed the chicken leg in her hand and lowered her head.

"Well, since you have taken the chicken thighs, you can eat them well, I have your favorite sandwich bread and apples here. Seeing Rebecca bow his head and admit his mistake, as a father, he couldn't bear it, sighed, and took out a sandwich bread and a red apple from his body.

"Thank you, Uncle One-Legged!"

Seeing the delicious food, a hint of joy appeared in Rebecca's eyes.

"Hungry, aren't you, eat!" said the one-legged toy man, gently stroking Rebecca's hair.

"I'm not particularly hungry—but I just want to eat—" Rebecca whispered.

"Also, Rebecca, you have to thank this big brother in front of you, if he hadn't saved you-" Talking to his daughter, the one-legged toy man almost forgot that there was also a Devil Fruit ability here.

Hearing this, Lin Nan hurriedly interrupted the one-legged toy man's words, and then said, "Don't thank you-"

"That-I'm really sorry I shot at you just now!" A hint of apology appeared in the one-legged toy man's eyes, and he bowed ninety degrees to Lin Nan and said solemnly.

"It's a swing, I'm also a person with a daughter, I understand your mood at the time, you don't need to apologize-" Lin Nan waved his hand again and again, and then said: "Here is a little bit of my heart, I hope you can accept it." "

Lin Nan raised the wad of money in his hand.

"This-" The one-legged toy man looked at so much money, and suddenly hesitated, he couldn't help but be curious, he couldn't understand why this person who met him for the first time would help him, and help his daughter solve trouble, and give money kindly.

"Don't do this and that, you can take it, I'm not for you, it's for your daughter, of course, this money is not given for nothing, the premise is that you have to educate your daughter well, raise her to adulthood, and be an upright and ambitious person. "

Lin Nan said with a smile, and then he stuffed a wad of money into the hand of the one-legged toy man: "Okay, let's do it first, my daughter is still waiting for me at the clothing store over there, so let's say goodbye!"

"Dare to ask the hero, what's his name?"

Just as Lin Nan stepped out of front of him, the one-legged toy man said busily.

"Lin Nan. "

Lin Nan said without looking back.

Lin Nan?

Lin Nan!

Lin Nan?!!

The one-legged toy man muttered these two words in his mouth, and then, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the back of the man in front of him stupidly, and his eyes showed shock.

When he mentioned the word Lin Nan, he immediately thought of something.

"Lin Yingying, the purpose of your coming here, isn't it Doflamingo?"

A word came from behind, Lin Nan's footsteps couldn't help but pause slightly, and he raised his eyebrows: "How do you know?"

"This—everybody knows all the fuss you made the other day in the Chambord Islands—"

"Oh, that's right, I'm the sea thief Lin Nan in your mind, Lin Nan who has done all the bad things. "

Lin Nan grinned, and a hint of self-deprecation appeared in his eyes.

Is the pirate Lin Nan who has done all the bad things?


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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