Lin Nan!

This word that made him hate appeared in his ears, he clenched his fists tightly, he still remembered what happened in the Chambord Islands, he was almost killed by Lin Nan's kid, but he never thought that Lin Nan would collude with the navy at this time.

Doflamingo's eyes flickered, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure it out.

It stands to reason that Lin Nan's incident in the Chambord Islands should be very big, shouldn't the navy chase him all over the world?

But why did he come to this Dresrosa?

Also in collusion with the Navy!

What the hell is going on?

Doflamingo felt like his head was turning a little.

It's so unusual.

"Impossible! absolutely impossible!" Doflamingo suddenly let out an angry roar, a wave of qi from him as the center, violently swinging in all directions, the subordinates in front of Doflamingo were attacked by this wave of qi, their bodies could not support it, their knees were weak, and they knelt directly on the ground, showing a painful look on their faces, even so, he did not dare to make a sound.

"Akainu is dead! He's dead! Why is that guy still able to mess with the Navy?"

Doflamingo said with a hideous face.

"I obviously killed Akaiu in the first place!, but why-"

Doflamingo's fists were clenched and creaking, he was almost killed by Lin Nan in the Chambord Islands, Doflamingo kept this incident in his heart, and he was later picked up by the navy, and he was also treated.

Himself, the yellow ape, and the red dog were all seriously injured, among which the yellow ape's injury was slightly serious, and he was the second, and the most seriously injured was the red dog.

Doflamingo hated Lin Nan in his heart, and on the hospital bed, he was planning how to take revenge on Lin Nan, so that he couldn't eat and walked around.

I can't beat him myself, so let's find another way-


I just shifted my attention to Akainu, since Lin Nan has made such a big fuss and has already attracted the attention of the navy, it is better to make the matter a little bigger.

After the yellow ape's injury was almost gone, Doflamingo deliberately pulled out the potion hanging needle inserted in the blood vessels of the red inu, so that the venom left in the red dog continued to torture the red inu, until the red dog died, Doflamingo inserted the needle back into the red inu's body.

When the doctor came to the room to examine him, Doflamingo closed his eyes.

The doctor screamed when he found out that Akaiu had died, and then quickly reported the incident to the top.

And so—

The news of Akainu's death spread immediately-

And of course, the title of the culprit who killed the red dog naturally fell on Lin Nan's head.

This is what Doflamingo made up.

When Doflamingo came to Dressrosa not long after, and saw the 450 million Bailey in the newspaper, a hearty smile appeared on Doflamingo's lips.

This hatred!

It's finally time to report!

Moreover, he doesn't need to do it himself!

And yet—

Today, Doflamingo's previous fantasies are gone.


Lin Nan appeared by his side again, and he was still with the navy!

Together with the Navy, the SMALE plant was destroyed!


The more Doflamingo thought about it, the more angry he became, and he stretched out his hand and slammed his fist on the wooden table next to him.

"Call me all the Don Quixote cadres!"

Doflamingo shouted angrily.


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