"Okay, Dad, then I'll be responsible for killing them!"

Aina's two white and tender hands are crossed on her waist, her little face is raised, her snow-white neck is shining, and her face is full of solemnity, in her opinion, this will be a very meaningful task.

"Silly boy. "

Lin Nan's eyes were full of smiles, and she rubbed her daughter's hair lovingly.

Today's specialty meal is stilt beef.

Almost every meal in a sea restaurant is different, but no one has ever eaten seameat with crossed feet -

Lin Nan, who used to be a native of Sichuan, has a deep impression of this stilted beef, which is a famous dish of the Han nationality in Leshan City, Sichuan Province, which has a long history of Han nationality.

After several developments, the soup flavor has become more and more exquisite.

It is to put all kinds of things on the beef body together and cook them together, including beef, beef tongue, beef liver, beef ears, beef lungs, beef heart, beef tripe, beef intestines, beef shutters, beef tendon, beef brisket, beef brain, beef bones, beef marrow, beef whip (cough cough), beef blood, etc.

On the basis of the traditional soup flavor, modern condiments such as pepper, monosodium glutamate, and sprouts are added, and dozens of kinds of Chinese medicinal materials are infiltrated to make the "fine soup", which is more scientific and nutritious. It has formed four major characteristics: clear soup color, long fragrance, crispy and tender beef offal, and diverse eating methods.

Stilt beef is the intangible cultural heritage of Leshan, Leshan streets and alleys are absolutely indispensable a delicacy, stilt beef is not only mellow soup, delicious and fragrant, but also has the effect of repelling cold, outsiders have eaten stilt beef in Leshan, all give a thumbs up-

Originally, Lin Nan hadn't thought of this dish, just because there were still a few manatees caught yesterday on the boat that hadn't been processed yet.

I finally came to Whitebeard today, and his pirate group has thousands of people, so he should be able to make a lot of money from this sea meat.

Lin Nan rolled up his sleeves and walked in.

Stilt beef.

Angelica Angelica tablets, Sannai, star anise, cinnamon, cumin, grass fruit, sand kernel, grass fruit, white cardamom, cloves, bay leaves, white pepper, and then put it into a gauze bag and tie it tightly.

Cut the beef loin into pieces, wash the bones of the beef stick, put it in a soup pot, add enough water, put it in a spice gauze bag, boil it over high heat, boil it over medium-low heat for 2~3 hours, and add salt.

Shreds the tripe and beef hoof tendons, slice the beef shutters, and wash them. Wash the celery and finely chop.

"Mihawk, I'll leave it to you for these things to cut—"

Lin Nan took out a bunch of the materials to be cut. Subconsciously, he called out the name of Hawkeye Mihawk-

However, just as Lin Nan was about to shake off his hands to make the next step, he suddenly found that the swordsman with the mustache next to him was no longer there.

Lin Nan took the spatula, looked at the empty scene around him in a daze, and lost his mind.

Immediately, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

"That guy is gone—why am I still thinking about him!"

Lin Nan shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"You have to cut these things, leave them to me!"

However, at this moment, a crisp voice came, Lin Nan had a moment of illusion, he subconsciously thought that the person who spoke was Eagle Eye, but when he turned his head sideways to see the person who came, he couldn't cry or laugh.

It turned out to be Tetsuo Redfoot-

"So it's you—won't it be troublesome, and if you can't do it, I'll cut it for you." "

Lin Nan smiled at Tetsuo the Redfoot, and then said.

"Brother Lin Nan, don't forget, my red-footed man is also a powerful man!"


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