After ten days of special training, the Pokémon of the sundae are also much stronger

"Finally, I don't have to sleep on the floor anymore, I want to take a hot bath" Sundae was refreshed

It is normal to camp out and sleep in sleeping bags while on the road

"Okay, okay, let's go!" Xiaotian looked helpless

As soon as I walked into the Pokémon Center, I saw a lot of injured Pokémon and waiting trainers

"What's going on? Why are there so many injured Pokémon?" Sundae was puzzled

"They all failed to challenge Deadleaf Gym, so these pixies were badly injured," explained Miss Joy.

"Huh? What's going on? Xiaozhi should have passed by and defeated Ma Zhishi, how could he still shoot so hard?"

"No matter what this has to do with me, let Joey treat the Pokémon first." Xiaotian thought

"Excuse me, Miss Joy" Xiao Tianba give the Pokémon to Miss Joy

"Don't worry, leave it to me"

"Send your Pokémon to Miss Joy too. Although your Pokémon is not injured, the special training took so long.

It is also very tired, Miss Joy can relieve the tiredness of the elf very well"

"I'll trouble you then." The sundae, the Pokémon, handed it to Joey and ran to the room.

"I guess it's time to take a bath, it's really eldest lady" Xiaotian walked to the room with a helpless face, it's time to take a good rest

The time for special training is not counted, but it is very tiring during the journey.

have a good rest day

The next day, I got the Pokémon from Miss Joy, and Xiaotian decided to go to the gym to challenge

Come to the Dry Leaf Gym

"I'm Xiaotian from Zhenxin Town who is here for the Gym Challenge," Xiaotian said, looking at Ma Zhishi, who was standing in front of him.

"Oh? Is there another baby, prepare for failure?" Looking at Pikachu Ma Zhishi on Xiaotian's shoulder, he thought of bad memories

"Looking at Ma Zhishi and Leiqiu's contemptuous eyes, Xiaotian said he couldn't bear it.

"Pika~Pika~Pikachu" Pikachu also said he couldn't bear it

"If that's the case, then go to Pikachu and teach him a lesson" Xiaotian decided to let Pikachu bully Raichu

The Raichu in front of him was talented, and Pikachu ran to the battlefield with an evil smile on his face.

"Ma Zhishi of Dead Leaves Gym vs. Zhenxin Town Xiaotian, the rules of the game v, the game starts"

"Pikachu uses [-] volts" Xiaotian takes the lead in attacking

"Sure enough, it's a baby, Raichu, let's also come to [-] volts"

As a result, Pikachu's [-] volts broke Raichu's [-] volts and hit Raichu "Chu!" Raichu was seriously injured

"What? How could Pikachu's [-] volts be so strong?" Ma Zhishi was shocked

"Solve him, high-speed voltage (high-speed movement plus high-voltage motor), Pikachu" I saw Pikachu instantly turn into lightning

Hit Raichu, with a sound of "Peng", Raichu was knocked flying, fell to the ground, and lost his combat effectiveness in circles around his eyes.

"How could this be? How could the baby be so strong?" Ma Zhishi couldn't believe it

"Evolution doesn't mean stronger strength, it's just that when you reach a certain level, only evolution can continue to improve your combat power, and your Raichu

The evolution is too early, and it has not reached the limit level at all. If you meet a Pikachu who is waiting for you to be taller than you, you will still be able to beat you.”

Pikachu has the ability of electric beads to lose evolution. Similarly, there is no bottleneck in strength.

"Really? This is the proof that you defeated the Dry Leaf Gym, the Thunder Medal, you are really a powerful kid," Ma Zhishi said.

"Thank you" Xiaotian took the medal and said to Sundae, "Aren't you going to challenge?"

"No, I have finished my studies and can participate in the league competition," Sundae said.

'Then let's go, let's go and refill the food first, the food is almost gone'

Hit the street with the sundae, get the food and water ready, and the little day sundae continues to travel

The elf backpack is good, similar to the space package, which can hold a lot of things

Walking on the road, Xiaotian thought to himself, "Defeat the Dead Leaves Gym to give points, and the points are already close to buying energy cubes.

I haven’t used the skill machine points much and have been complimenting them, it’s time to buy something”

'correct.There are still two lottery draws, I don’t know if I’m lucky today, let’s use it first”

"System Lottery"

"Confirm the draw" "Confirm"

'Ding, get items, fire-breathing dragon million evolution stone'

"Well worth the points, it's okay, just prepared for the fire dinosaur, but unfortunately it's not as good as the last draw"

"Continue to draw"

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