Forget it, I don't want to talk to you more, you can do it yourself, hurry up and make me the dishes I want, I'm still waiting for dinner!

Karp waved his hand casually.

Of course, he didn't do it on purpose, but because the green pepper was too skinny, he just wanted to teach him a lesson, and it was already benevolent and righteous not to arrest him a few days ago.

Now, this guy still dares to shout in front of his eyes, he really doesn't know each other-

However, Karp didn't bother to bother with him, and what made Karp even more depressed was that Lin Nan actually cured Qingjiao's head-


Is this the fate between them?

It's better to eat now—

Lin Nan smiled, he didn't expect Karp to be unhappy with himself because of the fact that he cured the green pepper's head.

This made Lin Nan unhappy, he secretly wrote down this matter, and he found that Qingjiao's breathing was very short, and it seemed that he had already thought about making a move on Karp.


Green pepper can't seem to beat Karp!

So if these two guys fight, do you want to stick a bar in the middle and do something in the middle?

The corners of Lin Nan's mouth rose slightly, and a wicked smile appeared in his eyes.

"You still have the face to eat in front of Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu will kill you!"

Qingjiao is a person who holds a lot of grudges, and at the same time, he is also a person who values love and righteousness, but his nature is not bad.

"Oh, are you really going to do anything to me?"

Sitting on the stool, Karp raised his eyebrows, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

"That's right, I'm going to kill you. "

Qingjiao nodded heavily and said seriously.

The yellow ape at the other table raised his eyebrows: "Karp, what nonsense are you talking to him, since he wants to be beaten, you can fulfill him - this guy is typical of the type who doesn't play the roof for three days." "

As soon as the yellow ape said this, the other navies also resonated, and they all nodded and shouted.

"That's right, Lieutenant General Karp, teach him a hard lesson!"

"Lieutenant General Karp, let's call CA11 for you!"

"Lieutenant General Karp, you are the best!"

"Lieutenant General Karp, you must not be soft on such pirates!"

Listening to the coaxing voices of hundreds of people, the green peppers on the forehead of the green peppers bloomed, and a pair of fists were clenched tightly.

"If you have the ability, go head-to-head with me!"

Green Pepper clenched his fists and said viciously to Karp.

"Single-handedly, single-handedly, I can clean you up once, and I can clean you up a second time!"

Karp chuckled, then slowly stood up from the stool and took off his coat by the way, and was about to start.


Lin Nan, who was on the side, saw that the situation was not good, so he hurriedly stood up.

"Hey, hey, can you two pay attention to the occasion, this is my restaurant, not a place for you to fight, if you want to fight, let me go down and fight." "

Lin Nan stood up, and his momentum as the owner of the restaurant exploded in an instant, as if I was in charge of my territory, and I had the final say.

"Green Pepper, can you stop a little?"

"Also, Mr. Karp, are you here to eat or to fight?"

Lin Nan said to the two of them.

"Brother Lin Nan - I'm sorry, don't stop me tonight, it's a matter between me and Karp, I must let him know today, I can't do it!" said Qingjiao.

And Karp listened to Lin Nan's words, he smiled and said: Let's move the matter to the back first, it seems that the matter between me and Qingjiao is going to be broken, and we can't let a pirate be able to show off in front of the navy! But Lin Nan, don't worry, we won't fight here, I will go and find a random place. "

"Yes, Brother Lin Nan, you can rest assured!"

Qingjiao nodded heavily at Lin Nan.

At this point, Green Pepper and Karp have a tacit understanding and have the same idea.

Lin Nan's stiff face suddenly bloomed with a smile, and then he looked at the two of them and said, "Okay, you guys go down." "

After that, Lin Nan mysteriously took out a red-green steamed bun from his body.

After Qing Jiao accidentally saw the red and green steamed buns, his whole face turned green, he swallowed his saliva hard, and then said: "Brother Lin Nan - what are you doing here?"

Karp was about to go down, but suddenly found the strange steamed bun in Lin Nan's hand, he raised his eyebrows, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

What kind of steamed bun is this?

And why is the reaction of green peppers so violent?

