Jinping felt that he had fallen for Lin Nan's plan, he first praised himself for a while, and then asked himself to tell the specific method of chicken noodles, this routine is really a bit unfathomable-

After praising yourself to the point of being fascinated, I said to myself in an encouraging and highly recommended tone, so that I could take care of the breakfast making in the future-


It's just-

It's not something that people can say!

Damn it!

It's so hateful!

Although Jinping was dissatisfied in his heart, but now, he couldn't refuse Lin Nan's proposal, after all, everyone was watching from the side now, and everyone's eyes showed the meaning of expectation, Jinping saw two words in everyone's eyes, I want to eat-

Want to make yourself breakfast -

Unconsciously, Jinping was very satisfied, and the unhappiness he had for Lin Nan a second ago disappeared.

He suddenly felt that this was a difficult and great task, and being able to make breakfast for those who needed it was the best affirmation of a pastry chef.

Jinping has already taken such a step -

In this way, Jinping was immersed in joy and fulfillment in the following days, and he was very attentive to his daily breakfast, and he was always able to maintain the original first-class taste.

And Marko, who has seen Jinping's strength, has changed his opinion again, the pastry chef he has trained is first-class, and he can definitely be a chef in the Whitebeard Pirates - Lin Nan has made this cook himself, it is simply overkill and tyrannical-

In the next half month, Marco let go of his doubts about Lin Nan and devoted himself to learning, three days of knife work, five days of cooking, and seven days of synthesis!

A small accomplished cook forges.

Time passed quickly, which made Lin Nan a little doubtful that it was half a month of vacation.

Marco is also making rapid progress, thanks to his hard work.

On this day, the Whitebeard Pirates led more than a dozen of his captains to Lin Nan's deck.

"Lin Nan Xiaoyou, you said it, we are friends, right? But, are you sure you are really leaving today?" Whitebeard was tall, and even when he was sitting on a stool, Lin Nan felt that he was looking down on him.

"Yes, we're friends, but I'm leaving, and I've earned enough money with you, so it's time to go to the next place—"

Lin Nan had a faint smile on his face.

The sentence that has earned enough money is obviously a joke.

"Alas, the days go by, it's so fast, my first team captain studied with you, didn't cause you any trouble, right?"

Whitebeard sighed, obviously he was very reluctant, and he didn't want Lin Nan to leave, after all, in the days when Lin Nan was here, the people of their pirate group had eaten well.

"Marco is a good material, I'm sure it won't be long before he becomes a very good chef, and there's something else I have to tell Marko. "

Lin Nan said as he spoke, his gaze fell on Marko's body.

Marco raised an eyebrow and nodded. motioned for Lin Nan to speak.

"Don't think that your current cooking skills can be mastered, you must remember that you still have a long way to go, on this road must remember, be careful! Don't be impatient, usually practice more, in the practice you will find a lot of things that you have never encountered——"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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