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Ma Jiaowen broke free from Shengjing's grip, the latter woke up from extreme panic.

Shengjing cried out in his heart that it was not good. His reinforcements were wiped out. If he did not have Ma Jiaowen as his trump card, he would have died here today, and his death would have been very ugly.

But Ma Jiaowen was born a gangster and was very experienced in fighting. When he got rid of Shengjing's grip, he did not choose to run away. No matter how fast a person runs, he can never be faster than a bullet, so he quickly picked up the ashtray on the gambling table and smashed it hard on Shengjing's forehead before he raised his gun.


The tempered glass ashtray instantly shattered into pieces. It can be seen that Ma Jiaowen used all his strength this time.

Shengjing screamed, and blood spurted out in an instant.

"I will die with you." Sheng Jing went completely crazy. He knew that his chances of survival were almost zero. He immediately became mad and raised his arm again to shoot Lin Feng.

Because it was Lin Feng who ruined all his plans, so if he had to say who he hated the most, it was of course Lin Feng.


Long Wu snorted disdainfully, and the pistol instantly appeared in his hand, and then he pulled the trigger directly.


Sheng Jing's head exploded like a watermelon, and red and white were scattered all over the gambling table.

"Mr. Lin."A King was a little panicked Lin Feng, you know, his ex-wife and his brother have not been rescued yet, and now they don't know where they are, but Sheng Jing was killed so quickly, how can he find his ex-wife.

Lin Feng waved his hand and smiled,"Don't be nervous, I have already asked people to rescue your ex-wife and brother, they are also on this gambling boat"

"Phew, that's good, thank you Mr. Lin." King exhaled and said

"Huagulong, let's go." Ah King's wish has been fulfilled. Now that he has rescued his ex-wife and Shengjing has died in front of him, he has no attachment to this place. Huagulong's sister is still waiting for them to leave Hong Kong together.

Ma Jiaowen's men quickly brought the medicine box to help him stop the bleeding. After being hit by Shengjing just now, he had several big lumps on the back of his head.

After a simple bandage, Ma Jiaowen glanced at the dead body lying there, and said to his men:"Throw this traitor directly into the sea to feed the sharks."

"Yes!" Two bodyguards from Ma Jiaowen came over, one holding his hand and the other holding his leg, and dragged Sheng Jing's body out.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for your help." Lin Feng clasped his fists and said

"Mr. Ma, please don't be polite. I saved you for a reason."Lin Feng said with a smile.

Of course, he would not be so kind to help Ma Jiaowen. You know, he only bet 100 million on the French victory, but he also told A Ku to buy 200 million French victory bets before coming.

If Ma Jiaowen died, he would go to collect the debt.


Lin Feng snapped his fingers and said,"Bring the computer here."

At this time, Wang Kun took a safe and opened it directly. There was a laptop inside. After Lin Feng typed on the keyboard for a few times, his bet on the outside suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Ma, please cash this in now."

Lin Feng pushed the notebook forward and said to Ma Jiaowen.

At this time, Ma Jiaowen didn't understand what Lin Feng meant, but when he saw the computer interface, he felt blood rushing up, and blood oozed out of his head that had just been bandaged.

Because it was clearly written on it that 200 million Hong Kong dollars were bet on the French victory, and 600 million Hong Kong dollars would be lost after the exchange.

In just a few dozen minutes, he actually lost nearly 900 million Hong Kong dollars one after another, and he lost to Lin Feng, who looked harmless on the outside.

He didn't expect After decades of being in the underworld, he was defeated by a teenager, and lost so thoroughly.

However, a loss is a loss. It seems that a large part of the more than 1 billion yuan he won in the peripheral field will fall into Lin Feng's pocket.

Fortunately, there are still more than 200 million yuan in income, and the 100 million yuan bet by Sheng Jing, so he did not make a loss in the business.

Thinking of this, he did not waste time and directly used the notebook to transfer 600 million Hong Kong dollars at the transfer office.

Now all his money is in the peripheral field, and all his savings have long been swallowed up by Lin Feng.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, the matter is over, sorry I can't see you off." Ma Jiaowen felt a little exhausted. He really didn't want to see Lin Feng, the vampire, again. He had worked hard for years or even decades, but all his savings were taken away by Lin Feng at once. No one would feel good about it.

"Don't worry! We have to settle the accounts one by one. We haven't finished yet, so how can we leave?"Lin Feng blinked and said with a speechless expression.

"What? There are still accounts to be settled?"Ma Jiaowen almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He had already lost more than 900 million Hong Kong dollars. Was Lin Feng really going to squeeze him dry? Although the other party's troops were very strong, he was not a soft persimmon and would not let anyone rub him at will.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, don't get angry, if your brain blood vessels burst, who am I going to ask for money?"Lin Feng said in a 'comforting' way.

Ma Jiaowen clasped his fingers tightly around the edge of the table, and one could even hear a clicking sound. He took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in his heart, biting his back teeth and said in a cold voice:"I wonder if Mr. Lin has any other accounts to settle!"

"No way, Ma Jiaowen, did you really get hit on the head? Have you forgotten that you still owe me two fingers? You've also heard that countless of my people died and were injured to help you, so you should compensate them for this."Lin Feng said calmly


This time Ma Jiaowen completely spit out a mouthful of blood...

Lin Feng and others returned to their luxury cruise ship. This time they returned with a full load. To be honest, it was really good. If there were more such bets, maybe he would soon become the richest man in the world.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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