In the restaurant of the host of the gorgeous competition, Xiaotian and others were having lunch with Yuezi. Those big sisters now have their own tasks to pick up their children from the kindergarten. Only Yuezi did not go there.

"Sister Yuezi, are you going to decide which two Pokémon to use in the gorgeous contest?" Xiaoyao asked Yuezi at the dining table.

"It has been decided which two Pokémon to use, but the order in which the two Pokémon will play has not been decided yet" Yue Zi's character is somewhat similar to that of Xiao Xi, always so weak, but compared to Xiao Xi, Yue Zi is easier shy

"I haven't figured out which two Pokémon to use. It's hard to choose, but we may become rivals in the gorgeous competition." Xiao Yao was a little tangled at first, and then worried, because no matter who gets it Champion, there is only one ribbon, there must be one person in Xiaoyao and Yuezi who cannot get the ribbon

"Whether you can get the ribbon or not, as long as you do your best to participate in the competition, you will have no regrets." Compared with Xiaoyao's worries, Yuezi's face is calm.

"Well, no matter if you can get the ribbon or not, as long as you try your best to participate in the competition without regrets, by the way, Sister Yuezi, can you show me the Pokémon you chose to participate in the competition?"

"Okay, I'll let you see it when I go outside. It just so happens that we can have a practice match before the game," Yue Zi suggested.

"Okay, okay," Xiaoyao agreed when she heard Yuezi's suggestion, then took Yuezi's little hand and went out happily, planning to have a practice match before the game with Yuezi

"Xiaotian, aren't you going to have a look?" Sundae and Xiaoxi originally planned to go out and have a look, but seeing Xiaotian leisurely, they didn't intend to go out to watch at all, Sundae asked with some doubts

"What's so beautiful, Yuezi is not Xiaoyao's opponent at all," Xiaotian replied as a matter of course

"Xiaotian, how do you know that Yuezi is not Xiaoyao's opponent?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae was a little puzzled. How did Xiaotian determine that Yuezi was not Xiaoyao's opponent?

"You will know later" Xiaotian looked casual, but did not answer the sundae, mainly because of the memory of the original book, Xiaotian knew that this month Yuezi was not Xiaoyao's opponent, and this was the second time Yuezi participated Gorgeous competition, the first time you participate in the gorgeous competition, you will get a ribbon. That is because the first time you participate in the gorgeous competition are very junior coordinators, that is to say, they are all beginners.

For Xiaoyao who has been taught by Xiaotian, Yuezi will never be Xiaoyao's opponent, but Xiaotian can't say such a reason.

Xiaotian didn't answer Sundae's words, and Sundae didn't force Xiaotian, but Sundae and Xiaoxi were so curious about Yuezi's strength, they hurriedly followed out to watch Xiaoyao and Yuezi's practice match, and only stayed Xiaotian enjoys lunch alone

On the other side, Xiaoyao and Yuezi released the Pokémon that they planned to participate in the battle, and started the practice game before the game.

Yuezi's Pokémon are Fire Elf and Keduola, and Xiaoyao thought about it again and again, and finally decided that the two Pokémon she will compete with are Graceful Cat and Nine-Tailed.

Xiaoyao's nine tails evolved from six tails using evolution stones. Of course, even those who use evolution stones will increase the level of Pokémon, so the current level of nine tails is very high, reaching level 44, and the strength is quite good.

As for the elegant cat, although the level is still very high, many of the skills of the outlaws have not been learned, and its strength is inferior to the nine tails, so Xiao Yao's idea should be that the elegant cat shows its own charm, and the nine tails fight.

After all, even if the elegant cat has not learned many powerful skills, but the skills of ordinary power, the elegant cat has learned a lot, showing its own beauty, the combination of those skills is easier

Although Xiaotian didn't watch the practice game this time, the result was exactly as Xiaotian said, Xiaoyao beat Yuezi, and the difference between the two sides can be seen from the Pokemon levels of both sides. Xiaoyao's Pokemon has reached 40. Multi-level, and Yuezi is only more than 30 levels, the strength is one level different

After the practice match, on their way back from the organizer, they met a very beautiful little girl on the way, and this little girl was shopping for food. The most important thing was that this little girl was Yuezi's daughter, Qianzi, A five or six year old

Qianzi is not only beautiful and cute, but also has a smart aura all over her body, which is very endearing. At least, the four of Xiaotian like Qianzi very much.

Everyone likes this smart Qianzi, but Xiaoyao, a naughty girl, can never imagine how much trouble she will bring to Xiaoyao in tomorrow's gorgeous competition.

