"No, that's not what I meant—speaking of which, I'm on Lin Yingying's side—"

The one-legged toy man behind Lin Nan said with great embarrassment.

He didn't expect that because of his words, Lin Nan, the big hero in his mind, was angry-

That's right, listening to Lin Daying's tone, it seems to be very angry.

"On my side?"

The one-legged toy man's words aroused Lin Nan's interest.

"Yes - maybe I'm the same person as Lin Yingying, you cleaned up Doflamingo in the Chambord Islands, I saw it in the newspapers - I think Lin Yingying you must have your reason to fight Doflamingo, I believe you, you are definitely not a sea thief in the eyes of the navy - although Doflamingo is the Seven Martial Seas, and his relationship with the navy is not bad, but he is doing something hurtful behind the navy's back, of course- I know that those navies are in collusion with Doflamingo, so even if Doflamingo makes such a big fuss, no one will care—" The one-legged toy man was very excited, and he had been holding back these words for a long time.

"Oh, the Navy and Doflamingo colluded?" Lin Nan smiled, although the facts fabricated by the Navy also made him very annoyed and angry, but there are still good people in the Navy, he said: "I think Brother One-Legged, maybe I don't know much about some things, there are actually good people in the Navy, it is possible that Doflamingo's crimes have not been discovered, that's right, the purpose of my coming here is to find Doflamingo." "

"Lin Yingying is right-it makes sense, but your matter was framed by them, can you be happy with it?"

The one-legged toy man asked curiously.

"I'm trying to figure out how to solve this, as long as I find Doflamingo, and whether that person's death has anything to do with me will be revealed. Lin Nan smiled slightly.

"Doflamingo is supposed to be in the palace, but ordinary people can't get close to that side at all - besides, Lin Yingying, you are a public figure, even if you walk down the street, someone will recognize you, right?"

The one-legged toy man asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about this, I can clean up Doflamingo, are you still afraid of his subordinates?" Lin Nan smiled and said confidently.

Last time, Reilly stepped in to stop himself, and this time, maybe it will be-

"That's right. The one-legged toy man scratched his hair.

"Alright, that's all for today, I'll probably be staying in Dressrosa for a while, my restaurant is docked by the rope bridge on the north bank, if you're not too far from Rebecca, you can come and try my handiwork. Chicken thighs or something, you will definitely be full. "

Lin Nan said to the one-legged toy man and Rebecca, who was burying her head in eating.

"Well, if I have time, I will definitely take care of Lin Yingying's business!" The one-legged toy man nodded heavily: "Then don't bother!"

"Yes. "


I didn't expect to meet Cyrus and Rebecca when I came to the main city of Dressrosa, maybe this is fate, Lin Nan didn't think about making all the toy people who completely helped this country turn back into human form-

If you did that—

What is Luffy doing here?

You can't steal Luffy's job! He's the main character here.

Talking to the one-legged toy man before, Lin Nan now remembered that his daughter was still in the clothing store, and in a hurry, Lin Nan turned into a breeze and quickly drifted to the location where Aina was before.

Lin Nan's two feet fell to the position where Aina was standing just now, and his face became very ugly, because Aina was gone!

Lin Nan slapped him hard in the face.

This can drown my daughter when I go out shopping!

That's no one anymore!

But Aina is an obedient child, when she left, but Qian Ding Ling told her not to walk around, it stands to reason that in this strange place, she shouldn't run around, but why did she disappear?

Taken away by the bad guys?

"Ah, little sister, this dress is very expensive, it was touched casually, and you will pay for it?"

Suddenly, a snarky voice came from the clothing store in front of Lin Nan, which attracted Lin Nan's attention, little sister?

"I told you not to touch it casually, you see that this dress has been dirty by you, who will buy it when the guests see it? Really! Little sister, do you know how expensive this dress is? This is a suit worth 300,000 Bailey, forget it, you don't have much money on you like this, call your parents to come and lose money! I won't be embarrassed for you!"

Hearing that snarky voice again, Lin Nan frowned, and immediately, he came to this store, and he was surprised to find that the little girl next to the shopkeeper was Aina.

Thinking of what happened to his daughter just now, a trace of anger appeared in his eyes.


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