The battle is over -

But I didn't guess this ending, there was no sound under the boat in the restaurant, and the hull of the ship was no longer shaking, and it returned to calm-

There was a look of doubt on the faces of everyone on the boat, but only Lin Nan, who was using the wind to get the picture below with his eyes closed, knew what was going on, he opened his eyes suddenly, and then a stunned look appeared on his face, he didn't expect the ending to be like this, he endured a smile and said softly: "This is amazing." "

Hearing Lin Nan's words coldly, Yellow Ape, Hawkeye Mihawk, and Jinping all looked at Lin Nan in unison.

"What's wrong?" asked Hawkeye Mihawk curiously.

The yellow ape swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he found that Lin Nan seemed to know everything about the situation below, and looked at him puzzled, while Jinping hurriedly approached Lin Nan and said, "Hey, Lin Nan, what are you talking about inexplicably, why is there no sound at all below? Do you want to go down and take a look? Who lost and who won?"

Lin Nan's words whetted the appetite of several of them, and the most uncomfortable thing was Jinping.

"A tie, to be exact. Lin Nan's eyes rolled, and then said.


Jinping said dumbfounded.

Although Hawkeye Mihawk and Yellow Ape were not as surprised as Jinping, the surprise of both of them was shown on their faces.

Karp and Green Pepper actually had a tie!

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth, and the two people below were lying on the ground, but Karp was going to fall first, and Qingjiao was lying down because of the aftermath of the spicy steamed bun.

After eating this spicy steamed bun, although it can become stronger for a minute, it still has a back-effect, and this is the second time that the green pepper eats this thing, so the body can't accept it for a while, he didn't use much strength when he ate the spicy steamed bun for the first time, so after the effect ended, he was like a nobody, but after he ate the spicy steamed bun for the second time, he used the muscle tissue of the whole body and overloaded his own strength, which is like a stimulant, but the effect of this thing is no less than ten times stronger than the stimulant, so its side effects are more than ten times stronger than the stimulant, and it suddenly stopped, even the iron man body will not be able to stand it, it makes sense for the green pepper to lie down overwhelmed-

Lin Nan remembered that when he used this trick, he was lying motionless on the ground, and every cell in his body was damaged, but his situation was better than that of Qingjiao at that time, Qingjiao was lying on the ground and fell unconscious, and he was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, but he was still conscious, but then he ate too many spicy steamed buns and he was immune to the side effects it bringed, and only a strong physique could withstand the side effects of spicy steamed buns.

This is the experience that Lin Nan summed up.


It is estimated that those two people will not be able to get up for a while.

"I'll go down and take a look!" As soon as he heard that there was a tie, Jinping made a gesture to get off the ship.

A hint of strangeness appeared in the yellow ape's eyes, he didn't believe too much in Lin Nan's words, in his opinion, how could Karp have a tie with that green pepper, it was impossible, he had to see it with his own eyes.

"Don't go down, I've already brought the two of them up. Lin Nan said, his brows furrowed, his two hands were suddenly raised, and two strong winds blew from afar, and then two figures appeared in everyone's eyes, there was nothing to support their bodies, the two figures just hung in the air, and then slowly moved towards the restaurant, and finally the two figures fell on the deck.

Lin Nan used a trick to lift both Karp and Qingjiao up, saving a lot of time.

The man came up—

The yellow ape looked at it fixedly, and suddenly found that there was still a trace of blood at the corner of Karp's mouth, and his eyes were closed, unconscious-

And the green pepper doesn't look like there is any change on the outside, and he also has his eyes closed, unconscious-


"It's a tie!"

He coughed dryly, and a hint of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Hey, Karp, you're pretending, aren't you? Aren't you an old monster??Why are you lying down here?"

"Don't call him, let him rest well, he's fine, just vomited out the blood that had accumulated in his body over the years. Lin Nan said casually.

"The restaurant should be quiet now, okay guys, I'll make you beer duck now, by the way, do you want beer?

Lin Nan shrugged, straddled the bodies of the two, and said to the navy on the ship as he walked towards the galley.

Those navy were dumbfounded.

How could Lieutenant General Karp, who had always been as powerful as a god in their minds, lie down today?

But as soon as they heard that they would be able to eat delicious food, a smile appeared on their faces.

Right now—

Compared to Lieutenant General Karp's affairs, it seems that eating is the most important thing.

If Karp, who was lying on the ground, knew what this group of navy thinks, he would definitely be so angry that he would vomit blood-

The corners of the yellow ape's mouth twitched, he still didn't believe it was true.

But as soon as he touched his belly, he found that he was indeed a little hungry, and he was heartbroken: "Forget it, who cares about him, it matters to eat." "

Seeing that Lin Nan walked into the kitchen, Jinping and Hawkeye Mihawk also followed, what happened tonight was too weird-

Picking up the spatula, Lin Nan once again entered the state of cooking.

"Hey, Lin Nan, tell me honestly, did you do something in the duel between the two of them?"

Hawkeye Mihawk, who was cutting vegetables, couldn't help but ask.

"Why do you ask that?" a smile appeared in Lin Nan's eyes.

"Because when it comes to the strength of these two, Karp won't lie down no matter what—" Hawkeye Mihawk said with certainty.


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