After a night of silence, the next day, the gorgeous contest officially started

Before the game started, Yuezi knelt directly, there was no way, she was too nervous, her legs were weak

"Xiaoyao, teach me how to not be nervous, I'm too nervous." Seeing Xiaoyao, Yue Zi was excited and hurriedly held it, waiting for Shui Lingling's big eyes for help

"It's okay, it's just the competition, don't be nervous at all," Xiao Yao said carelessly, completely forgetting the tense legs she had just started participating in the competition.

"This is the second time I have participated in the competition, and there are so many people." Yuezi said with a little fear when she heard Xiaoyao's words, and even looked at the contestants, she was still a little scared, there were too many people

"Uh, you're only participating in the competition for the second time? You won the ribbon in the first competition." This time, it was Xiao Yao's turn to be surprised. I didn't expect Yuezi's ribbon to be the first to participate in the gorgeous competition and won the championship.

"The gorgeous contest in which I won the 917 ribbon is a very basic contest, and there are not so many people." Yue Zi was nervous and broke into a cold sweat

"Uh, don't be nervous, you can just treat those contestants as stones or obstacles on the side of the road." No way, Xiaoyao had to comfort Yuezi

The first round of competition begins, showing the gorgeousness of the Pokémon itself. This round of competition is mainly about combining skills or using them flexibly to make them more beautiful. Of course, if the Pokémon is beautiful, it will also add points.

For this kind of competition, Xiaoyao has no pressure at all. Usually Xiaoyao has nothing to do to study how to release her skills more beautifully. For this, Xiaoyao definitely has two strokes, not to mention, the elegant cat is still a very beautiful Pokémon, innate Add points

Until Yuezi came to the stage to show herself, something went wrong. There was no way that Yuezi was too nervous. In addition to the dark audience outside, under the watchful gaze of so many audiences, Yuezi was stiff all over. The head is full of cold sweat, let alone Xiaotian and others, even those viewers can see the nervousness of Yuezi

Finally, after the comfort of the host, and the support of the confinement daughter Qianzi, the confinement, who was so nervous until she was in a cold sweat, cheered up and began to show her gorgeousness.

Although the fire elf's fire skills symbolize destruction, but if used flexibly, it can also make the audience's eyes shine. Fireworks are definitely quite a beautiful idea.

434. The Longevity Gorgeous Contest is over

It was the first time to show her gorgeousness. In the end, only four people passed the test. Xiaoyao passed the test without any pressure, and Yuezi was lucky enough to pass the first round.

"How about it, I came up with the moves used by the fire elf." Seeing the results of the first round, Qianzi, who was sitting with Xiaotian and the others in the audience, raised his face and said proudly.

"Really? It's so bad."

"Qianzi is so smart" Hearing Qianzi's words, Sundae and Xiaoxi couldn't help but praise Qianli, and even Xiaotian couldn't help nodding, a five- or six-year-old kid can come up with such an idea, absolutely is a genius

It's just a pity, this little thousand son is only five or six years old, and it has been a long time since he got a Pokémon at the age of ten and set off on a trip.

After the first round of competition, the opponents of the second round were randomly matched. The final result was tragic, passerby A against passerby B, Xiaoyao against Yuezi

Xiaotian and the others in the audience couldn't help shaking their heads secretly when they saw such a result. Although Xiaoyao and Yuezi, no matter what, only one person could win the ribbon in the end, but if they compete with their good friends for the championship ribbon in the final battle , it will be a very good memory

But met in the first round, which is a bit imperfect

After a short rest, the second round of competition officially started, and the competition between Xiaoyao and Yuezi was the first one.

This battle, in Xiaotian's opinion, Xiaoyao is a sure win. Not only is the nine-tailed level higher than that of Kodola, but it is also a fire-type, which just restrains the steel-type Kodola.

However, at the beginning of the game, Xiaotian was greatly surprised. The main attack used by Ke Dora turned out to be the wave of water. Such a skill, as a steel-type Ke Dora, would use Xiao Tian and be surprised, but Ke Dora could use the skill machine. Learn the fluctuations of water, Xiaotian knows it

But Xiaotian was surprised by the way of water fluctuations used by Kodola of Yuezi. Although there are many normal ways to use water fluctuations, Xiaotian has never seen Kodola of Yuezi. this way

When the water wave used by Kodola of Yuezi, the ground will form a circle of energy circles like ripples, and the attack method of the water wave is like a fountain, attacking from the ground up.

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