There was a teenager in the square of Dressrosa who was so excited that he never thought that he would actually become a member of the restaurant, and he was moved to tears.

After Luo's affairs were dealt with, Mo Chen was about to leave here with Luo, but suddenly heard a middle-aged man's voice behind him.

The sound is familiar.

"Lin Nan—"

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows slightly, but his footsteps did not stop, he looked down at Luo beside him, and said: "It's not early, let's go, the restaurant should be too busy now, that guy Hawkeye Mihawk has to say bad things about me behind my back." "

"Well, Brother Lin Nan, Uncle Karp was calling you just now, didn't you hear that?"

Luo Fen clearly heard the voice behind Lin Nan, but he found that Lin Nan did not react at all.

Simply, he couldn't help but remind Lin Nan curiously.

"I didn't hear anything, let's go!"

Lin Nan rubbed Luo Xiaozi's hair, and then said with a smile, saying that, the range of steps on his feet became larger.

"I know!"

However, at this moment, Karp's voice came from behind Lin Nan again.

Lin Nan was still unmoved.

Karp looked at Lin Nan's back as he gradually moved away, he sighed deeply, and then opened his throat and said to Lin Nan who was gradually moving away: "I know—I know that you must hate me in your heart, and I Karp blamed you for misrepresenting just now—here, in the name of a vice admiral, I solemnly apologize to you! I'm sorry! In addition, I hope we can still be friends." "

Karp has already been out of his mind and he is almost twice as old as lin nan but in some things he still has to put down his son as an elder it is wrong just

Karp was carried away just now, thinking that Lin Nan was a heinous thief-

Thinking about it, Lin Nan must have felt very uncomfortable in his heart at that time, right?

The more I thought about it, Karp's heart didn't go—

Lin Nan still walked forward with his steps.

Karp shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, you shouldn't have heard it, anyway, I, Karp, have already put the words here, besides, I will organize people to come to your restaurant to eat in the evening." "

"Hey, I said Karp, you've offended people this time, right? This Doflamingo doesn't look like a good thing, you still don't believe Lin Nan - smash -"

The yellow ape, who was holding his arm, came to Karp's side in three or two steps, and said lightly.

"You're an afterthought, you know a fart!"

Karp couldn't help but roll his eyes at the yellow ape, and then Doflamingo, who was lying on the ground and had been eroded by venom, said to the yellow ape, "Is this guy going to die or live?"

"Look at what you say, of course you want to live, this is a five-star felon!"

The yellow ape pursed his lips and said as a matter of course.

"Then you're going to get someone to carry him away?"

Karp said angrily.

"Alright—I'll do it—" The yellow ape pursed his lips again, and nodded his head without hesitation, but soon, he felt that something was wrong—

"Hey, Karp, why is it your turn to order me? You have to figure out the rank, okay? I'm a general! You're a lieutenant general!

The yellow ape was very dissatisfied.

The corners of Karp's mouth twitched—

"Hey, what are you two talking about? Do you want to go to Lin Nan's restaurant for dinner?"

Teng Hu has followed Lin Nan out of the distance with a cane!

His voice came from afar—


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