
Jinping cleared his throat, he has made noodles countless times, and today the chicken noodles he made have been affirmed by everyone, and he is very satisfied and full of a sense of accomplishment.

And Lin Nan asked about the method of chicken noodles again, he couldn't sit still, he had to behave well in front of Lin Nan.

This is unprecedented!

Although he is usually very dissatisfied with Lin Nan, he still cares about Lin Nan's opinion very much, because Lin Nan's cooking skills have always been unfathomable, and being able to get his affirmation shows that his progress has made a qualitative leap, and the days spent on the ship have not been in vain.

"Actually, it's very simple, the main troublesome step is the ramen, the chicken offal noodles need to be very thin, so you need to pull a few more turns, and after the noodles are pulled, I will put the noodles aside first-"

Jinping crossed his waist and was full of confidence, like a big guy, and said to everyone.

"Getting to the point. "

After Lin Nan ate the bowl of noodles, he took a sip of noodle soup and said impatiently.

"In addition to noodles, other things needed are chicken offal, minced ginger, minced garlic, shredded carrots, red pepper grains, chopped green onions, soybean paste, salt, oil, cooking wine. "

Jinping directly chose to ignore Lin Nan's unhappiness, and continued: "But cutting those things, I took a lot of effort——"

Jinping's face was slightly red, and the minced garlic and shredded carrots were indeed very ordinary.

"I know your knife trash. Nan exposed it mercilessly in front of everyone.

"You-it's not all you don't teach me--if you don't work, you'll still be as powerful as Hawkeye!" Jinping blushed and screamed hoarsely at Lin Nan.

Lin Nan didn't say anything about this, he gestured to Jinping and motioned for Jinping to continue.

"Put water in the pot and boil, and cook underneath. "

"Take it out and put it in a bowl to serve. "

"Put an appropriate amount of oil in a frying pan, stir-fry minced garlic, ginger and red peppercorns, pour in chicken intestines, chicken hearts and egg eggs and stir-fry until fragrant, add some cooking wine and salt to taste. "

"Put in the shredded carrots and stir-fry for a while, add a few spoons of soybean paste to taste, after all, there are a lot of people on the boat, so the soybean paste is also added more - if it's a person, half a spoon is fine, the taste is not good!"

Then pour in the appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil. "

"The final step is to pour the boiling chicken offal into the noodles and sprinkle with chopped green onions—"

With his fingers, Jinping slowly explained the process of making his chicken noodles.

After listening to this, Lin Nan nodded secretly: "Yes, the step of boiling the soup is omitted, which saves time, and your noodle soup is not boiled water, but mixed with the juice of chicken and radish shreds, no wonder this noodle soup tastes so thick, but not salty, each slender is covered with a thin layer of soup, which tastes smooth and tastes good." "

Lin Nan explained the effect of Jinping's noodles.

Jinping also nodded: "That's right, that's my idea, the most taboo thing about a noodle is to add water and then add soup - this will wash away the taste of the soup, and it will also affect the original taste of the noodles." "

"Jinping, you are really good, and I am really pleased, I didn't expect that one of you didn't pay attention, your progress is so great!"

Lin Nan praised from the bottom of his heart.

"Of course, you don't look at who I am-"

Jinping said angrily.

"Well, since your noodles are so delicious, then you will have all the breakfast in the future!"



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