The appearance of the red-footed Tetsuo made Lin Nan lose his mind for a moment.

He subconsciously thought that the person talking next to him was Hawkeye Mihawk, and he smiled bitterly at this.

Redfoot Tetsuo is also a weathered person who has experienced a lot, he can see at a glance what Lin Nan is thinking, he took the initiative to pick up the kitchen knife that was put aside, and was once used by Hawkeye Mihawk: "Don't worry, little brother Lin Nan, I will assist you in cooking in the future, chopping vegetables or something, I'm very good at it, and I also know what you're thinking, he's gone, you must be a little unaccustomed to it, right? Time will wash away everything, to be honest, I also admire that one- He has the title of number one in the world and a superb cook, but I will keep up with him. "

Chop chop chop –

After saying that, Tetsuo Redfoot picked up the kitchen knife and worked hard.

Listening to Tetsuo Redfoot's words, Lin Nan squinted his eyes slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face: "Thank you." "

"Thanks, I'm not still on the boat, that's what I'm supposed to do. Red-footed Tetsuo waved his hand at Lin Nan and said modestly.

"Hey, Redfoot, that guy called Hawkeye is gone, and I still want to be Lin Nan's second-in-command - how can you take my place!"

At this time, a very inopportune voice sounded, Redfoot Tetsuo didn't care, he still had a faint smile on his face, and Lin Nan frowned: "Do you know what a sentence is called?"

Jinping was stunned: "What are you talking about?"

"That's a saying that the capable work harder, and Tetsuo the Redfoot is here to help out with his ability, and you-what else can you do besides pulling a hand of ramen? Is this chopping thing you can do? Don't cut your own hand for a while, but I have to thank you for adding food to today's lunch, a fish-man roasted palm—it should be delicious, right?"

Lin Nan sneered.

"Bah, you just look down on me Jinping! It's also from the Fish-Man Clan-" Jinping's face fell when he heard Lin Nan's words, but he crossed his waist and said to Lin Nan with some mid-foot.

"Then——? can you chop vegetables?" Lin Nan raised his eyebrows at Jinping.

"I have a lot of strength, Jiu-Jitsu is top-notch, and I have a must-have ramen!"

"Well, then what, you'll chop vegetables"


"Do you know how to chop vegetables?" Lin Nan asked again.

"Forget it, I'm leaving-Lin Nan, you hurt a chef's heart, let's talk as little as possible in the future-break off friendship!

Jinping was embarrassed by Lin Nan's words, his self-esteem was insulted, and he hid his face and strode away.

Do you chop vegetables?

Do you chop vegetables?

Do you chop vegetables?

This sentence has been lingering in Jinping's ears, stirring him upset, and he wants to die.


He just can't chop vegetables!

After being on the ship for so long, he would only make ramen noodles, knead noodles, make bread dumplings, make steamed steamed siu mai scones, and bake cakes - as long as it was related to noodles, he would do almost everything -

It's just—


In the kitchen, Red-Footed Tetsuo chopped and chopped vegetables, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and said: "Brother Lin Nan, you talk about him like this, how sad should he be?

"Don't worry about him, he will naturally get better after a while, let's cut the vegetables first, and when the water boils later, I will cut the ingredients, and the things you cut will also be put into the pot together!"



Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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