I knew I wouldn't have given green peppers spicy steamed buns - it looks like he was going to ruin the rhythm of the entire Dressrosa?

If this continues, this island will be in danger.

After Lin Nan and the others felt this movement in the sea restaurant, they all showed surprise.

Jinping said with a frightened face: "What's going on? The two of them went down to fight just now, right? Why is this boat shaking? How fierce are they fighting?"

"Hey-Lin Nan, you have something to say!"

And Lin Nan didn't seem to have any intention of answering Jinping at all, he closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something.

In such an environment, there was no way to see the situation at all, so Lin Nan closed his eyes and used his ability to use his wind fruit to feel all the movements below!

As long as there is a battle, there will be a flow of air - as long as there is an air flow, there will be a wind, and when there is a wind, Lin Nan can feel the picture brought by the wind-

"Don't ask so much, don't you see what Mo Chen is thinking about alone? Besides, what does the two people fighting below have to do with you?"

Hawkeye Mihawk, who was holding his arms, said to Jinping without being salty.

When Jinping heard this, his face changed suddenly, and every time he heard Hawkeye Mihawk speak to him in a lazy tone, he was very dissatisfied.

"What does that have to do with you?" said Jinping as he rolled his eyes at Hawkeye Mihawk.

Hawkeye Mihawk pursed his mouth and stopped talking.

There is another big guy on this ship, that is the yellow ape, and there are one or two hundred soldiers waiting to eat behind the yellow ape, and they haven't eaten for a busy day, and now they finally came to the restaurant on the sea, thinking that they can have a big meal, but because of the matter of Karp and green pepper, this meal has been postponed again-

The navies are complaining a lot!

The yellow ape stood beside Lin Nan and the others, his brows furrowed, and he muttered, "Isn't there any danger in Kapumo?"

The yellow ape's voice was very loud, Lin Nan heard it at once, and in an instant, he opened his eyes, and then said to the yellow ape: "Hey, yellow ape, I'm afraid you have to go down to help Karp, Karp is in big trouble now—but, let me tell you, don't break the balance, stop at the point." Green Pepper has no grudge against you. "

Lin Nan looked at the yellow ape with a smile in his eyes.

"What do you mean by that sentence later?" Although the yellow ape no longer hated Lin Nan, and even had a trace of guilt in his heart, he was still a little unhappy when he suddenly heard what he said at this moment.

"It's not interesting, that's what you understand. Lin Nan smiled and said to the yellow ape.

The corners of the yellow ape's mouth twitched, and then he frowned coldly at Lin Nan, and said: "Tell you Lin Nan, I'm not what you imagined, you told me to go down to help Karp, it's impossible, even if I want to help Karp, he won't agree to this matter, according to Karp's temperament, if I help him, he will definitely hate me for the rest of his life, besides, Karp is so strong, how can he need help from others?"

The yellow ape said hatefully, returning his head and holding his arms, with a cold and arrogant expression.

Lin Nan shook his head helplessly, it seems that the yellow ape is not going to be busy, but the Karp below shouldn't be able to support it for long, right?

And the one-minute duration of the spicy steamed bun is about to end, right?

Lin Nan thought in his heart, and then his eyes were on his own, feeling the situation below.


Qingjiao uses his usual ability similar to Iron Head Gong, which is his natural advantage, plus he is now red all over, this red appearance is actually armed color domineering, and this red armed color domineering is more powerful than the black armed color domineering of normal people.

At the beginning, when Lin Nan made this spicy steamed bun, he understood the role and efficacy of spicy steamed bread -

The text attached to it is: Ignore all defenses!

In other words, the armed color is nothing in front of people who have eaten spicy steamed buns.

In just three seconds, Karp dodged a total of three thunderous blows from Green Pepper, and Karp was secretly frightened, if he was hit, he would definitely lie on the ground on the spot and couldn't stand up, right?

Qingjiao's hatred for himself has reached the point of hatred, and his every move is full of killing intent.



Hearing the explosion that broke through the air, Karp knew that Green Pepper's attack was coming again, and it seemed that this time it was more fierce than the last one.

"I've never been so embarrassed!"

Karp's face suddenly flushed, his exposed biceps bulged suddenly, and at the same time, the bruises on his forehead burst out.

Suddenly, a black armed color appeared on his arm, which was very dazzling.

The overlord's domineering aura erupted in an instant, and an invisible wave centered on him and slammed out in all directions—


In the face of Green Pepper's attack, Karp gritted his teeth, looked at death as if he were home, and slammed out with a punch.

At this moment, he will never retreat half a step!


Karp's fist collided with Pepper's red head once more.

... Karp's face changed drastically, and his face was like an eggplant, purple and black.


Suddenly, Karp burst out with a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out upside down like a cannonball.

And after seeing the appearance of Karp after being knocked away, Green Pepper's face showed an unprecedented look of surprise.


Finally defeat Karp!

Green Pepper stood in place, he clenched his fists, there was a trace of water in his eyes, for some reason, he was moved in his heart when he saw Karp fly out.

He burst into tears.

He finally avenged this revenge, Karp fell to the ground, and Qingjiao's killing intent suddenly disappeared.

He was not blinded by the joy and emotion brought by the victory, he knew that the reason why he was able to defeat Karp was entirely because of Lin Nan's help, if he hadn't given him a piece of steamed buns that were so spicy that people doubted his life, he might not be Karp's opponent at all, and he would not be Karp's opponent with his blood and anger.

Just as Qing Jiao was thinking about these things, he suddenly found that the red luster around his body had disappeared, and his body had returned to its original state.


In the next second, Qingjiao felt that his whole body was weak, and everything in his body seemed to be emptied.

"What's going on?"

Qingjiao felt the changes in her body, her eyes widened, and then she rolled her eyes and fell to the ground, unconscious-


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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