Lin Feng revealed a barely perceptible sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he shook his head slightly with disdain.

Now the stockholders are frantically selling the stocks of the He Group in their hands, while Lei Bao and others are buying a large number of stocks at once. The stocks in the hands of the stockholders are absorbed by them, and the stocks of the He Group will of course have a slight upward space.

However, what Lin Feng disdained was that Lei Bao was still a little too anxious. On the surface, the stocks of the He Group have not fallen to the lowest line. If it were him, he would never make a move at this time, because the lower the purchase price, the lower their cost will be. Obviously, this is not the lowest point.

It seems that even an old fox like Lei Bao can't keep his composure.

"Xiao Feng, the current situation clearly shows that Lei Bao has started to buy goods crazily. Are we just going to just watch and do nothing?" He Mingshen asked anxiously, staring at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng waved his hand and said,"What's there to be anxious about? Although they are buying goods crazily now, they are still less than 10% of your He Group. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Don't worry, let them show off for a few days. These are all within my expectations. I believe that it won't be long before we will be able to turn defeat into victory."Lin Feng said to He Mingshen confidently.

He Mingshen nodded at Lin Feng. He had already been completely convinced of Lin Feng's business acumen and hoped that Lin Feng could lead them to fight a beautiful counterattack.

On that day, due to the crazy purchase of goods by Lei Bao and others, the stock of He Group did not continue to plummet. Instead, there were some ups and downs. Although not too big, it was also stable at around eighteen yuan.

After a few days, Lin Feng came to the villa early every day when the stock market opened, always paying attention to the battle between the two sides and the stocks of Lei Group.

Suddenly, Lin Feng said to A Ku:"A Ku, now you calculate, if we sell all the stocks in our hands at the current price, how much money can we get"

""Okay." A Ku nodded, and did not ask why, but started to calculate directly.

Not long after, A Ku came to Lin Feng and said,"Based on the current price of Lei's, we invested 4 billion and made a total profit of 8 billion. Adding our principal, the total is 12 billion."

No one dared to imagine that in less than a month, Lin Feng actually tripled the funds in his hands.

"Well, sell them all."Lin Feng didn't have any excited expression on his face, because now this money has a greater value, and in a few days, this money will multiply several times.

"Xiao Feng, you all sell short, what about us?"

He Mingshen was also a little anxious at the moment. In just a few days, about 30% of his He Group had been acquired by Lei Bao.

Lin Feng looked at He Mingshen with a smile. Since he had sold all the stocks in his hands, there was certainly no need for them to stay. Didn't they have to say it clearly?

Then he could only nod helplessly and said,"Of course we have to sell them all. Do you want to be the head of the Lei family?"

""Oh." He Mingshen didn't care about Lin Feng's tone, and directly ordered his men to sell all the stocks in their hands to cash out.

At the beginning, He Mingshen also invested nearly 20 billion yuan. Now after selling, the funds in his hands have reached nearly 50 billion yuan.

After hearing this number, He Mingshen also took a breath of cold air, secretly admiring Lin Feng's vision and decisiveness.

After everything was done, Lin Feng and others left the villa together, but when he left, he took A Ku out with him.

After leaving, he got on his SUV, picked up the phone and dialed directly

"Hello, is this Ah King? I’m Lin Feng, I need your help with something."Lin Feng said in a calm voice.

At first, Ah King wanted to leave here directly and go to a place where no one knew him, but before he left, something happened to He Mingshen, so Ah King did not leave for the time being. At this time, there was a place that needed him, so he was called directly to come.

When Ah King heard that it was Lin Feng looking for him, he agreed without saying a word, and then Lin Feng told him an address where they were going to meet.

Afterwards, he called Gao Jin again, but unfortunately, Gao Jin's phone was turned off and he could not be contacted.

"Boss, where are we going now?"Jersey has now become a full-time driver and drove outside.

Lin Feng hesitated for a moment and said,"Let's go to Sands first."

""Okay." Jersey nodded, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and drove towards the Sands Casino. The

Sands Casino in Macau is a casino located in the New Port area of Macau, owned and operated by Venetian (Macau) Co., Ltd. The casino opened on May 18, 2004, with a total investment of more than 240 million US dollars. It is currently the largest casino in Macau. The casino covers an area of nearly 180,000 square feet, with a total of 438 Chinese and Western gambling tables and 921 slot machines.

Although this Sands Casino is the largest casino, the decoration and other equipment inside are much worse than those of old casinos such as Lisboa.

Raymond Lam came to this Sands Casino, of course, not for no reason, but because the owner of this casino is Lei Bao's partner and ally.

When Raymond Lam and others arrived, King was already waiting outside the door.

""Let's go, let's go in and play a few hands together." Lin Feng said to Ah King with a smile.

Although Ah King didn't know what Lin Feng's purpose was, he owed Lin Feng a favor, so he would not hesitate to go through fire and water, let alone go to the casino.

Just like that, Lin Feng took Ah Ku, Jersey, Ah King, Long Wu and Long Jiu, and the six of them strode into the Sands Casino.

When Lin Feng walked into the door of the Sands Casino, the boss' office inside was in chaos, and their boss ran out in a hurry.

You know, Lin Feng is an international gambling god. If he lets him gamble a few times in his own place, he will be in trouble.

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