Suddenly, the entire stock market was in a frenzy. They all bought Lei's Group's stocks with their savings, although they also knew that Lei's stocks could not continue to rise.

However, there is a saying in the stock market that it is better to buy when the price rises than when the price falls. As long as you follow the trend, you will not go wrong.

As long as you keep your mind steady and don't be too greedy, you can make a lot of money.

Therefore, the stock market is now divided into two major factions. One faction is swarming to buy Lei's stocks, while the other faction is quite miserable. They are the shareholders who originally held He's stocks. They have been waiting and watching, but He's stocks have fallen again and again, and they are sluggish. If they clear their positions now, they will lose all their money and lose everything.

But if they continue to persist, God knows whether the stock will continue to fall. If He's declares bankruptcy and suspends trading, all their funds will be wasted and become a blank sheet of paper overnight.

At this time, Lin Feng, He Mingshen and others moved to a secret villa. The hall here is very spacious, with dozens of computers neatly arranged in rows.

Since Lin Feng and He Mingshen made the decision to acquire the shares of Lei Group, they came to this villa.

This villa belongs to He Mingshen's property. He rarely came here before, and this villa is in a sparsely populated area, so it is relatively secretive.

Everyone eats and lives in this villa, and everyone's mobile phone is collected, for fear of spreading the news.

Lin Feng had a smile on his face. Since Lei Bao held a press conference and announced that he would acquire He's, Lei's stock has been rising all the way.

When Lin Feng bought it, the share price was only ten yuan per share, but after these days, it has already risen to more than twenty yuan per share, and it is about to rise to thirty yuan.

He invested 4 billion yuan directly and bought 400 million shares. Now each share has risen by more than ten yuan, almost more than doubling. If Lin Feng directly sells the stocks at this time, after deducting some taxes and handling fees, he will make a net profit of nearly 6 billion yuan, and then add the original 4 billion yuan capital, Lin Feng's net worth will directly break through the 10 billion yuan fund.

This is not what those businessmen say about having a net worth of 10 billion. They all add their fixed assets together, and they don’t have so much money on hand, and they even have loans.

However, Lin Feng is different. He is completely using his own capital to invest in stocks. Now this 10 billion is also active capital.

"Xiaofeng, do you think we should sell the stocks we have on hand?"

He Mingshen now completely admires Lin Feng's vision. He listened to Lin Feng's advice and invested all the available funds in Lei's stocks. His income has doubled in the past few days.

However, the stock market is unpredictable. There is no eternal bear market, nor will there be an eternal bull market. Now Leibao's stocks are soaring, which is also due to their promotion. I believe that in the near future, their stocks will stop soaring and fall to a more normal position, so he thinks that now should be the best time to sell Lei Group's stocks.

"Sell it? How can I do that? This has just begun, the best is yet to come."

Lin Feng sat in front of the computer and shook his head. Although he had made a lot of money and more than doubled his net worth, he would either not play or play to the end. He would not quit the game before it was over, and he had a goal in mind when he customized the plan.

"Xiaofeng, Lei's stock won't keep rising like this. What if it falls back in a few days? Then won't our previous efforts be in vain?"He Mingshen asked worriedly. His stock was about to hit the bottom, and Lei Bao also held a press conference to acquire his group. Can he sit down and relax?

You know, He's Group is a dynasty he has spent countless years to build. He can't let the dynasty he built with his own hands collapse.

""Haha, don't worry, Boss He. Lei's stock will indeed fall, but not in the near future. And don't worry, before Lei's stock plummets, I will definitely pick a peak point and sell all the stocks." Lin Feng stared at the trend chart on the computer screen and said without turning his head.

"What? You also know that Lei's stock price plummeted at that time?" He Miaoqiong covered her mouth and looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

She was once a leader in the business world, but in her eyes, there would be no eternal winner in the stock market, and it was even more impossible for anyone to predict the rise and fall of stocks. Only big speculators like the country could use the country's money to control the rise and fall of stocks.

Although Lin Feng and He Mingshen are also worth tens of billions, compared with the country, the gap is not a little bit.

Lin Feng moved his neck, which was a little sore from looking at the computer screen for a long time, and said:"Put your heart in your stomach. I was able to use 4 billion to turn it into more than 10 billion now. In a short time, this 10 billion will be multiplied several times or even more."


Raymond Lam's arrogant tone made He Mingshen gasp. He knew that he was worth tens of billions. He had worked hard for many years and spent a lot of effort to get the assets. However, Raymond Lam had only been in the industry for a few years, less than 2 years, and he already had tens of billions.

He even said that he would multiply it several times. He Mingshen felt that he was hit hard. If Raymond Lam's prediction came true again, he felt that he had wasted his life.

"Boss, He's stock price has also started to rise a little."

At this time, A Ku said loudly to Lin Feng

"Oh?"Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, and quickly tapped the keyboard a few times to call up He's stocks.

As A Ku said, He's Group's stocks did rise a bit, although the increase was not large, just a slight fluctuation, which meant that Lei's Group could no longer bear to start attacking.

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