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TảImage: 0.105s Scan: 0.087sAt this time, Ma Jiaowen's men were very loyal, and all their guns were pointed at Sheng Jing. As long as he dared to act rashly, he would immediately become a hornet's nest. However, with Ma Jiaowen in his hands, they did not dare to shoot easily, otherwise, they would accidentally hurt their boss.

"Throw all your guns on the ground."Sheng Jing glanced at his men who used to be brothers and said viciously.

Now he has no way out and can only rely on Ma Jiaowen, the trump card amulet.

Those men looked at each other, and at this time they had lost their sense of proportion, not knowing whether they should throw down their guns.

Seeing their hesitation, Sheng Jing showed a cruel smile, twisted the gun against Ma Jiaowen's head, and the muzzle of the gun immediately scratched Ma Jiaowen's temple, bleeding.

"Boss, do you think you can tell them to throw their pistols on the ground?" Sheng Jing said with a sneer.

At this moment, Ma Jiaowen growled in pain, his eyes wide open with anger. When had he ever suffered such humiliation?

"Shengjing, if you don't kill me today, I will not let you go even if you hide at the ends of the earth." Ma Jiaowen was furious and said fiercely, regardless of Shengjing's threat.

"You won't let me go?" Sheng Jing showed a ferocious smile, and suddenly raised his pistol and hit Ma Jiaowen's head with the butt of the gun.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Three consecutive heavy blows made Ma Jiaowen dizzy and dizzy.

Blood flowed down his hair and dripped onto his white shirt.

"Hurry up, my patience is limited."Sheng Jing roared like a mad dog.

""Throw the guns on the ground."

Finally, Ma Jiaowen compromised. A good man would not suffer a loss in front of him. Shengjing was a mad dog, and he might really decide to kill him.

After hearing the boss's order, Ma Jiaowen's bodyguards threw their guns on the ground.

Shengjing suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Lin Feng. Long Wu, Long Jiu, and Wang Kun took a step forward and blocked Lin Feng with their bodies.

Lin Feng's bodyguards picked up their guns and pointed them at Shengjing.

"And you, quickly throw your guns on the ground, or I will kill Ma Jiaowen!"

At this moment, Sheng Jing was very excited, and even forgot what the occasion was, and couldn't help but order Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng looked at Fa with a bit of a smile, such a scumbag and a mentally retarded person, I really don't know what Ma Jiaowen likes about him, and he actually uses him so much

"Oh, then please go ahead and kill me. I don't want those two fingers either." Lin Feng smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

"Um, this……"

Sheng Jing finally came to his senses and remembered that Lin Feng was not Ma Jiaowen's subordinate and would not listen to his orders at all.

Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, they suddenly heard fierce gunfire outside the boat.

"Bang, bang, bang……"The gunfire continued, and it was extremely intense. It was obvious that both sides had a large number of people.

"Haha, my people are here, it's still unclear who will win this time." Sheng Jing laughed loudly, because he knew that the gunshots outside were his people coming. Ma Jiaowen asked him to call for help, but of course he would let his confidants and subordinates come, anyway, they were all going to be wiped out, he was willing to go all out.

"Fifth brother, do you need to support them?" Lin Feng couldn't help but frowned slightly. He spent a lot of effort to train these bodyguards. If they died here, it would obviously not be worth it.

However, Long Wu smiled disdainfully and said,"It has been more than a year since the last deployment. We have to go through such cruel survival training and actual combat exercises. If we can't beat those cats and dogs, I will give them a good beating when I go back."

Hearing Long Wu's words, the bodyguards standing beside Lin Feng couldn't help but tremble slightly. Obviously, they could imagine that the Shura Hell-style training was so cruel.

Lin Feng nodded after hearing Long Wu's words. Anyway, he handed over the full responsibility of these bodyguards to Long Wu. Since he was so confident, Lin Feng didn't say much.

In this way, more than ten minutes passed, and the fierce gunfire outside gradually subsided. It was not so fierce. There were a few gunshots occasionally, and then it returned to calm.

"Step, step, step……"

Several hurried footsteps came from far away. Although they were hurried, their steps were consistent. It was obvious that they had received formal training. If the regular army


The tightly closed door opened, and the team member wearing the Thunder Badge strode in, then came to Long Wu, saluted and said loudly:"Report to the chief instructor, there are 150 people in the night raid outside, and 150 of them have been killed."

"How much have we lost?"Long Wu nodded and said, it was normal to kill those small fry, but he still wanted to know the number of casualties on his side. Although what he said just now was very cold, after all, they were brothers he had trained, so he still cared about them.

"Report to the chief instructor, we have ten lightly injured, three seriously injured, and no deaths."The man who looked like a team leader said loudly

"Very good, very good, continue monitoring, if there are any enemies, kill them directly." Long Wu's voice was filled with murderous intent.


They ran outside, and when they left, they did not forget to close the door.

Lin Feng smiled at Sheng Jing and said,"Sheng Jing, the surprise troops you are waiting for should not be them, right? If so, I am very sorry!"

At this time, Sheng Jing's body was trembling, and his eyes were a little unfocused. He knew that everything was over. Those people were exactly those he had found, and they were some of his most elite subordinates, but even so, they were all killed by Lin Feng's people. Now his last trump card has been used up.

At this time, Ma Jiaowen felt that the muzzle of the gun on his temple had moved away a little, and the arm that was tightening his neck also relaxed a little.

Ma Jiaowen is indeed a hero. He seized the opportunity to shrink his neck hard, broke free from the clamp, and escaped from Sheng Jing's gun._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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