It's as if that steamed bun is a highly poisonous thing—

Lin Nan found that Qingjiao's face changed drastically, he secretly felt funny in his heart, and then he took this steamed bun and slowly came to Qingjiao, he said: "Aren't you going to fight with Karp? And your head injury is just not long, for the sake of insurance, I want to give you another piece of this steamed bun, in this case, it may be beneficial." "

Lin Nan is like a wolf grandmother, promoting her products.

Qingjiao's face turned green, and he waved his hand again and again: "Don't-Brother Lin Nan, my head is completely healed, I don't need to eat this thing-I really don't need to eat it-"

Karp's brows furrowed even tighter, he couldn't understand the conversation between the two people anymore, but he vaguely understood the purpose of the steamed bun, it seemed that the head of the green pepper could be good, and it was related to the red-green steamed bun!

But since this steamed bun is a good thing, why would green peppers be afraid of being like this?

Karp was puzzled by this.

However, in the next second, Karp found that Lin Nan was close to Qingjiao with a steamed bun, and Lin Nan also put his mouth to Qingjiao's ear and whispered.


Qingjiao originally meant to refuse, he really didn't want to eat this steamed bun anymore.

However, after a while, after Lin Nan whispered to Qingjiao, Qingjiao's eyes widened.

"Really—really? Is it really that amazing?"

After Lin Nan finished speaking, after retreating, Qingjiao looked shocked and asked in a hesitant manner.

"Didn't I tell you everything, don't worry, don't worry, let's fight with Old Man Karp!"

Lin Nan nodded at Qingjiao, and then hugged his arms and stopped talking.

"Although I don't know if it's really that magical, but my green pepper still thanked Brother Lin Nan here first. Qingjiao bowed to Lin Nan, and then jumped off the boat, and Karp, who had not yet gone down, glanced at Lin Nan suspiciously, and then asked, "What about steamed buns?"

"It's steamed buns, steamed buns that can fill your stomach. Lin Nan said honestly.

"You're lying to me, aren't you?" Karp is old, he still has some eyesight, at least he knows that this steamed bun is weird.

"Hey, Karp, you shrunken turtle fall down and die quickly!

The green pepper that has reached the bottom is shouted at the top with a wide open voice.

Karp wanted to know about the steamed bun, but he didn't expect the long head below to scold himself for shrinking the head of the turtle!

The two of them arrived below, and the people on the boat wanted to take this opportunity to take a look and kill time.

However, when the navy leaned against the side of the ship, they were stunned to find that it was pitch black below, and they couldn't see anything—

That's a hairy look!

There is not a shadow of this man!

Green Pepper and Karp face each other, less than ten meters apart.

"I said, Pepper, don't you have a good head? Don't you know how good I am? Why are you still trying to provoke me? Karp moved his bones, and the bones in his body crackled.

"I was careless last time, but this time whoever lies down first will not be necessarily!"

Green Pepper smirked.

"It's really unrepentant, so come now, don't waste time, I'll see how long you can last. After Karp moved his body, he said indifferently.

The green pepper ate the steamed bun that Lin Nan gave him in one bite.

Suddenly, the spicy feeling surged into his heart again, and the whole person was not good, and his whole body was hot.

However, it was precisely because of this unnatural spiciness, that Green Pepper felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he also found that his skin had completely taken on the color of metallic red-

Qingjiao felt the changes in her body, and secretly gave a thumbs up to Lin Nan's steamed buns in her heart.

However, he also heard Lin Nan say just now that this state can only last for one minute, so it must be resolved quickly, and Qingjiao also promised Lin Nan, just to teach Karp a lesson, and he can't kill him-


Karp raised his eyebrows, he noticed the change in Qingjiao's body, and a trace of waves set off in his heart.

"Karp, I'll kill you!"

Whoosh –

Qingjiao screamed, and then his body rushed out like a sharp arrow.

Karp stood still, his pupils dilating rapidly, as if he had seen something terrible.

A red desolate beast!

Red Phantom!


When did this guy become so powerful?

The corners of Karp's mouth twitched, since he was standing here, there would inevitably be a fierce battle!

He clenched his fists and punched out the flying green peppers!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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