By the end of the day, Law had told him everything he knew, and Doflamingo had been sold to him.

Doflamingo was Law's enemy, and in Law's opinion, there was nothing wrong with saying this, on the contrary, he was very comfortable in his heart.

He wants Doflamingo to be punished as he deserves...

After saying everything, Luo clenched his fists and clenched them tightly.

Both the yellow ape and Karp's hearts were in an uproar, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

It took them a moment to come to their senses.

Lin Nan was also watching the play on the side, and he didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Karp took a deep breath, now that he knew these things, whether he was true or not, he would go and see first, only if he saw these things with his own eyes, he would issue a wanted warrant for Doflamingo.

"Very well, boy Luo, I know all of this, I heard that you will take us to Doflamingo's territory tomorrow, right? "

Karp looked at Ro's immature face seriously, and he said softly.

"No problem. Law nodded solemnly to Karp.

"Well, in that case, Luo boy, you should have a good rest. I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow, and we'll all go over when the time comes. Karp patted Law on the shoulder and nodded.

"Well, I will. Law nodded again.

"It's not too early, so we'll go first. With that, Karp glanced at the yellow ape and all the navies, and the navies immediately understood and rose from their stools.

After Karp took care of Luo, he glanced at Lin Nan again, although it was goodbye.

As soon as Karp stepped out of the dining room with one foot, he heard a voice coming: "Old man Karp, I'm afraid you forgot something." "

"Forgot something?"

Karp paused, then turned around and looked at Lin Nan with a smile on his face not far behind him.

"You didn't pay for the meal!"

Lin Nan said confidently, and hooked his hand at Karp.

"Rice... Food?" Karp's face changed color instantly, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said to Lin Nan very unhappily: "Didn't I just not pay, as for being so stingy?"

"Old man Karp, I'm running a small business, it's a matter of course to give money for dinner, and I also see that you are an acquaintance and give you a twenty-percent discount... If you don't give money, then you can't say anything, if you don't give money, how will I earn back my costs? If you don't give money, who will pay the restaurant staff? If you don't give money, how will this blind sea restaurant operate? Who will be responsible for the closure of the restaurant?"

Lin Nan said as a matter of course, he was very natural, and he didn't mean to blush at all.

And Karp listened to Lin Nan's crackling words, and his whole head was bigger, didn't he just forget to give money? Didn't he just forget to give money once? As for saying that it was so terrifying? Why was it involved in the closure of the restaurant, this crime was inevitably too big, right?

It's even more horrible than doing something terrible!

Excuse me?

The corners of Karp's mouth twitched, he walked quickly to Lin Nan, put Lin Nan's face and said, "How much?"

"Look at the bill yourself. "

Lin Nan wrote a lot on a piece of paper and put it in front of Karp.

Karp looked at the paper on the table, then said, "So many?"

"yes, and that's a 20% discount. Lin Nan hugged his arms and said with a smile.

"Uh... All right. Karp pursed his lips and said nothing more, he fumbled into his pocket, pulled out a large pile of money, and placed it on the table.

"Jinping came over to hold the money. "

Looking at the pile of money on the table, a glimmer of light flashed in Lin Nan's eyes, and he hurriedly shouted at Jinping.

Jinping responded, and ran over with the money.

Lin Nan's face was seen by Karp, and this boss was clearly a profiteer.


There is no doubt that the food he makes is very delicious.

"Haha, old man Karp walks slowly, come back tomorrow!"

Lin Nan waved his hand at Karp in satisfaction, the corners of Karp's mouth twitched, he didn't accept anything, turned around and left resolutely.

Soon, Karp left with everyone.

Seeing that the time was not early, Lin Nan also returned to his room, because the old lady and Aina were already asleep, Lin Nan's steps were very light. As he passed by Aina and the old lady's bed, he heard two even breaths.

He was afraid that there was only one even breathing sound...

Because if the other one had been awake, he would have suffered again this night...

After a busy day, Lin Nan was also tired, so he directly opened his life and went to bed.


Lin Nan had just covered his life after going to bed, and before he could close his eyes, he heard a slight sound, his face changed suddenly, and there was a look of helplessness behind him.

"Hey... Why are you here again?" Lin Nan asked with a sad face.

Lin Nan was radiant and energetic, the reason why he got up so early today was because he still had something to do today, he had to go to Doflamingo's territory with Luo, Yellow Ape, and Karp, and sneak inside to investigate the truth of the matter, if the truth is confirmed, Karp and Yellow Ape will go directly to the top palace to arrest Doflamingo...

Walking on the road to the town of Dressrosa, Lin Nan suddenly said, "Hey." Karp, can you get those navies not to follow? Don't you think it's easy to expose yourself?"

"Also. And you, like the yellow ape, can you not wear military uniforms? If we want to infiltrate Doflamingo's territory, we have to wear civilian clothes! Don't you have any brains?"

Lin Nan rolled his eyes.

Karp and Yellow Ape listened to Lin Nan's words, and they were very unhappy, when will it be his turn to teach people these things?

But after thinking about it carefully, they had to admit that Lin Nan had a point..._

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