"Okay, okay, everything you say is right, I won't tell you anymore. "

Karp was upset when he heard this, and he was very unhappy, so he simply stopped talking to Lin Nan.

Lin Nan smiled even more, and then he said to Karp: "Okay, I won't say it, but the battle on the Yellow Ape's side is almost over." "

Listening to Lin Nan's words, Karp raised his eyebrows, and looked directly at the yellow ape's side.

He found that the yellow ape had the upper hand, and Trepole had been beaten to the ground by the yellow ape and could not stand up, lying on the ground like a mess of mud, motionless.

Seeing such a result, Lin Nan did not have a trace of turmoil in his heart, because of such an ending, he had already guessed that the yellow ape was so powerful, how could he lose?

It's only a matter of time!

"Hmph, why is that guy the yellow ape getting more and more ink, and he actually settled the battle at this time, it's really disappointing to me. "

Karp crossed his arms and grumbled dissatisfiedly.

"It's already very good to be able to solve the opponent, why do you care so much?" Lin Nan persuaded him with good words beside him.

A glimmer of light appeared in Luo's eyes, he looked at the yellow ape with adoring eyes, and then Luo applauded vigorously while praising the yellow ape: "Brother Yellow Ape, those tricks you did just now are so handsome, they just blinded my eyes!"

It's so handsome –

The yellow ape strode back, the light in his eyes blooming, and in the face of the praise of the little guy Luo, his heart was still very useful.

"Boy, you-"

The yellow ape walked in front of everyone, pushed his glasses in a dashing manner, and then pointed at Luo with one hand, and said to Luo: "You are a very good talker!"

"Thank you!"

Luo nodded heavily, a heartfelt smile on his immature face.

Lin Nan didn't speak on the side, but he had a confident smile on his face throughout.

Now that Scarman, Sucrose, and Trepole have all been solved, even if the factory is liberated, the evidence that Karp and Yellow Ape need has been collected, and now they can go directly to Doflamingo's location and issue a wanted warrant directly to him!

"Alright, now let's go and do something else. "

Karp glanced at the smug yellow ape and said.

The next thing is very simple, it is nothing more than to call people down for reinforcements, and directly destroy the bar above, and destroy the factories and artificial fruit trees below.

All 500 Lilliputians were rescued.

Having done a good deed, Lin Nan's heart was satisfied.

Watching Sucrose, Trepole, and Scar Man being taken away by the Navy with Hailou Stone, he was still very satisfied.

Lin Nan's current short-term plan is to clear his name and make the naval government deeply aware of the mistakes they have made.

He helped Karp and the Yellow Ape to do things, not to curry favor with the navy!

Even if the five old stars above the admiral came to ask him for help, Lin Nan would never appreciate this face, he did it just for his friends.

That's right, this friend is Karp.

If it weren't for Karp's sake, he wouldn't have come here with Karp at all.

Now it's not just Karp standing by his side, even the yellow ape is already standing by his side, which is a good phenomenon.

In addition, the pheasant among the other two generals is also a person who values affection, but unfortunately the red dog is dead.

If, if you win over the heavier people on the navy side, then you should be able to sail on the sea a lot easier in the future, at least you can calm down-

I was able to do the restaurant work quietly.


The Navy made such a big move, which naturally attracted the attention of the citizens of Dressrosa, and there was already a lot of uproar outside, because those who had turned into toy people had returned to their original appearance.

And slogans against Doflamingo were shouted in the streets.

This is a very good sign.

Karp put on his cloak of justice again—


Jump straight into Doflamingo's lair.

On the very top floor of the royal palace.

In Doflamingo's room, he sat on a stool with his glasses crossed and his legs crossed, listening carefully to the report of a member of the Don Quixote family in front of him.

His face changed dramatically, and he jerked everything on the table to the ground, and then he jerked to his feet.

shouted: "Did all the people from the Navy do it?"

"No—no, there's another guy with the navy—that kid seems to be in the same league as Karp. "The subordinate of the Don Quixote family, feeling Doflamingo's anger, was not good. The tone of speech can't help but become slurred.

"What's the name?"

Doflamingo asked through gritted teeth.

"That guy is the sea pirate Lin Nan!"

"Lin—what?" Doflamingo's face changed again when he heard the name, and then asked again.

"The sea thief Lin Nan-"

The subordinate said again.

"-Lin Nan?"

Doflamingo swallowed hard.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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