Because when it comes to the strength of these two people, Karp won't lie down no matter what-

Hawkeye Mihawk's face was solemn, and he was very sure.

In the busy Lin Nan, he made a pause, and then a faint smile appeared on his face, and said: "What can I do, when they are competing, I can stay on the boat all the time, aren't you also by my side?

After speaking, Lin Nan also winked at Hawkeye Mihawk, looking like a gentleman and frank.

"Really, but—that's not enough, how could Karp lie down?"

Hawkeye Mihawk frowned, obviously still didn't believe Lin Nan's words, in his impression, Karp was an old monster, a well-known figure in the naval headquarters, even the admiral's Red Dog, Green Pheasant, and Yellow Ape were afraid of him, to say that Karp would tie with a pirate, he was really a little unacceptable.

"You don't understand this, there will be an accident in everything, besides, do you know Qingjiao, he still has strength-" Lin Nanfeng said lightly, he didn't seem to blush for his lies.

"Well, if you say that, I have nothing more to say. Hawkeye Mihawk pursed his lips and stopped talking.

In a simple chat atmosphere, the beer duck was also served to the table, the navy waiting outside to eat was already hungry chest against the back, now finally have something to eat, they are like a hungry wolf pounced on the sheep, gulp up, and with beer, it is simply a great pleasure in life.

The yellow ape also sat down at the dinner table, savoring the taste of the beer duck.

In the afternoon, he ate the fish ball soup in this restaurant, and was deeply attracted by the deliciousness of the fish ball soup, but he didn't expect that a beer duck on this night would be another enjoyment.

Take a sip of a watery beer duck and a sip of beer, and the taste is almost the same as floating on the clouds.

The deliciousness is unstoppable!

Lin Nan walked out of the kitchen, he was already busy, and he liked to go out for a walk when he had nothing to do, and by the way, he would see how everyone was eating.

And Green Pepper and Karp are both lying on the ground and have not woken up yet.

"Lin Nan, you really can't say anything about your craftsmanship, by the way, have you ever thought about opening a branch?"

The yellow ape ate the beer duck and asked vaguely, in his opinion, if Lin Nan passed on this craft and opened full branches all over the world, it would definitely become popular.

"I've thought about this, but I'll talk about it later, besides, I'm guilty now, if I open a branch, wouldn't it be easy to expose? "

Lin Nan sighed and said with a heavy heart.

"Okay—okay—" Yellow Ape had a stunned look on his face, the chopsticks in his hand hung in mid-air, and a hint of guilt suddenly rose in his heart.

Lin Nan's words, he understood, but the matter had already happened, and he was helpless.

Although he is a general, there are still some things that have to be ordered from above, Lin Nan is a sea thief of 450 million Bailey, it is undeniable, navies around the world will not let Lin Nan go, and the only thing the yellow ape can do is to help Lin Nan as much as possible, not to face him in a hostile way-

After all—

These things are all provoked by themselves-

He felt guilty.

"Don't think about it so much, eat your beer duck. Lin Nan smiled self-deprecatingly and said to the yellow ape.

The yellow ape sighed, and then stopped talking, maybe he couldn't pay off that debt in this life, right?

"By the way, would you like to prepare a beer duck for Karp in a moment?"

Lin Nan looked at the yellow ape lying on the ground and said.

"For him?"

The yellow ape glanced at the one lying on the ground

Originally, he came to Dressrosa after Cap, and when he heard that Karp was investigating too much of Flamingo's affairs in Dressrosa, he also went to Dressros.

This luck is also unlucky.

"I don't know when he'll wake up. The yellow ape looked at Karp, who was unconscious on the ground, and said indignantly.

"I think I'm about to wake up, I'll go and ask Hawkeye to get him ready. "

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"It's fine. The yellow ape pursed his lips and said, in his opinion, Karp is completely to blame for this, who told him not to be angry?

Squeak –

"Water, is there any water—"

However, at this moment, one of the two people lying on the ground had already woken up, supported his body, and sat up with difficulty, he rubbed his uncomfortable eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he was actually lying in the dining room at this moment.

This person is precisely because of the practical spicy steamed buns, and the body is overwhelmed with the green pepper that faints on the ground.

"Karp! Karp!"

The moment Qingjiao regained his spirits, he became vigilant, he looked around, and suddenly smelled a familiar smell - beer duck -

At first glance, he also saw that the dining table on the deck was already full of navy, but he didn't see Karp, so he was anxious and shouted.

"Don't scream, look around you, Karp is lying next to you!"

When Lin Nan heard this, he hurriedly came to Qingjiao's front and handed him a glass of white water.

Seeing Lin Nan squatting and walking over, Qingjiao scratched his hair embarrassedly, and then he looked down and saw Karp lying next to him with blood at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing such a scene, he gasped, and the whole person was stunned.


Karp finally lay down?

Green Pepper smiled, and he showed a smirk.

"Did I beat him? Lin Nan, did I beat him? Did you see him being knocked away by me just now? Really—I tell you—he was really knocked away by my punch just now—"

Green Pepper was ecstatic, he was now desperate to find someone to talk to, he wanted to show his joy -

He's going to tell everybody!

Tell you all the good news!

Lin Nan looked at the appearance of Qingjiao, rolled his eyes, he hugged his arms, and said unhappily: "Can you be quieter." "

Although the yellow ape didn't pay too much attention to the situation on Qingjiao's side, he still wanted to know what was going on at that time, and why Karp lost to a pirate!

He really couldn't figure out what was going on.

"I'm sorry, Brother Lin Nan, I'm a little excited, I can't help but want to talk when I'm excited, and I feel like I can't stop when I speak. "

Qingjiao scratched his head embarrassedly, and then he looked at Lin Nan with a look of adoration, and said, "I was able to defeat Karp thanks to-hmm-"

When Qingjiao said this, the yellow ape's ears stood up.

However, soon the yellow ape frowned again, how could he not have thought that this guy would not be able to speak in the middle of his words?

Lin Nan was secretly frightened, he didn't want Qingjiao to tell him about eating a magical steamed bun for him, even if the yellow ape wouldn't say anything, but if Karp woke up and knew that he had stimulated Qingjiao, then Karp would never forgive someone in his life, right?

Therefore, when he saw that Qingjiao was going to give everything out, he hurriedly picked up a beer bottle on the table and threw it into Qingjiao's mouth, just stuffing it into Qingjiao's mouth, and Qingjiao's words came to an abrupt end-

He could only make a whining sound, he was stunned to see Lin Nan's behavior, he was very puzzled by this, he saw Lin Nan blink, and made a silent gesture, although Qing didn't know what it meant, but he knew that Lin Nan was telling him not to speak-

Green Pepper took the beer bottle out of his mouth and closed his mouth.

Lin Nan smiled: "I think you drank a little water just now shouldn't be enough to quench your thirst, let's give you this beer." "

"That's so good, then thank you Brother Lin Nan. Speaking of which, I'm really thirsty!"

After that, Qingjiao directly opened the wine bottle and drank it in a big gulp, and he drank more than half of it in the blink of an eye, and at this time, Lin Nan's voice came again, only to hear him say: "A bottle of beer is a thousand Baileys, and you have counted it." "


Suddenly, when he drank the beer in his mouth, the green pepper spit out at once, and his face became extremely blue.

I said it well just now, saying that this beer is for me to drink-

The next second is talking about money, how hurtful it is!

Where has the trust between people gone?

What about trust between people!

Brother Lin Nan is really a profiteer-

I can't tell if the green pepper is bitter!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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