
It was supposed to be a peaceful night, however, the night in Dressrosa today was not peaceful, because many things happened in Dressrosa today.

Doflamingo's crimes are revealed.

Countless people who have been turned into toy people have been restored to their original ways, and all those lost memories have returned to people's minds.

King Riku returned to his original position-

Everything in Dressrosa is back on track.


King Riku, who returned to the throne, had tears in his eyes.

"Who saved the country? Did you see the real person?"

King Riku asked, sitting on his throne and looking down at his subordinates below.

"Report, King Riku--I heard that the man who defeated Doflamingo was a young man in his twenties-"

"Reported, King Riku - the young man has another identity, he seems to be a chef - his food is top-notch! and his restaurant is not far from Dressrosa. "

"King Liku, I know that young man's name is Lin Nan. "

"By the way, King Liku, that hero named Lin Nan still has an identity, didn't he make a big disturbance in the Chambord Islands a few days ago?

"However, how can I only know that Lin Nan is investigating Doflamingo with the Navy this time? And he and the Navy are still in a cooperative relationship!"

Listen to Liku, he really doesn't understand what these people are talking about.

At first, the hero was a young man in his twenties - and he was a chef! Some said he was a sea thief, and some said he had a relationship with the sea?


Which word should we believe?

King Liku slapped him on the table and said angrily: "Don't say anything, let's not care about his identity first, the first thing we have to do is to find him immediately, he has done so many things for us Dressrosa, he is the hero of our Dressrosa Kingdom, no matter what, we have to thank him well, and we have to prepare a generous gift for him, immediately don't be afraid to send someone to find him." "

"That—His Majesty the King of Riku—we had sent for him beforehand, and had invited him to dine at the palace—but he had rejected them. He left only one word for all of us—"

One of the subordinates said with some fear.

King Liku raised his eyebrows and asked, "What did he say?"


"I'm stumbling, just make it clear to me what he said!" King Liku's brow furrowed even tighter, and he wanted to slap the kid in front of him.

"He said—he's going to do business—if business is bad today, he's going to blame us—he's going to make us pay ten times the money lost in the restaurant—"


"Did he really say that? Are you sure you heard me right?"

A trace of sweat overflowed from King Liku's forehead, and he said in shock.

"Well—that's what he said—"


King Liku was speechless—

It seems that the masters have a strange personality - they can't be provoked.

This made King Liku unable to repay Lin Nan if he wanted to.

"Alas, in that case, if he is in trouble in the future, our Dressrosa Kingdom will not stand idly by!"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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