"Iron Fist of Love!"

Karp took off the cloak behind him the moment he soared into the sky, revealing a black vest with terrifying muscles on his exposed arms, and he could feel the explosive power contained in them just by looking at them.

A punch comes out.

The armed color attached to the fist is radiant!

Hit Lin Nan in the distance.

The corners of Lin Nan's mouth crossed a confident arc: "Karp, don't flash to your waist." "

"Giant Poison Soldier!"

Lin Nan, who had the poisonous fruit in his body, was not afraid of Karp at all, even if it was an old monster?

In an instant, Lin Nan's body released a skeleton-shaped giant, the giant has a fierce poison, once any substance comes into contact with it, it will be infected and gradually spread and erode everything, once it is contacted, it can only wait for death!

Karp's eyes widened, and his eyelids jerked back.

He instinctively sensed that the purple shield attached to Lin Nan's body had a strong poison, and he didn't dare to approach the poison cover at all.

That's why he stopped the punch he was about to throw.

This punch can't be thrown out of the way.

If you can't beat Lin Nan, it's still yourself who suffers, and you can't draw it.

Karp's feet landed on the ground, and the air waves around him swept away, and countless clouds of smoke and dust danced in the wind and scattered.

His brows were furrowed very tightly, this Lin Nan was not easy to deal with, he suddenly realized that the current Lin Nan was not the Lin Nan of a few months ago, still remember that in the capital of seven waters, Lin Nan was still learning boxing from himself, Lin Nan at that time was not his opponent at all, and it was not like having fun to clean him up? But now-

On the contrary, I have no fun-

But it's strange to say that the kid's ability at the beginning, and then the perfect use of wind power, now has this ability to release poison gas and venom!

What will he be like next time?

Karp didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Hey, Karp, don't you really want to take it? Why don't you do it now, I'm waiting for you to beat me, I've been tight lately, and I'm worried that no one will loosen it for me!"

Lin Nan stuck his waist and deliberately said to Karp in a provocative tone.

When Karp heard this, his breath stagnated, and his whole person was not good-

"You kid, you deliberately me off!"

Karp's face turned red, and he roared angrily at Lin Nan.

"I'm not angry with you, I'm just encouraging you, Doflamingo's life and death are in your hands, if you take me down earlier, Doflamingo will still be saved, if you grind, even if Doflamingo falls into your hands in the end, he will be dead-right?

With that, Lin Nan glanced at Doflamingo, who was dying beside him.

Doflamingo was miserable, his eyes glinting with horror. At first, he was sure that Lin Nan would not kill himself, but now he completely collapsed.

Because on the navy's side, no one dares to go against Lin Nan at all, and Lin Nan is a master who is not afraid of heaven and earth, even if he carries the name of a sea thief, he has to fight the navy to the end!

The most surprising thing is that the other two generals have no intention of helping at all-

A cool melody comes to mind - Doflamingo wants to cry without tears!

Even Karp can't do anything about Lin Nan, so isn't he going to die here?

Doflamingo is scared!

He's really scared!

He didn't have the slightest intention of resisting—

He only asked Lin Nan to raise his noble hand!

Because this venom spreads on the body, it will soon dry up life, not to mention dying, it feels like Doflamingo is still suffering greatly at this moment!

"Doflamingo, aren't you going to admit to what you did?"

Lin Nan saw Doflamingo's changing eyes and asked softly.



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