After eating the spicy steamed buns, I felt that my body was no longer my own body, light and violent!

Although it is spicy, there is an unstoppable manic meaning in my heart!

I desperately want to vent it wantonly!

And now, Karp in front of him happened to be his enemy, so that when he rushed out, he couldn't suppress his speed at all.

It's fleeting.



The head of the green pepper has been restored to its original state, and the pointed head is extremely lethal!

Even Karp, who had been able to chase Roger all over the world, was almost overwhelmed, and his fist appeared black armed color, and he slammed a punch on Green Pepper's head.


A wave of air swept away, and the clothes of the two of them were blown by the air wave, and at this time, Karp felt a feeling of tightness in his chest-

After just one fight, Karp felt like he was almost lying on the ground, and he was so uncomfortable that he stepped back again and again, gasping for air, beads of sweat spilling from his forehead and dripping down, while Green Pepper, on the other hand, he seemed to be fine.

Whoosh –

The green pepper-red figure pulled away abruptly, and he rushed towards Karp again, not intending to give Karp a chance to breathe at all.

Karp was secretly frightened, what the hell is going on?

After just a few days, why did the green pepper suddenly become so strong?

What kind of monster is he?

At the same time, it is the armed color domineering used, so why are you at a disadvantage!?

Karp's mind was confused, he really couldn't figure out what the problem was!


Seeing the green pepper rushing again, Karp gritted his teeth, and dodged the attack of the green pepper with a sideways, but the clothes on his waist were torn open, and there was a burning sensation from the mouth, he looked down and found that his clothes were actually burning, Karp gritted his teeth and directly tore his clothes, and suddenly, Karp's bronzed muscles were exposed to the air, and it looked full of explosive power!

"So rampant?"

Karp wiped the sweat from the corners of his mouth and said viciously.

Karp dodged the attack of the green pepper just now, and the green pepper couldn't stop at all because of the speed being too fast, and hit the ground directly, the pointed head of the green pepper has the power to break through an iceberg, and now the green pepper eats spicy steamed buns, and the strength is doubled, and he hits the ground headlong, and there is a crack like a spider's web on the ground, and the crack is still spreading around-

Bang Bang –

The ground cracked, and the whole of Dressrosa shook violently, and I couldn't help but do it, and the restaurant that stopped on the shore began to shake constantly, as if it had encountered a strong wave, and it could not be calmed down for a long time-

The rope bridge next to the restaurant on the sea was overwhelmed by this force, and the entire bridge showed signs of cracking, and the entire bridge was broken into several pieces, and then fell into the sea—

"What the hell is that guy doing, how did he make such a big fuss?"

Lin Nan, who was on the boat, frowned, and he clearly felt the shaking of the hull, and couldn't help but curse secretly.

"I knew I wouldn't have given green peppers spicy steamed buns - Nima, this is going to ruin the rhythm of the entire Dressrosa!"

Lin Nan said helplessly.


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