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Mingshen looked at Lin Feng nervously. It was not that he did not trust Lin Feng, nor did he care about the 50 million US dollars, but he could not afford to lose. He had made a big promise with the consortium behind him. As long as Lin Feng attended the International Gambler God Competition, he would definitely be able to win the title of Gambler God and make the Lisboa Casino famous.

In this way, even foreign gamblers should know that there is an international casino in Macau that is not inferior to Las Vegas.

However, judging from the cards, the other party must have three 8s, otherwise he would not be so persistent in following the bet.

"Judges, we need to discuss this, so I hope to ban the cards."He Mingshen was a little unsure, so he said to the judges

""Okay." The referee nodded and said.

The dealer took out a stainless steel lid like a pot lid and covered the two decks of gambling cards.

"Xiao Feng, how good are your cards? The opponent obviously has three 8s. If this hand is really not good, just give up. Anyway, we still have 20 million in gambling money. Even if we lose this time, we still have a chance to make a comeback."He Mingshen said nervously.

To be honest, 50 million US dollars is just over 400 million. For the consortium behind them, it is not even a serious injury. It can only be said to be some superficial damage. They are eyeing the title of God of Gamblers.

"Boss He……"

Lin Feng was about to say that this time it would be foolproof, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at him closely. Following the gaze, he saw Leneng picking up a glass of red wine and sipping it carefully, but his sharp eyes were always staring at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneered in his heart and said secretly:"This old fox really doesn't waste a minute or a second. When he sealed the cards, he didn't forget to want to know some secrets from me."

Lin Feng knew that Leneng and others could read lips. They could judge the content of your words according to your mouth shape.

He was moved in his heart, frowned slightly, and said in an extremely small voice:"I am indeed not Folhouse this time. I am just stealing chickens. But he only has three 8s. If we bet hard this time, maybe we can scare him off. You know, my identity in the peripheral gambling is very special. Many people bet on me to win the title of the final God of Gamblers, so he can't afford to lose at all."


Even though He Mingshen had experienced a lot of storms, he was still shocked by Lin Feng's words at this moment. However, he was also a veteran in the casino. He knew that he could not show any expression in front of the public, so he just flashed a trace of panic in his eyes, and did not reveal any flaws on the surface.

Leneng swallowed the remaining red wine into his stomach. The smile on his face became even brighter. Lin Feng was right. This old guy had been staring at Lin Feng and others and talking. Now that he knew Lin Feng was there, he finally let go.

Now, he had to wait for the game to start. He would dare to follow the bet as much as Lin Feng wanted.

Time passed quickly, and Lin and Leneng returned to their seats.

The dealer took down the caps they were holding tightly.

"Referees, we have finished our discussion. We will put 50 million US dollars all in at once." Lin Feng leaned back in his chair very casually, tapping the edge of the gambling table with his fingers.

The referees nodded and agreed with Lin Feng's opinion. Because there was too much cash, there was no need to throw it all on the gambling table. Otherwise, Leneng and Lin Feng would not be able to see each other.

Leneng narrowed his eyes slightly, with a smile on his face, and said:"It is true that the young are to be feared, and the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger. Since Mr. God of Gamblers is so generous, how can I retreat?"

In this way, the two people bet all their money on this one. No matter who wins or loses, one person must leave the field.

The dealer saw that both sides had put all their money in the game, so he stretched out his hand and said,"Please open your cards."

Because Leneng's cards were smaller than Lin Feng's, he picked up the hole card and was about to show it, but Lin Feng shouted:"Wait a minute"

""Huh? What's going on?"

No one knew why Lin Feng called for a stop at this time. Did he regret it? But you have to know that both parties have agreed to go all in now, so it would be useless even if he regretted it.

Leneng slowly put down the trump card, then looked at Lin Feng, wondering what tricks he wanted to play.

Lin Feng wrinkled his nose and said,"Leneng, why don't we have a bet outside the game?"


"Damn, no way!"

"It's already like this, and they still want to increase the bet?"

The atmosphere on the scene, which had just cooled down, was sublimated again. Today's game was too exciting, with one wave of excitement after another.

Lin Feng took out a sealed envelope from his arms and said,"Here is a cash draft from a Swiss bank with 600 million yuan in it. I wonder if Mr. Leneng is interested in increasing the bet?""

"Haha, it turned out to be this trick."Leneng knew that Lin Feng was not Fulhouse long ago. The purpose of doing this was to make himself believe that the other party must have guessed the cards.

However, Leneng sneered. No matter from various aspects or what Lin Feng said to He Mingshen in person, he knew that the other party must be trying to steal the chicken, but this time he spent all his money.

The cost of stealing the chicken is not small. If it were anyone else, they might directly deny it or deduct the card.

However, Leneng was not within this range. Last time, because of Lin Feng, he lost almost tens of billions. He didn't expect that Lin Feng would give him a chance to make up for it.

Lin Feng should think that he can't take out so much cash and want to force himself to fold.

However, he has been in the gambling world for more than 20 years, and Leneng can still take out tens of millions of dollars in gambling money.

However, this money is also his old bottom line. If he really loses, he will be penniless.

"Humph! When I was in the gambling world, you didn't even know where to drink milk! Want to scare me away? It's not that easy."After Leneng finished speaking, he also took out an envelope from his inner pocket._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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