"President Lei, someone is frantically buying the stocks of one of our companies."

At this moment, entering the final battle of the stock war, everything is crucial, so when someone is frantically buying stocks, his subordinates will come to report it as soon as possible.

Lei Bao was slightly startled, looking at the subordinate in confusion. Buying stocks of his own company is a good thing, so that he can increase his own stock price. Why is this subordinate so panicked?

However, when he saw the company, he couldn't help but gasp.

Now is the most critical moment, and this branch company is indeed the top priority and cannot be lost.

Lei Bao narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice:"Have you found out who bought the stocks?"

The subordinate said:"It is a company called Lei Ting Security Company. The person in charge of the company is called Lin Feng"

"Lin Feng?"Lei Bao was startled and thought to himself,"How could it be him? Is he also trying to learn from me and buy the controlling stake in the company? But he doesn't seem to have the ability to do so. It should be He Mingshen who is behind this."

Lei Bao nodded and guessed.

However, even so, Lei Bao did not care. He still had 10% of the shares to be collected into the He Group, and he did not think that Lin Feng had such a big appetite to swallow up 50% of the shares of this company, but if He Mingshen was supporting him behind the scenes, that would be another matter.

But the question arose again. He was acquiring the He Group, and he could hardly protect himself, so how could he have the energy to acquire his own branch with Lin Feng?

Is it a feint to the east and attack in the west?

This matter is a bit confusing, so Lei Bao is a little unsure of their plans.

Lin Feng's large amount of funds invested in this company caused its stock to begin to rise sharply. The stock price was only five yuan, but because Lin Feng's 10 billion funds were directly used in large amounts of stocks, a few days later, the stock that was only five yuan had risen to eight yuan.

This crazy rise has not stopped, and it is very likely that it will reach 10 yuan in two days.

"Boss He, it's time for you to contribute."Lin Feng smiled and said to He Mingshen

"Oh? Go ahead, as long as you can use me, just speak up."He Mingshen's eyes lit up. He knew that Raymond Lam was doing well in the stock market recently.

"You have to hold a press conference tomorrow to counter-acquire the Lei Group."Lin Feng said with a serious face.

He Mingshen's face tightened when he heard his words. It seemed that the final battle of victory or defeat had finally come.

Lin Feng ordered A Ku to sell all the stocks of this branch company now. This is the most primitive method of stock speculation, buying low and selling high, making money and profit, and then waiting for the lowest stock price to buy in, and when the stock price rises to a certain level, it will be sold. After several rounds of this, the funds will of course be multiplied several times.

However, this kind of malicious buying low and selling high speculation method is generally not feasible, because under normal circumstances, the major shareholders will never allow such a situation to occur, but Lei Bao is frantically buying up He Mingshen's group stocks and is really unable to take care of this company.

So he can only watch Lin Feng quickly double the funds.

The next day, He Mingshen held a press conference, the main purpose of which was to say that he had raised enough money to counter-acquire the Lei Group.

This explosive The explosive news immediately set off a wave of enthusiasm in the stock market again.

Moreover, He Mingshen also dropped a heavy piece of information, that is, several partners of the Lei Group have given up financial assistance. Now he has no way to retreat and has no ability to compete for the controlling rights of the He Group.

A stone caused a thousand waves, and the stockholders were shocked and sold their Lei Group stocks one after another.

Lin Feng also took advantage of this stage to quickly absorb money, always buying a large amount of stocks at the lowest point, and then selling them again at a high point.

His funds are like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

Lei Bao looked at the report submitted by his subordinates and was shocked. He originally thought that Lin Feng’s funds and strength were simply not enough to acquire his company, and he would definitely not get the controlling rights. But if he continued to let Lin Feng hype it up like this, he might really let him grab the controlling rights of the branch.

Thinking of this, Lei Bao’s forehead suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

"We can't let him act like this anymore, otherwise the very important company in our core will be taken away by Lin Feng."Thinking of this, he immediately said to his subordinates:"Stop him, we can't let him continue like this, we must also do our best to receive the goods."

Lei Bao's words made the subordinate ashamed, because 95% of their funds were in the stocks of the He Group. How could they afford to receive all the goods now?

The only way is to withdraw the stocks of the He Group and then counter-acquire the stocks of their own company.

However, if this is the case, then all their previous efforts will be in vain.

"Mr. Lei, we……"

Just as the subordinate was about to speak, Lei Bao waved his hand and said,"Although acquiring He's is important, at present, protecting this branch is more important."

""Okay, Mr. Lei, I'll arrange it right away." After all, they are all workers, and as long as the boss speaks, they can only do it.

So, he didn't say anything more in the end, turned around and walked out, and carried out a counterattack against Lin Feng's hype according to Lei Bao's instructions.

Lei Bao withdrew part of the funds from the stocks of the He Group and injected them into his own branch company, which finally blocked the fluctuation of the stock. Lin Feng seemed to have tasted enough sweetness and stopped making trouble.

Lei Bao also exhaled a breath of air and felt relieved for the time being.

However, one wave just subsided and another wave rose.

At this moment, He Mingshen really started to buy stocks of the Lei Group frantically and conduct a counter-acquisition as if at a press conference.

Lei Bao watched the TV press conference with his fists clenched and clicked. He couldn't understand what He Mingshen was thinking. At this time, not only did he not consider his own group, but he came to counter-acquire his own group company. Where did he get so much money?

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