At this time, Lin Feng had exchanged 5 million chips and gave 2 million to A Ku and A King, leaving only 1 million.

His main purpose of coming here was to challenge the casino, so he didn't have any concerns and told the other two to win as much as they could.

However, before they could reach the gambling table, the boss of Sands ran over.

"Haha, why didn't you say hello in advance, Mr. Lin? I'd better go and greet him in person." Boss Zhao said with a polite smile. Lin Feng curled his lips. Say hello in advance? If he really said hello in advance, he believed that he would not even be able to get in through the door.

However, he did not say it clearly, just smiled and said:"Haha, it's nothing, I've been bored recently, so I just want to come and have fun."

When Boss Zhao heard this, cold sweat instantly flowed down his body. What he feared most was that Lin Feng would say this. You know, other people who come here to gamble will lose nine out of ten times, but Lin Feng is an international gambling god. If he comes here, won't he be skinned alive?

He thought for a while and said:"Mr. Lin, don't worry, I will find you a few gambling friends, whether it is all-in or other."

Lin Feng glanced at him and thought to himself,"Sure enough, no one who runs a casino does it for free. If you gamble outside, the win or loss is decided between the gambler and the casino. But if gamblers gamble big, the final winner must be the casino. They only need to provide the venue and then take a share. It won't hurt at all."

But Lin Feng didn't come here to make that little money. His main purpose was to force Boss Zhao and Lei Bao to part ways and not participate in the competition between the two sides.

So, Lin Feng just waved his hand and said,"Forget it, I'm tired of those. I might as well play some dice, blackjack, etc. to find some freshness."

Boss Zhao felt like he almost couldn't breathe. He saw Lin Feng exchange millions of chips. If he bet on the leopard or other points at once, he would have to lose at least hundreds of millions in a few rounds. Moreover, there would be no opponent for Lin Feng among the dealers. He could only watch him win money.

Boss Zhao saw that Lin Feng was going to win here, and he was sweating anxiously. If Lin Feng disagreed to gamble with other gamblers, he couldn't just drive Lin Feng and others away. This was breaking the rules. So he gritted his teeth, hooked his finger at the bodyguard behind him and said,"Where do you want to take out the tribute money?""

The bodyguard nodded and immediately took out a cash check from his pocket. This was prepared before they came. If Lin Feng really just came to gamble a little, or if it was a gambler betting against another gambler, then he would not take out this cash check. However, seeing that Lin Feng was determined to make a fortune in the casino, he had no choice but to take out the tribute money prepared in advance.

The so-called tribute money is actually a portion of money that each casino prepares extra, just to deal with the gamblers that their own casino cannot handle, so they take out a portion of the money and give it to this person to ask him not to gamble in their own casino, which is also a sign of submission.

Just like someone like Lin Feng, as if he is determined to gamble in a casino, he will win tens of millions at the least, and hundreds of millions at the worst, so any casino is very unwelcome to such professional gamblers to come to their casino to gamble.

Lin Feng took the cash check without hesitation, nodded and said,"Haha, Boss Zhao is really polite, 50 million at one shot."

That's right, this Boss Zhao is indeed a ruthless person. In order to get rid of Lin Feng, he did not hesitate to throw out a huge amount of tribute money, just to spend money to avoid disaster and drive away Lin Feng, the plague god."

"Well, for Boss Zhao's sake, I'll take a break today." Lin Feng nodded and put the check away. If he didn't want it for free, he would be a fool, so he put it directly in his inner pocket.

Seeing Lin Feng put the check away, he couldn't help but feel happy and secretly let out a breath.

But then his smile froze on his face. He only heard Lin Feng continue to say:"You guys go and have fun, 50 million per person is enough, don't be too harsh"

""Okay." A Ku and A King both nodded and replied.


Boss Zhao almost vomited blood. What was going on?

He had already paid the tribute. Did Lin Feng really want to kill them all?

However, he still suppressed his anger. He had never met Ah Ku and Ah King, because the two of them had been active in Hong Kong and rarely came to casinos like Macau.

Therefore, Boss Zhao still held out a glimmer of hope, hoping that they would not be as evil as Lin Feng.

Indeed, Ah Ku and Ah King were not as evil as Lin Feng, but they were also known as the gambling king and the king of thousands of people before, and none of them were ordinary people.

Less than an hour and a half later, Ah Ku and Ah King came over. When they walked out, each of them only took 2 million chips, but after coming back, each of them took nearly 50 million chips.


Boss Zhao felt dizzy. These people were too ruthless. They had only been here for a short time, but they had won 100 million chips from him, not to mention the 50 million tribute money he had given.

If Lin Feng came a few more times, his casino would have to close early, otherwise he would lose everything sooner or later.


Lin Feng snapped his fingers, smiled and said:"OK, that's all for today, let's come back tomorrow"


Boss Zhao spat out a mouthful of blood. Of course, good things don't work, but bad things do. Lin Feng and his men really targeted his casino and were going to come tomorrow. This was simply shocking bad news for him. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and come to Lin Feng. He frowned and said in a low voice,"Mr. Lin, I don't know how I, Zhao, offended you. Why do you want to kill me?"

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