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The referee team immediately began to examine Leneng's cash check. Soon, the referee team said loudly:"The cash check is real and valid, and can be used as a bet."

His words were like a heavy bomb in the calm gambling hall, setting off a storm.

Now, the bet between Lin Feng and Leneng has been upgraded. From the original 50 million US dollars, another 600 million Hong Kong dollars were added.

Therefore, the bet for this round is as high as 1 billion. The reason why Leneng dared to gamble so much, even at the cost of taking out all his family assets, was because he saw what Lin Feng had just said. As a person of Qianmen, he has been in the gambling world for many years. He didn't believe that Lin Feng's guilty expression could deceive the direct fire eyes.

Leneng laughed triumphantly. Not only could he defeat Raymond Lam in this round, but he could also win 1 billion Hong Kong dollars from him, which was also a revenge for the last time.

The croupier who presided over this gambling match was also a little dumbfounded. He started learning croupier and gambling skills at the age of twelve. Today, he is already the most famous croupier in the Lisboa Casino.

However, after decades of working in the casino, this croupier who is quite famous in Macau has never seen such a large amount of money in a two-person gambling match.

The gambling game was completely out of his control. He glanced at the guest stage, where He Mingshen was his big boss. He Mingshen nodded helplessly. Just now, Raymond Lam also said that he wanted to steal the chicken and use a heavy bet to cheat Leneng.

But he didn't expect Leneng to be so old and cunning. He was not afraid that Raymond Lam could get Folhouse at all, or he had guessed that Raymond Lam was just stealing the chicken.

He Mingshen seemed to have aged ten years, and his complexion had obviously deteriorated. He was no longer watching the gambling game. He was thinking about how to explain this matter to the consortium behind him.

After Leneng paid Lin Feng 600 million Hong Kong dollars, it was obvious that the latter's brows were furrowed and his face turned pale.

Leneng couldn't help but smile triumphantly. He knew that this time he would definitely fight back and win 1 billion in one fell swoop. Then he would win over all the others, and then his assets would multiply several times.


Lin Feng exhaled and sat directly on the chair, giving you a very tired feeling.

Countless people thought that Lin Feng was trying to steal the chicken but failed. He couldn't bear the pressure of such a terrible defeat, so he behaved like this.

Lin Feng stretched out his hand and turned over his cards. Sure enough, Lin Feng didn't have any cards at all. He only had a pair of K and J.

"Oh my god, stealing a chicken is actually stealing a chicken. The gambling god Lin actually gambled 1 billion just to steal a chicken?"

Everyone felt a little dizzy. It turned out that Lin Feng was really not Fulhouse, but a chicken thief, but his level of stealing chicken was too good. If it weren't for Leneng, anyone would have directly folded the cards and chosen to give up.

Now everyone's eyes are focused on Leneng. If you don't look at the bottom cards and only compare the cards, it is obvious that Lin Feng won with two pairs, but Leneng still has one last bottom card, which will be the top priority of this gamble.

The bow ties and neckties of all the men in the field have now been pulled apart. The solemn atmosphere of the gambling just now made these people who were respected and raised feel a little breathless. At such a critical moment, it will make people even more excited.

"Haha, not bad, two pairs, it can be considered a relatively big card."Leneng sneered and looked at Lin Feng.

Now Lin Feng's eyes were fixed on the last hole card on his gambling table, and his mind was highly concentrated.

"Haha, what's wrong, Mr. God of Gamblers, are you praying that my card is something else? Sorry, you have no chance to turn the tables, ladies and gentlemen, three 8s." After laughing, Le Neng threw the hole card in his hand on the gambling table.

Le Neng's words were loud and clear. He grabbed the card on the table that attracted countless eyes and slammed it heavily on the gambling table.

Three 8s appeared in the eyes of everyone. No one expected that the God of Gamblers Lin Feng would be defeated so quickly.

When he saw the last 8, He Mingshen felt that the 8 was so dazzling. He only felt a little dizzy and his head was buzzing. For a moment, it seemed that his consciousness had left his body and he didn't know where he was.

"Damn, there are really three of them"

"There is no other way. The gambling god Lin Feng has spent all his money this time. Even if he can still come up with gambling money, he will lose the qualification to participate in this international gambling god competition."

"Yes, this trip was worth it, it was wonderful……"

Although everyone was mentally prepared beforehand, when Le Neng revealed the final answer, everyone was still very excited. The entire casino was like a bomb had been set off, and there was a lot of noise.

However, many people still felt sorry for Raymond Lam.

"Godfather, you did a great job."

Gao Ao couldn't help but stand up first, applauding and congratulating Le Neng, as if he had not only defeated Lin Feng, but also won the title of the final international gambling god.

"Boy, you see, luck is important, but compared to strength, it is obviously weaker."Len Neng adjusted his glasses and showed a chilling smile on his face.

Enjoying the applause and cheers from the crowd, and with 1 billion in revenue, he was also getting carried away.

However, who knew that Lin Feng raised his head at this time, with a smile on his lips, and said:"Do you really think you won?"

"Hmm? What do you mean, are the three 8s fake? Stop being mysterious."Le Neng frowned slightly. He felt that Lin Feng's smile had a hint of conspiracy, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Lin Feng snapped his fingers and said coldly to the referee next to him:"As far as I know, each of our decks should be different, right?"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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