Xiaotian has never seen such an attack method that releases the waves of water into a fountain.

However, it is this strange way that brings huge trouble to Xiaoyao. The fountain-like attack makes the nine tails on the ground not know when and where the opponent will attack. Especially, the wave of water is a water-based skill. Fire Nine-Tails deal double damage

If it wasn't for Jiuwei's speed and strength, Xiaoyao would have almost died.

"Let's be damned, this is the move I came up with—"Oh" When Yuezi used the wave of water to gain an advantage, Qianzi in the audience said triumphantly.

"You came up with it? How could it be possible?" Hearing Qianzi's words, Xiaotian and the three were completely stunned. Such a way of using skills is already considered to be an original special skill. How could it be a little bit of an idea?If this is true, then this thousand son is too talented.

"Of course, and it's not just the way I came up with the display. I also helped train my mother's Cordora, so I learned the fluctuation of water." Seeing the surprised appearance of Xiaotian and the three, Qianzi raised her face. arrogant

"Sister Qianzi, you, you are really amazing"

"Sister Qianzi, you are definitely a genius, and you are also a super genius" Sundae and Xiaoxi couldn't help but exclaim

"This little guy is really a super genius." Looking at the arrogant Qianzi, Xiaotian couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This little guy is so smart at a young age, and he will definitely be a monster-level existence in the future.

In the field, although Kodola's water fluctuations caused a lot of trouble for Xiaoyao's nine tails, but after all, nine tails' fire element restrained Kodora, and nine tails are stronger, so the final result, Xiaoyao Yao wins

"Xiaoyao, congratulations on entering the finals, you have to do your best." At the end of the game, Yuezi congratulated Xiaoyao

Yue Zi, who lost the game, didn't have much loss. As Yue Zi said, she fought with all her might, and it's good to have no regrets.

Xiaoyao is also very happy that "Thank you Sister Yuezi" can win

Afterwards, Xiaoyao and Yuezi came to the auditorium to watch the second round with Xiaotian and others.

As a result, the battle in the second round ended quickly, and it could even be said that it was completely unilaterally crushed. The Pokémon sent by Passerby B in the second round was 45 strong, but his opponent, Passerby A's Pokémon, was not. reached level 65

There is a difference of 20 levels, and the level is completely crushed

Seeing this result, Xiaotian looked at Xiaoyao with some sympathy. The quasi-celestial king of more than 60 levels is definitely the top existence in the coordinator. These top existences are scattered in the vast Fengyuan area and can be said to be very rare.

However, it is such a rare quasi-celestial king that Xiaoyao has met him. What a bad character you are, you are so reckless.

Not only Xiaotian, but the rest of the people are also ugly. The powerful existence of the quasi-king level, not only Xiaotian, but also the three daughters of Sundae can see the strong strength of Passerby Jia, Sundae and Xiaoxi are worried about Xiaoyao, and Xiaoyao The complexion is completely black, it can't be black anymore

Needless to say, the final result, Xiaoyao lost to the passer-by, and ultimately missed the silk belt championship.

"Xiaoyao's luck is so bad that she will meet a player of the quasi-king level" After the gorgeous competition ended, Sundae was indignant and held injustice for Xiaoyao

"Luck is not very good, but Xiaoyao, don't worry too much, your current strength is still improving rapidly, and when your Pokémon prompts you to reach level 50 or even level 60, it will be easy for you to get the ribbon. , and even compete for the final championship trophy in the gorgeous competition," Xiaotian said to Xiaoyao

Gorgeous competitions are not like alliance competitions, they are also divided into rankings. Gorgeous competitions only have champions and are the only winners, and everyone else is losers, without even a ranking.

".ˇWell, I understand, master." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoyao nodded solemnly, expressing understanding

Afterwards, Xiaotian and others said goodbye to Yuezi and Xiaoqianzi and continued on their way.

On the way, Xiaotian has been in a daze, and the three girls watching the sundae are very puzzled, what happened to Xiaotian?Always in a daze, and often drooling, what's the situation?

