Because I used to be Doflamingo's subordinate!

Luo did not shy away from telling this matter, and when he heard this, Karp and Yellow Ape were both shocked, and then they both looked at this young man in a daze.

The yellow ape exclaimed, "Is this true?"

"Yes, really. Law nodded: "I know everything about this Dressrosa situation, and now Doflamingo knows that I have defected, but he has nothing to guard against me." "

"Oh, do you know all about Dressrosa, and all about Doflamingo?"

Karp asked again.

"That's right!" Law nodded heavily.

Others must have come to crusade against Doflamingo, and in Law's opinion, as long as the people who were targeting Doflamingo were on his side, he was willing to tell them everything he knew.

"Our location is called Grimbit, and it's an isolated island north of Dressrosa. Connected to the island by a steel suspension bridge, the local residents were originally able to pass through the bridge without incident, but 200 years ago, schools of fierce betta fish began to appear around the waters of the suspension bridge, which could easily capsize the passing boats, so the ships could not enter the place, and even the local residents would not rush to pass through the suspension bridge - but Brother Lin Nan - it seems that a lot of betta fish have been killed here, and the fish ball soup at noon is made of betta meat——"

When Luo mentioned this, his serious face couldn't hold back, and he said: "There is also the bullfighting arena, this is a large arena in Dressrosa, usually a martial arts match of sword fighters, occasionally a large competition, because the content of the game is too bloody and violent, children are forbidden to watch inside and outside, there are soldiers called "Lei Bing" Gu guard. It was owned by the Don Quixote family, who you all know as Doflamingo, and they made arbitrary laws that made it impossible for the navy and the police to control even major crimes. Players can choose the equipment they need in the battle preparation room, but if the equipment exceeds a certain weight, the management will persuade the players to remove the excess equipment until it meets the required standards. If a contestant violates the competition, such as a competitor who fights for personal vendetta or makes aggressive remarks before the start of the competition, they will be disqualified from the competition and forcibly expelled from the arena by the management - although recently, there is no competition in the bullfighting arena -"

"Okay, I'm sure you know about Dressrosa, but I need to know Doflamingo's most crucial crime from you—" Karp's eyes shifted, and then he interrupted Law directly.


Luo took a deep breath, and then said, "That's the Smile Factory, the second factory in Dressrosa that makes artificial animal-based devil fruits—located below the palace, and I know there is a shortcut there, where there are still hundreds of victimized Lilliputians imprisoned below, coerced and lured by Don Quixote's men to help with the work and produce artificial devil fruits—and this devil fruit is for the Four Emperors Kaido-"

Artificial Devil Fruits?

Hearing this, the look of surprise on Karp and Yellow Ape's faces became even more obvious.

It seems that the rumors are all true, Doflamingo actually colluded with the Four Emperors Kaido, it turns out that there is Kaido behind him!

Now things seem to get a little complicated!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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