'Ding, congratulations on getting the item Source of Life'

When I heard the three words congratulations, Xiaotian was shocked. You must know that the three words congratulations were not obtained in the previous lottery.

View the source of life

The source of life; full of life force, has incredible abilities, can be used by Pokémon

Life force can increase the aptitude and strength of Pokémon, and there may be special ability price points"

Great, I just wanted to increase the qualifications for Fire Dinosaurs, so I got a source of life, luck is against the sky!

Xiaotian was very excited, "Let's take a rest first" "Okay, I'm just tired too"

Xiaotian walked into the distance, "Come out the fire dinosaur, it's time for you to be born" and let out the fire dinosaur Xiaotian took out the source of life

"Eat this, your strength will get earth-shaking changes, come on, fire dinosaur" nonsense points ah

"Roar~~ Roar" Looking at the fruit fire dinosaur in front of him, he heard that it could become stronger and hesitant to eat it

Then he let out a refreshing cry, "Fire Dinosaur, this is changing your aptitude, feel it with your heart"

Little by little time passed, and suddenly the fire dinosaur was enveloped in white light

The white light slowly dissipated and a fire-breathing dragon appeared, exuding a domineering aura

"The fire dinosaur has evolved, and the level should also be improved, but I don't know how the qualification has improved." Seeing the fire-breathing dragon exuding a powerful momentum, Xiaotian can't wait to check the fire-breathing dragon's attributes


characteristic; fire

Second Trait; Solar Power


Physical strength: seven colors

Attack: red

Agent: Red

Physical Defense: Seven Colors

Special Defense: Seven Colors

speed: red

Skills; Colored Flame, Flame Vortex, Fire Fang, Flame Fist, Smoke Charge, Flame Drive, Alloy Grab, Burn Out

Just Wings, Exploding Flame, Flame Dance, Hot Air, Big Character Explosion, Sun Recovery (Recovery of Stamina under Sunny Days, Special Ability)


Xiaotian was stunned. Xiaotian never expected that he would have a colorful qualification. This is the highest emperor qualification.

"Low-key and low-key, we have to be low-key" took a long time to calm down the explosive mood

"Great, fire-breathing dragon, you are reborn now, congratulations."

Spend points from the shop to buy charcoal and give it to the fire-breathing dragon

"Hey, this can increase fire damage."

In the past, I have been adding qualification points to the fire-breathing dragon, and now the points can be used

Then release all the Pokémon

Spend points on the mysterious water drop of Minas

Buy a silk scarf for Kirby and a Dragon's Tooth for Hackron

Buy a crooked spoon for Chirullian

All the props that increase the power of the skills cost points. Pikachu has electric beads, so there is no need to buy them.

Quest "Get two or more tiered Pokémon completed bonus points"

"Well, the more points the better!" Xiaotian went back with a smile on his face and continued on the journey

Along the way, Xiaotian always had a smiling expression on his face.

The sundae I got thought that Xiaotian was stimulated by something, and stayed far away for fear of being infected!

Author's words

As a novice, I used to read novels all the time, but recently there is a shortage of books, and the Pokémon series is really nothing to see. After reading several good novels, I suddenly want to write an ideal novel by myself.

It's a pity that I can't write a novel. It's very difficult to write a novel. I can't write as beautiful as I imagined.

I don't know how readers feel, it feels bad or it feels good

Hope you guys can give me some advice or write a review if it's good or bad

Thank you

10. The battle of the ship, the harvest of Coco Dora

Along the way, when he thinks of the fire-breathing dragon, which is equivalent to a god's pet, Xiaotian smiles. From the sundae's point of view, Xiaotian has a wretched expression on his face.

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