The huge luxury cruise ship was galloping on the vast ocean. Lin Feng held Long Jiu's slender waist, standing on the bow, admiring the night view.

Long Jiu's head was leaning on Lin Feng's shoulder, quietly enjoying such a beautiful view.

Suddenly, a phone rang, breaking the beautiful picture.

Lin Feng glanced at the caller ID, and it turned out to be a call from He Mingshen.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little resentful. What time is it? Why did he call for no reason? Such a romantic scene was ruined by him.

""Hello, what's up, Boss He? Why are you calling me so late?" Lin Feng's voice was a little unhappy, so his tone was a little cold.

He Mingshen on the other side was obviously stunned, but then He Mingshen's voice came out.

""I'm sorry, Xiaofeng, I can't do anything about it. Qiong Qiong is in trouble. She was kidnapped by men in black and has disappeared."

He Mingshen's voice was a little hoarse. It was obvious that this matter made him very angry. In his own little land, his daughter was kidnapped. He felt a little ashamed to tell others about it.

"Kidnapped? No way, Boss He, someone dares to attack you in Macau, is he tired of living? And with your overwhelming power, can't you even catch this little thief?"

Lin Feng was shocked. He knew that things were definitely not that simple, but he couldn't help asking, if He Mingshen couldn't solve the problem, could he solve it himself?

"Hey... Xiaofeng can't explain it clearly on the phone, why don't you come to Macau and we can talk in person."He Mingshen's voice was a little depressed. This incident was a huge blow to him.

"Well, don't be too anxious. I'm on the high seas now. It just so happens that the elite bodyguards of our Thunder Security Company are all here. Let's go directly there now."Lin Feng didn't know that if He Mingshen had any ideas, he would never come to him. Now that he came to him, it means that he is helpless.

Lin Feng hung up the phone, narrowed his eyes, two cold lights burst out, and pulled Long Jiu to turn and walk towards the cab.

At dawn, Lin Feng's luxury cruise ship finally arrived at the Macau dock. Lin Feng ordered all personnel to stand by on the cruise ship, and then took Long Wu, Long Jiu and Wang Kun and took a taxi and rushed to the Lisboa Casino together.

At this time, the Lisboa Casino was still as busy as before. Usually it is very prosperous. Although it is just daybreak, there are still many people coming in and out of the door, which is enough to show that in this city that never sleeps, the casino makes money every day by the second.

The car stopped at the door of the Lisboa Casino. Lin Feng threw down a large bill and went directly into the Lisboa Casino.

They came directly to the elevator that can go directly to He Mingshen's office. When the two men in black saw Lin Feng in front of them, they immediately bowed deeply in flattery, and then said in awe:"Mr. Lin, Boss He has already told the villains that when you come, go directly to his office to see him."

After he finished speaking, he made a gesture of invitation. If ordinary people want to enter this elevator, in addition to He Mingshen's instructions, they also have to search the people who come in, which is also to protect He Mingshen's safety. But this time is different. Although Lin Feng often comes here, Long Wu and Wang Kun exude a murderous aura. Obviously, they are not ordinary good people, but now they can't think too much.

Because He Mingshen has made countless calls to ask if Lin Feng has arrived. They all know that their boss has something urgent to find Lin Feng.


The elevator reached the top floor directly. After a crisp sound, the elevator door slowly opened. Lin

Feng had been here many times and walked in with ease.

He Mingshen's door was slightly ajar and not closed tightly.

Lin Feng knocked on the door twice, but there was no sound from inside.

He frowned and pushed the door open and walked in.

Behind the large desk, He Mingshen stood there in a daze with his hands behind his back, looking out the window.

""Boss He, what are you thinking about? Why are you so absent-minded?" Lin Feng said in a louder voice.

He Mingshen's bear body trembled slightly, and he turned around abruptly and said,"Xiao Feng, you are finally here."

At this time, He Mingshen no longer had the same authority as before. His eyes were full of bloodshot, and it was obvious that he had not slept all night, and his hair was a little messy, probably caused by scratching too many times.

"Boss He, when did the incident happen? Why was He Miaoqiong kidnapped? And with your power, you should be able to find her, right?"Lin Feng saw He Mingshen in such a miserable state and knew that he was very anxious, so he didn't say any more nonsense and went straight to the point.

He Mingshen's face was very solemn.

He lit a cigar and frowned.

Although he was very worried about his daughter's safety, he wanted to let Lin Feng know the details.

He said in a low voice:"In fact, I don't know the general details very well.

I just saw through the surveillance video that the kidnappers were driving two off-road vehicles, but the license plates were all fake.

The identities of the kidnappers cannot be determined at present, and they are very cunning.

They should have strong anti-tracking capabilities.

Only a few main roads captured them, and then they disappeared directly.


"According to the police, there are only two possibilities for this phenomenon. One is that the kidnappers changed cars, and the other is that the kidnappers deliberately avoided some cameras when they arrived at the destination or drove.……"

"Anyway, the most difficult thing now is that Qiong Qiong has been kidnapped by the kidnappers for almost 12 hours, and the kidnappers have not called at all."

He Mingshen sighed deeply, clenched his fingers tightly,���Together, there was a crackling sound. He was very angry at this moment. If he knew who kidnapped his precious daughter, he would make sure that person died without a burial place.

Unfortunately, he didn't even know who his opponent was, and there was no progress at all, which made him feel helpless.

So, he called Lin Feng and asked him to help him make a decision. In his impression, Lin Feng could do anything!

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