Doflamingo squirmed in bitterness.

His mental defenses have completely collapsed-

Several of his bigwigs in the navy have no way to take Lin Nan, and now he is highly poisoned, if he doesn't receive treatment in time, then he will die as tragically as Akainu.

"If you admit it yourself, I'll let you go and hand you over to the navy, and as for whether the navy people will save you and treat you, then I can't guarantee it. "

Lin Nan teased.

Doflamingo's pale face changed again and again, he swallowed hard, looked at the hundreds of navies in the distance, he gritted his teeth, and asked, "As long as I say it—will you really let me go?"

Doflamingo, who is a Draconian, has to bow his head at such a time-

In order to stay alive -

Before, he was not afraid of death, he was sure that Lin Nan would not dare to make a move, but now he has no choice-

I can only bow my head and admit defeat!

"That's right, repeat it three times out loud, and I'll let you go. "

Lin Nan hugged his arms and bowed slightly at Doflamingo.


When Doflamingo heard this, he swallowed again, his mouth opened violently, and he was still for a few seconds, and when the words came to his mouth, he was suddenly speechless.

"Still don't you want to say? Would you like to have another Venom package? Buy one get one free!"

Lin Nan smiled evilly.

"Akainu-Akainu! I killed it!"

Doflamingo's heart was crossed, his eyes closed, and he shouted violently.

Then, without stopping, he said, "I killed the red inu!"

"I killed the Akainu!"

This sentence, Doflamingo repeated three times, this was done according to Lin Nan's request-

"I killed the Akainu!"

The volume of the words was so loud that almost the moment Doflamingo shouted it, everyone had heard it.

Karp, who was standing in the distance and didn't dare to approach this side, as well as Yellow Ape, Fuji Tiger, and Luo, all had different expressions on their faces.

Was the red dog killed by Doflamingo?

Of course, among these people, Karp was the most surprised, he shook his head vigorously, trying to sober himself up, however, he soon realized that this might be Lin Nan threatening Doflamingo.

The anger on his face became even heavier, and he shouted, "Don't be afraid, Doflamingo—to be honest, does Akainu's death have anything to do with you!"

When he asked this, Karp also glanced at Lin Nan deeply, trying to see a trace of cattiness in Lin Nan's eyes.

However, to no avail.

"I killed the red inu—I deliberately killed him—in order to divert your attention to Lin Nan, I deliberately pulled out the antidote to the red inu—if the red dog had been treated in time, the red dog would not have died—yes, it's me! I killed the red dog! I was beaten by Lin Nan that day—I was upset—so—that's why I have to blame him!"

Doflamingo didn't shy away from it, and shouted at everyone with his mouth open.

Listening to Doflamingo's words, the depression in Lin Nan's heart disappeared all at once, he had been waiting for this day for a long time, in order to clear his name, he had spent a lot of effort, and now it was finally achieved!


Lin Nan's eyes flickered, and he looked directly into Karp's eyes: "Now you have nothing to say, if the world government still wants to arrest me Lin Nan! Then I'm sorry, I will be the enemy of the entire world government!"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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