"Kill them all?" Lin Feng was startled, rubbed his chin, blinked his eyes, then smiled and said:"Well, this word is well used, I give you a hundred thumbs up, you are right, I do have a plan."

Boss Zhao did not expect Lin Feng to admit it, and his face darkened. For them to be able to open a casino in Macau, which casino does not have a huge consortium behind it.

Therefore, almost no one would be so blind. Since they had already given Lin Feng 50 million in tribute money, the other party was so arrogant and domineering that he could not bear it any more and said:"Mr. Lin, don't go too far."

"Bullying too much? Haha, so what? Why don't you find someone to gamble with? If I lose, I won't come to your casino again."Lin Feng said very arrogantly.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Boss Zhao's confidence suddenly fell. Where can he find a gambling god more powerful than Lin Feng?

He immediately hung his head and said helplessly:"Mr. Lin, just tell me what you want to say."

Boss Zhao was completely convinced. He didn't dare to be arrogant in front of Lin Feng.

"Quit your so-called alliance, and I won’t make trouble again." Lin Feng knew at this time that the drug was strong enough, so he directly told his real purpose.

Boss Zhao frowned, looked at Lin Feng in confusion and said:"It’s that simple?"

""Yes, it's that simple." Lin Feng nodded and said.

Boss Zhao immediately pondered. If he joined Lei Bao's alliance at the beginning, it was for the final benefits. However, the situation is obviously different now. Even if they really bring down He Mingshen in the end, he can only get more than 10 billion yuan in benefits at most. But this will undoubtedly indirectly offend Lin Feng. If Lin Feng really comes once a day, in less than ten days, his little profit will vanish. It

's a losing business no matter how you look at it. After thinking about it, he nodded helplessly and said,"Since Mr. Lin has spoken, I will call Lei Bao now."

He called Lei Bao directly in front of Lin Feng, and then told him his intention.

Obviously, Lei Bao on the other side was furious. He couldn't understand what unclean thing Boss Zhao had eaten to make such a thing happen so early in the morning, but when he heard Boss Zhao's firm tone, he snorted coldly and said,"Okay, since you want to quit, then quit, but when we divide this big cake in the end, don't regret it and say that I didn't take you with me."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, obviously not wanting to say anything more to him.

Now Lei Bao's prospects for victory are bright, and he really doesn't care that Boss Zhao quits the alliance. With one less person, they can get more.

Boss Zhao let out a breath and sneered in his heart:"Haha, regret? Even if he gets the biggest share, he can't stand Lin Feng's waste."

Looking at Lin Feng's departing back, the boss knew that Lei Bao's plan was about to fail completely. With someone like Lin Feng coming forward, those who run casinos like them have to give some face, and they can't refuse to give.

In this way, Lin Feng went to each casino one by one. Each one was an ally of Lei Bao. His ultimate goal was to make them go their separate ways and cut off Lei Bao's capital chain.

Lei Bao was so angry that his face turned pale after another call to him. He never thought that this time the alliance would have withdrawn by this time, and as far as he knew, one or two people also had the intention to withdraw and did not want to continue to wade in this muddy water, because the He Group was too powerful and they did not dare to take the risk.

Now, he can be said to be isolated and helpless, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted to the end, because he still had the trump card of He Miaoqiong in his hand. He dialed a number and the call lasted for a long time. After the call After the phone call, Lei Bao's face finally showed a hint of smile. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with this call.

He licked his lips and showed a crazy smile on his face.

Lin Feng cut off Lei Bao's capital chain, but Lei Bao did not stop and continued to purchase a large amount of goods. It seems that he will not give up until he reaches the Yellow River.

He Mingshen already knew what Lin Feng did yesterday, and he couldn't help but feel grateful. Lei Bao, who lost his capital chain, was like a tiger without teeth. It was difficult for him to succeed.

After Lei Bao's large purchase of goods, the stock of the He Group rose rapidly again.

At this time, Lei Bao already owned nearly 40% of the He Group. This was mainly because He Mingshen did not interfere at all and let him buy it. Otherwise, it would take a long time to acquire so many shares. It was only 10% short. As long as he tried harder and won this 10% of shares, his battle would be successful.

"Lin Feng, this is the core company of the Lei Group."

After several days of information collection, A Ku finally dug out the most important branch among the branches of the Lei Group.

Although it is only a branch, its significance is very important. Some of Lei's major project plans and launch rights are in this company. In order to conceal his tracks, he rarely goes to this small company, so few people know that this company is the real important company of Lei Bao. Lin

Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the stock price of this company. It was only about 5 yuan per share, not too high.

"Acquire their stocks."Lin Feng is finally going to make the next attack.

""Okay." Ah Ku nodded and began to order his men to frantically buy up the company's stocks.

"Xiaofeng, do I want to buy it too?"Now He Mingshen already has enough funds, and when he and Lin Feng frantically sold the shares of Lei Group, they both made a lot of money.

"No, your mission is of course the big tiger. In a few days, it will be your time to snipe him.���News conference, to conduct a counter-acquisition of their Lei Group." Lin Feng's eyes burst into a crazy look.

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