Of course, Xiaotian was in a daze because the three girls in the sundae thought that, in fact, Xiaotian often sank his consciousness into the system store in his mind, looking at the items on it, greedy.

Some items are too precious, Xiaotian salivates when he sees them, that is, they are too expensive, and Xiaotian is greedy

But what is very sad is that Xiaotian has not many points. Those precious items that are so precious to Xiaotiankou can't be replaced.

Since the last time I saw the level 101 fast dragon, Xiaotian found that there were suddenly a lot of precious goodies in the system store. Of course, those items can make Xiaotian envious, and the price is naturally expensive.

One of the things that makes Xiaotian the most envious is a thing called the origin of the world

"World Origin: Raise any Pokémon to level 5, and level 100 includes the following valid, price, and 500w points"

This baby will die naturally if used by a low-level Pokémon, but if used by a level 95 Pokémon, it is absolutely worth it

You must know how difficult it is to upgrade a Pokémon above level 95. Although 500w points are ridiculously expensive, it is equivalent to 1w points to upgrade to level 100, but it is definitely super worth it.

Xiaotian is very hot at things, but unfortunately, Xiaotian's points are too different, the feeling of looking at the baby but not getting it is absolutely fatal.

435. Xiaotian's decision

"Points, points, how do I get points?" Along the way, Xiaotian was a little stunned

The last time I encountered a meteorite, Xiaotian was lucky enough to get 100w points. Although it took 50w points to capture the giant carnivorous beast, with the rest from the past, Xiaotian's inventory also reached 100w points, which is a lot.

But compared to 500w points, it's still far behind. Of course, Xiaotian also knows that his Pokémon is still a while away from level 95, but the gap of 400w points really makes Xiaotian dizzy.

"The way to get points is to have tasks, defeat powerful opponents, and conquer high-quality Pokémon" Xiaotian bowed his head - after thinking about it, he was a little worried

Although there are tasks, the reward points are not many, and it is almost impossible to get a lot of points by relying on tasks.

Conquering high-qualified Pokémon will give you a lot of points. A Pokémon with God-given aptitude will be rewarded with 8 points, and the remaining Pokémon with king and emperor aptitude will be rewarded even more, but such Pokémon are not. They are all rare treasures, extremely rare and precious. How can Xiaotian find so many highly qualified Pokémon to conquer?

As for defeating powerful opponents, there are many strong people in this world, but with Xiaotian's strength, the points obtained by defeating the king level are pitiful, and at least they need to defeat the champion level powerhouse to get a lot of points, but this way The strong man is not easy to find.

For Xiaotian, defeating a powerful enemy is the best choice. It can not only improve the experience of Pokémon, but also earn points, but a quasi-championship-level powerhouse is definitely a big man no matter where he is.

Such a strong person is not a challenge just when you say challenge. Those quasi champions, whether they are from a dark organization or a big family, have a good face as a strong person. No one wants to lose, especially to Xiaotian. A 12-year-old child, that's too embarrassing. Although Xiaotian is indeed a monster-level trainer, what is Xiaotian's age?

Xiaotian also gritted his teeth and made up his mind to forcibly challenge those strong people, and would rather offend a large number of people to challenge, but after thinking about it, Xiaotian reluctantly gave up this idea

Even if Xiaotian would rather offend those former ones, he would still challenge them, but if they don't want to fight you, you have no choice. Those people from the big family will send out a king-level person to let you abuse them infinitely. They say this is the strongest in my family. Big man, what can you do?

Those quasi-championship-level powerhouses in the big family are the core combat power of each big family, and the hidden thieves are deep, and even if Xiaotian himself knows how many quasi-champions this family has, but people say that they are not at home when they go out, you can How to do?Looking all over the world?I'm so tired you can't find it

After thinking about it, in the end, Xiaotian thinks that the dark forces are more reliable, because there are many dark forces, all of them are very powerful, and many of the bosses in the organization are quasi-championship level.

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