If the World Government wants to arrest me Lin Nan, then I'm sorry, I will be the enemy of the entire World Government!

Lin Nan directly released cruel words to Karp and everything, and this time he completely let it go.

Doflamingo has personally admitted that Akainu's death was his fault!

What is there to doubt about this!?

Karp was stunned.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then took a deep breath, when he first heard Doflamingo admit this matter in person, he still didn't believe it, because he concluded in his heart at that time that the reason why Doflamingo said this was entirely because Lin Nan was threatening him, but the second time, he didn't think so, because the look in Doflamingo's eyes was only repentance!

That's not acting, it's real!

That was Doflamingo's heartfelt repentance and fear, in front of the powerful Lin Nan, Doflamingo wanted to live, and he could only do what Lin Nan asked-

Lin Nan's request, although there was a threat in it, but Karp was not stupid, he could see what Doflamingo was thinking.

Karp was speechless, and he didn't even know what to say.

The yellow ape on the other side opened his mouth, trying to say something, but after thinking about it, he finally closed his mouth, and then shook his head helplessly: "I didn't expect that Lin Nan is really not to blame for the death of the red dog! This time the world government is really wrong to blame Lin Nan - we really forced him to be like this-"

The yellow ape felt deeply remorseful for this incident.

At the same time, he was moved and humiliated by his status as a navy!

Indiscriminately and recklessly -

Where did the justice of the Navy go, and how is the heart defined?

The yellow ape was ashamed of himself, and at this moment, he couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground.

Fujitora stood aside and didn't say a word, everything was under his control, he had already guessed that the final outcome would be like this.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and a smile of relief appeared on his face.

Then he used his sword as a crutch, closed his eyes, and used the crutch to explore the way - and walked into the distance: "It's black or white, you can't escape the eyes of God!" Fuji Tiger looked up at the sky and sighed.

"I killed the red inu!"

"I killed the red inu!"

On Lin Nan's side, Doflamingo was lying on the ground, still shouting the same sentence hoarsely.

Lin Nan glanced indifferently at Doflamingo on the ground.

"I, Lin Nan, do what I say, I will let you go today, but don't be bumped into by me in the future, if you can hide for a lifetime, even if you are lucky!"

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the last time in the Chambord Islands, when he was about to kill Doflamingo, the Hades King Reilly appeared at that time and saved Doflamingo's life.

Until now, Lin Nan still remembers what the original Hades King Reilly said to him.

"I don't want you to be a man with blood on your hands-"

Thinking of this, Lin Nan smiled self-deprecatingly, yes, he is an excellent chef!

A chef's hands are always clean –

If it's stained with blood, what kind of chef is it?

Lin Nan said that, he directly threw Doflamingo's body to Karp, and then he walked directly to Karp, rubbed Karp's shoulder and walked past him, without even looking at Karp.

"Luo boy, where are you going next?"

Lin Nan came to Luo's side gracefully, rolled his eyes, and then asked.

"I-I haven't figured it out yet, but now Doflamingo should-"

Law swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then looked in the direction of Doflamingo, as if he had something to say, but because of the presence of people around him who shouldn't exist, he couldn't open his mouth for a while.


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